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So you think that "sun energy" has creative power?Entropy does not disprove evolution because:
1) Evolution in it's advanced state is not a closed system in that the sun powers photosynthesis.

Why do you attempt to JUMP to "in its advanced state"? Did you think that we would not notice?
You are a poser.
Combating entropy requires an already existing mechanism to overcome entropy.2) Small pockets of increased order can exist in a universe that is breaking down overall.
Your theory claims that there is nothing BUT random chance as the creative force.Nothing can be created from processes that include chance elements is a conclusion in need of support. Just stating that means nothing.
It is an apt description of your theory.PS: the phrase goo to you is mildly clever when used once.
Your knowledge of science is non-existent.It is a scientific fact that continued use is childish and induces nausea.