Die To The Old Testament Law



Today is Chamishi, 11-2.

I do not know what you are talking about or where you are coming up with something like this, but you are wrong to do so. You should probably make an apology to Squeaky and Right Divider, but you were drumming up support against them with me so making them a pair and doing so at my expense is also a sin.



I said
lol He is doing the same thing you do. Neither one of you know the Holy Spirit so you just make up things that your unclean spirits give you.


I said
lol He is doing the same thing you do. Neither one of you know the Holy Spirit so you just make up things that your unclean spirits give you.

Listen, Squeaky. You do not understand that he chose me as the victim of his thoughts, trying to turn me against you and Right Divider for a reason that I do not even understand. It is my responsibility to address his error, since his post was to me, and I have done so. Since his post included you in a negative light it is no wonder that you have revolted against it. But you have a right to defend yourself against attacks like this. Hopefully he takes no pleasure in seeing your response.




Listen, Squeaky. You do not understand that he chose me as the victim of his thoughts, trying to turn me against you and Right Divider for a reason that I do not even understand. It is my responsibility to address his error, since his post was to me, and I have done so. Since his post included you in a negative light it is no wonder that you have revolted against it. But you have a right to defend yourself against attacks like this. Hopefully he takes no pleasure in seeing your response.



I said
You disappoint me I thought maybe you finally had a friend.


I said
ROFLOL Is that an attempt to insult someone??
Even though Jacob and I have totally different beliefs, we are able to carry on a civil conversation without arguing. You, RD and others here will never be able to say that. I only subscribed here to share my beliefs, not force anyone to accept them. You collectively, don't have the ability to do that. You collectively, act like a lion going after prey. You collectively, don't stop your attacks until we have given up. You collectively, hate others who don't agree with your beliefs. You collectively, don't know how to show compassion to others. I use collectively here because all of you act as though you're some kind of gang. You collectively, cannot accept that a particular belief makes sense, because it's your way or no way. Life on TOL doesn't revolve around you. You have no control over the rest of us!

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Even though Jacob and I have totally different beliefs, we are able to carry on a civil conversation without arguing. You, RD and others here will never be able to say that. I only subscribed here to share my beliefs, not force anyone to accept them. You collectively, don't have the ability to do that. You collectively, act like a lion going after prey. You collectively, don't stop your attacks until we have given up. You collectively, hate others who don't agree with your beliefs. You collectively, don't know how to show compassion to others. I use collectively here because all of you act as though you're some kind of gang. You collectively, cannot accept that a particular belief makes sense, because it's your way or no way. Life on TOL doesn't revolve around you. You have no control over the rest of us!

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I said
lol Now go back and read what you wrote. You don't have to be on my thread. I am bound to answer all replies because I started the thread.


I said
lol Now go back and read what you wrote. You don't have to be on my thread. I am bound to answer all replies because I started the thread.
So you admit what I posted, IS true. Only those who agree with you need reply to your posts.

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So you admit what I posted, IS true. Only those who agree with you need reply to your posts.

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I said
lol No its a gross exaggeration full of lies. I don't force anyone to even read my threads. So I cant force my belief on them. I offer it. If they don't like it they can go some where else


I said
lol Now go back and read what you wrote. You don't have to be on my thread. I am bound to answer all replies because I started the thread.
You should be bound by your Christian beliefs not to attack others for theirs. I see how well that has worked out.

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You should be bound by your Christian beliefs not to attack others for theirs. I see how well that has worked out.

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I said
I think your missing the point. You can only attack someone on another thread. If someone is on their own thread they are only defending what they started

[1Pe 3:15
15 But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts, and always [be] ready to [give] a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you, with meekness and fear;
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Jews are going to have to die to the old testament law. If they ever hope to become a true Christian.

5 For when we were in the flesh, the sinful passions which were aroused by the law were at work in our members to bear fruit to death.
6 But now we have been delivered from the law, having died to what we were held by, so that we should serve in the newness of the Spirit and not in the oldness of the letter.


Jews are going to have to die to the old testament law. If they ever hope to become a true Christian.

5 For when we were in the flesh, the sinful passions which were aroused by the law were at work in our members to bear fruit to death.
6 But now we have been delivered from the law, having died to what we were held by, so that we should serve in the newness of the Spirit and not in the oldness of the letter.


Today is Sheni, 11-6.


There is no reason for a Jew to not remain a Jew. If a person is born a Jew, or a secular Jew, or a practicing Jew, or a convert who is a Jew by observance, etc... is a Jew always a Jew? Is it possible to no longer be a Jew any more? Thus a Jew can become a Christian and remain a Jew, or believe Yeshua to be the Messiah.

Yeshua, Jesus, is the Jewish Messiah, God's Messiah.

Die to sin, not the law.





Today is Sheni, 11-6.


There is no reason for a Jew to not remain a Jew. If a person is born a Jew, or a secular Jew, or a practicing Jew, or a convert who is a Jew by observance, etc... is a Jew always a Jew? Is it possible to no longer be a Jew any more? Thus a Jew can become a Christian and remain a Jew, or believe Yeshua to be the Messiah.

Yeshua, Jesus, is the Jewish Messiah, God's Messiah.

Die to sin, not the law.



I said
Has anyone ever explained to you that Jew is a religion not a nationality. The nationality was Hebrew.