• This is a new section being rolled out to attract people interested in exploring the origins of the universe and the earth from a biblical perspective. Debate is encouraged and opposing viewpoints are welcome to post but certain rules must be followed. 1. No abusive tagging - if abusive tags are found - they will be deleted and disabled by the Admin team 2. No calling the biblical accounts a fable - fairy tale ect. This is a Christian site, so members that participate here must be respectful in their disagreement.

Dinosaurs are fake and leads to atheism!

Right Divider

Body part
Entropy does not disprove evolution because:

1) Evolution in it's advanced state is not a closed system in that the sun powers photosynthesis.
So you think that "sun energy" has creative power? 🤪

Why do you attempt to JUMP to "in its advanced state"? Did you think that we would not notice?

You are a poser.
2) Small pockets of increased order can exist in a universe that is breaking down overall.
Combating entropy requires an already existing mechanism to overcome entropy.
Nothing can be created from processes that include chance elements is a conclusion in need of support. Just stating that means nothing.
Your theory claims that there is nothing BUT random chance as the creative force.
PS: the phrase goo to you is mildly clever when used once.
It is an apt description of your theory.
It is a scientific fact that continued use is childish and induces nausea.
Your knowledge of science is non-existent.


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
Entropy does not disprove evolution because:

1) Evolution in it's advanced state is not a closed system in that the sun powers photosynthesis.


2) Small pockets of increased order can exist in a universe that is breaking down overall.

Nothing can be created from processes that include chance elements is a conclusion in need of support. Just stating that means nothing.

PS: the phrase goo to you is mildly clever when used once. It is a scientific fact that continued use is childish and induces nausea.
Entropy disprove evolution because it proves that life could never have gotten started by undirected natural processes.


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
Nonsense. That's like saying gravity disproves volcano eruptions.
No, it isn't nonsense and there isn't anything contradictory about volcanic eruptions and gravity.

There is something directly contradictory about random processes producing meaningful information. It is literally something from nothing. Believing that entropy allows life to get started by undirected natural processes is exactly the same as believing in perpetual motion machines.


Right Divider

Body part
No, it isn't nonsense and there isn't anything contradictory about volcanic eruptions and gravity.

There is something directly contradictory about random processes producing meaningful information. It is literally something from nothing. Believing that entropy allows life to get started by undirected natural processes is exactly the same as believing in perpetual motion machines.

One thing that we know for sure: Information always comes from an intelligent source.


Well-known member
They do trigger epigenetic changes that create variety.

We see in the lab that single celled algae bind together in the face of a predator. They act in tandem to metabolize and reproduce. One conglomeration has continued for for years despite removal of the predator. It took single cell life 1.5 billion years to become multicellular life. Random forces had time to make that change.

Mutation was more important for change in form at earlier stages. Now epigenetic changes accelerate improvement in form.

The cell is an entropy reversal mechanism.
The idea that life evolved over hundreds of millions of years was developed in the minds of rubes who never seriously considered or accepted the fact of God and His creation of all life forms on earth.


Well-known member
The idea that life evolved over hundreds of millions of years was developed in the minds of rubes who never seriously considered or accepted the fact of God and His creation of all life forms on earth.
According to you rubes can develop a complicated elegant explanatory system that yields tangible medical benefits, while geniuses hold onto beliefs that have no explanatory power or practical application. You are backwards and upside down.


Well-known member
So you think that "sun energy" has creative power? 🤪

Why do you attempt to JUMP to "in its advanced state"? Did you think that we would not notice?
I think evolution going forward is in no way challenged by general principle of entropy. I comprehend that fully and have high confidence. Abiogenesis, even for a single celled life form does not sit as well for me. It would be easier if we saw protocells generate before our eyes, but the bottom line is the environment on earth is drastically different and we have to extrapolate and discover what conditions must be in place for protocells to be prevalent.
You are a poser.

You are authentic .... an authentic dolt.
Combating entropy requires an already existing mechanism to overcome entropy.

Massive extinction of protocells balances a small number who successfully reproduced.
Your theory claims that there is nothing BUT random chance as the creative force.
My theory involves a nonrandom system of natural selection.
Your knowledge of science is non-existent.
Despite my PhD and published research.

Eric h

Well-known member
Abiogenesis, even for a single celled life form does not sit as well for me.

Going forwards from single cell life; bones, tendons ligaments and muscles have to evolve gradually over many generations. But how?

If a ligament is not connected to a bone at both ends, it is useless; so how would it be carried forwards by natural selection?
If a muscle is not connected both ends it is useless, so how would it be carried forwards by natural selection?
If a muscle was connected at both ends it would only work once, unless there was an opposing muscle to return.

How can you have partially formed muscles ligaments, tendons and bones? if they do not perform a function how can natural selection work?

How could any muscle, ligament, tendon or bone evolve on their own without God to guide the process. That is even if it happened as evolutionists claim.


Well-known member

Going forwards from single cell life; bones, tendons ligaments and muscles have to evolve gradually over many generations. But how?
Sure, it is complicated and convoluted to figure out how coordination of structures could occur. But, in my estimation, it is not as problematic as the spontaneous generation of cell precursors.

Similar questions to yours from the opposite angle present a quandary over why a designer would create inefficient and cumbersome systems when obviously more efficient designs seemingly exist.

Why is a rabbit's digestive system so unseemly?* Why is the organ of sight encumbered by a backwards design?* These things seem the result of a bottom-up process rather than a top down one.

* using some short hand here. If anyone wants some fleshing out details I can do so.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
According to you rubes can develop a complicated elegant explanatory system that yields tangible medical benefits, while geniuses hold onto beliefs that have no explanatory power or practical application. You are backwards and upside down.
Granting the chemistry and biology that contributes to medicines like the covid 'state of the art' vaccines which have contributed to the saving of a huge number of lives over the past two years, I take issue with evolution being "elegant" because it requires improbabilities compounded, such that I find it to be less likely than actual fairy tales being true.

There's no necessary conflict between believing in a six day creation and that 'dinosaurs' never lived and modern science. How many rings do you think the tree of the knowledge of good and evil had, by the way? Coz I'm willing to bet Adam and Eve had 'belly buttons' too.