Did Ron Wyatt really find the Ark of the Covenant?


New member
The Shiloh pool (Pool of Siloam) is not a tunnel! Here is a map of the tunnel where you claim a mountain was but history proves it wasn't:


Sorry, but your posts are totally incomprehensible; you are mixing "tunnels" with "Zion", and other confusing mismatches and totally misquoting my posts. :dizzy:
Your guru Derek Walker has really put you through the mixer. How much money have you sent him?
BTW, You keep mentioning "Cornuke", "Cornuke", "Cornuke" :confused:
Dr. Ernest L. Martin did the essential work on the "Temples that Jerusalem Forgot" concerning the correct location of the Temples. I suggest you read it instead of sending money to Derek Walker (aka: Charlatan).

PS: Your "map" (as is your other info) is way outdated. The Pool of Siloam wasn't correctly identified until 2004.
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Well-known member
There is film of him stating he had official permission but what would convince you that he actually dug there?

A: A piece of paper saying he had permission.

B: Film of him stating he had permission.

C: Film of him actually digging there.

Think carefully, which one would prove he actually dug there?

If you think the permission is more important than the fact he can be seen digging there then you are missing the point. The point is he was there digging. This alone should tell you that he had permission. Do you really think he could get away with excavation in the Garden tomb area and no one would stop him or even question him? I can't believe anyone could be so naive to think such a thing. I have been there myself. you couldn't do anything destructive there without someone stopping you, not unless no one saw you but then there are people there all the time. Did you actually watch the films??

The man was, shall we say, unreliable. If he dug, it was without permission. Here are some relevant quotations:
The Garden Tomb Association of Jerusalem state in a letter they issue to visitors on

The Council of the Garden Tomb Association (London) totally refute the claim of Mr
Wyatt to have discovered the original Ark of the Covenant or any other biblical artefacts
within the boundaries of the area known as the Garden Tomb Jerusalem. Though Mr
Wyatt was allowed to dig within this privately owned garden on a number of occasions
(the last occasion being the summer of 1991) staff members of the Association
observed his progress and entered his excavated shaft. As far as we are aware nothing
was ever discovered to support his claims nor have we seen any evidence of biblical
artefacts or temple treasures.
Archaeologist Joe Zias, Curator of Anthropology/Archaeology at the Israel Antiquities
Authority has stated that,

Ron Wyatt is neither an archaeologist nor has he ever carried out a legally licensed
excavation in Israel or Jerusalem. In order to excavate one must have at least a BA in
archaeology which he does not possess despite his claims to the contrary. ... [His
claims] fall into the category of trash which one finds in tabloids such as the National
Enquirer, Sun etc. It's amazing that anyone would believe them. Furthermore, he has
been thoroughly discredited by various Christian organisations such as Creation
Research in Calif. For the latest on his "discoveries" I suggest going into the WWW
(use Vista) someone called Tentmaker decided to do an expose of his various claims.
Here you will find the truth, which is more amazing that his (RW) fictions.20

Amateurs are not allowed to excavate in Israel. If they do so- they do so illegally. Ans yes- that happens.


Well-known member
The man was, shall we say, unreliable. If he dug, it was without permission. Here are some relevant quotations:
The Garden Tomb Association of Jerusalem state in a letter they issue to visitors on

The Council of the Garden Tomb Association (London) totally refute the claim of Mr
Wyatt to have discovered the original Ark of the Covenant or any other biblical artefacts
within the boundaries of the area known as the Garden Tomb Jerusalem. Though Mr
Wyatt was allowed to dig within this privately owned garden on a number of occasions
(the last occasion being the summer of 1991) staff members of the Association
observed his progress and entered his excavated shaft. As far as we are aware nothing
was ever discovered to support his claims nor have we seen any evidence of biblical
artefacts or temple treasures.
Archaeologist Joe Zias, Curator of Anthropology/Archaeology at the Israel Antiquities
Authority has stated that,

Ron Wyatt is neither an archaeologist nor has he ever carried out a legally licensed
excavation in Israel or Jerusalem. In order to excavate one must have at least a BA in
archaeology which he does not possess despite his claims to the contrary. ... [His
claims] fall into the category of trash which one finds in tabloids such as the National
Enquirer, Sun etc. It's amazing that anyone would believe them. Furthermore, he has
been thoroughly discredited by various Christian organisations such as Creation
Research in Calif. For the latest on his "discoveries" I suggest going into the WWW
(use Vista) someone called Tentmaker decided to do an expose of his various claims.
Here you will find the truth, which is more amazing that his (RW) fictions.20

Amateurs are not allowed to excavate in Israel. If they do so- they do so illegally. Ans yes- that happens.

I notice you evaded the pertinent questions so I will ask you again:

In the video is Ron Wyatt seen working at an excavation in the Garden Tomb area: Yes or No?

If yes do you think he had permission to dig there: Yes or No?

If no why wasn't he stopped?

If yes why are they now lying about it?

Perhaps if you watch this you will understand why:



Well-known member
Sorry, but your posts are totally incomprehensible; you are mixing "tunnels" with "Zion", and other confusing mismatches and totally misquoting my posts. :dizzy:
Your guru Derek Walker has really put you through the mixer. How much money have you sent him?
BTW, You keep mentioning "Cornuke", "Cornuke", "Cornuke" :confused:
Dr. Ernest L. Martin did the essential work on the "Temples that Jerusalem Forgot" concerning the correct location of the Temples. I suggest you read it instead of sending money to Derek Walker (aka: Charlatan).

PS: Your "map" (as is your other info) is way outdated. The Pool of Siloam wasn't correctly identified until 2004.

Zion was the hill where Jebus was located and which David conquered and where he built His Palace. Zachariah Tunnel was dug beneath this hill from the Gihon spring to the pool of Siloam as show on the map. At the time it was built the builders left that inscription stating the tunnel was 42 meter below the surface of Mount Zion. Today it has hardly changed, being now 39 meters.

Your claim that there was a much taller mountain at this location which was destroyed in 70 AD by the Romans has no basis in history or fact. It is all in your imagination. The fact you can't support you argument neither here nor on your own thread (where it be longs - for which I have reported you for now) but instead you try to make more wild and false accusations against me just shows even more your loose grip on reality. Please stop showing yourself up for your own sake.

Dr. Ernest L. Martin made an honest mistake, Cornuke is dishonestly or ignorantly making money out of it. Dr Derek Walker is trying to set that mistake right. You are arguing for the side of the mistaken and ignorant.


New member
Dr. Ernest L. Martin made an honest mistake, Cornuke is dishonestly or ignorantly making money out of it. Dr Derek Walker is trying to set that mistake right. You are arguing for the side of the mistaken and ignorant.

The Imminent Invasion of Israel by Derek Walker
A Panorama of Prophecy by Derek Walker
These explain Walkers motive for discrediting recent archeological discoveries.
Walker is simply trying to protect his income from his books and keep receiving "donations".
Unfortunately, Walker depended upon old orthodoxy and outdated archeology for his books,
rather than doing the hard work personal research and incorporating recent archeological findings.

PS: The Mountains of Moriah consist of a cluster of hills. The Jebusite town was actually built between two mounts, one on the north and one on the south. However, the Jebusite wall enclosed only the southern mount, and that is where David built his Citadel. This southern mount was completely removed by the Greeks (Selucids) 2 centuries BC. The dirt was moved westward to fill-in the Valley of the Cheesemongers to expand Jerusalem westward. This is HISTORICAL information from the Maccabees.


Well-known member
I notice you evaded the pertinent questions so I will ask you again:

In the video is Ron Wyatt seen working at an excavation in the Garden Tomb area: Yes or No?
He is certainly digging somewhere. I cannot judge from the video where.
If yes do you think he had permission to dig there: Yes or No?
If no why wasn't he stopped?
Because the IAA doesn't have the resources to stop every illegal excavation.
If yes why are they now lying about it?
Since they didn't give permission,
they aren't lying.


Well-known member
The Imminent Invasion of Israel by Derek Walker
A Panorama of Prophecy by Derek Walker
These explain Walkers motive for discrediting recent archeological discoveries.
Walker is simply trying to protect his income from his books and keep receiving "donations".
Unfortunately, Walker depended upon old orthodoxy and outdated archeology for his books,
rather than doing the hard work personal research and incorporating recent archeological findings.
I defeated this nonsense on your thread here which you failed to respond to: http://theologyonline.com/showthrea...ity-of-David&p=5163704&viewfull=1#post5163704

And I notice you failed to respond again to my other points.
PS: The Mountains of Moriah consist of a cluster of hills. The Jebusite town was actually built between two mounts, one on the north and one on the south. However, the Jebusite wall enclosed only the southern mount, and that is where David built his Citadel. This southern mount was completely removed by the Greeks (Selucids) 2 centuries BC. The dirt was moved westward to fill-in the Valley of the Cheesemongers to expand Jerusalem westward. This is HISTORICAL information from the Maccabees.

I know what 2 Samuel 5 says thank you.

However, please provide these verse in Maccabees?

The Hezekiah tunnel inscription was made 300 years before your 'zion mountain' claim and therefore it would have meant dismantling Zerubbabel's temple, creating a 'mountain' and then re-assembling Zerubbabel's temple on this supposed 'mountain'. Only for it all to be removed by the Greeks and then Zerubbabel's temple re-assembled a second time??


Well-known member
He is certainly digging somewhere. I cannot judge from the video where.

Ahhr this is where you are going wrong then but to be fair it is not the best footage of the dig, although to anyone who knows the Garden Tomb site well it is clear that it is indeed the Garden Tomb site. However, there is better footage which his wife Nell also took, where she did a small tour of the site which i will also try to find. I have watched dozens of films taken in the Garden Tomb area and have even been there myself, so I know it very well.

In this film it also explains why they are lying and what the site looked like in 2015:

And this is what it looked like in 2004: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vty8AJYbvoY

And what it looked like in 2008: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=glZ18oixrwE&index=3&list=PLD4E33DA027C20CD1

And as I showed you here from one of Ron's digs in 1989, at 3:15 mins you can clearly see the top of the arched niches that can be seen in all these videos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PkXwNHOhuVg

They know it's there: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yj3ajUZ7-Hc
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New member
The Hezekiah tunnel inscription was made 300 years before your 'zion mountain' claim and therefore it would have meant dismantling Zerubbabel's temple, creating a 'mountain' and then re-assembling Zerubbabel's temple on this supposed 'mountain'. Only for it all to be removed by the Greeks and then Zerubbabel's temple re-assembled a second time??
Gibberish. :kookoo:
Obviously you only know what your guru Derek Walker has told you.
You obviously haven't seen a map or drawing of the Jebusite "City of David".

PS: The Garden Tomb has recently been dated to the 1st Temple period by Israeli Antiquities. :duh:

PPS: The Pool of Siloam wasn't discovered until 2004 (Israeli archeology)


Well-known member
Ahhr this is where you are going wrong then but to be fair it is not the best footage of the dig, although to anyone who knows the Garden Tomb site well it is clear that it is indeed the Garden Tomb site....

Do you know the site well? Have you visited there?

Take a look at these quotes:

The Garden Tomb Association of Jerusalem state in a letter they issue to visitors on
The Council of the Garden Tomb Association (London) totally refute the claim of Mr
Wyatt to have discovered the original Ark of the Covenant or any other biblical artefacts
within the boundaries of the area known as the Garden Tomb Jerusalem. Though Mr
Wyatt was allowed to dig within this privately owned garden on a number of occasions
(the last occasion being the summer of 1991) staff members of the Association
observed his progress and entered his excavated shaft. As far as we are aware nothing
was ever discovered to support his claims nor have we seen any evidence of biblical
artefacts or temple treasures.
Archaeologist Joe Zias, Curator of Anthropology/Archaeology at the Israel Antiquities
Authority has stated that,
Ron Wyatt is neither an archaeologist nor has he ever carried out a legally licensed
excavation in Israel or Jerusalem. In order to excavate one must have at least a BA in
archaeology which he does not possess despite his claims to the contrary. ... [His
claims] fall into the category of trash which one finds in tabloids such as the National
Enquirer, Sun etc. It's amazing that anyone would believe them. Furthermore, he has
been thoroughly discredited by various Christian organisations such as Creation
Research in Calif. For the latest on his "discoveries" I suggest going into the WWW
(use Vista) someone called Tentmaker decided to do an expose of his various claims.
Here you will find the truth, which is more amazing that his (RW) fictions.20​

Both the people who own the Garden Tomb and the IAA say Ron Wyatt is lying. There is no evidence at all for what he claims- besides his claim. So why do you believe him?


Well-known member
Gibberish. :kookoo:
Obviously you only know what your guru Derek Walker has told you.
You obviously haven't seen a map or drawing of the Jebusite "City of David".

PS: The Garden Tomb has recently been dated to the 1st Temple period by Israeli Antiquities. :duh:

PPS: The Pool of Siloam wasn't discovered until 2004 (Israeli archeology)

By ignoring everything I am saying and not engaging in the debate shows you are not interested in finding the truth. You are no more than a troll. :troll:


Well-known member
Yeah, he's a straight up and down liar.

That's not the question. This video below shows absolute proof Ron Wyatt excavated in the Garden Tomb site, therefore the IAA are lying when they say he did not have permission to dig there (or anywhere) because not only did he dig there but the Garden Tomb Association says he did have permission but just that he didn't find anything:

Ron Wyatt Digging in the Garden Tomb Site:

Garden Tomb Association Statement:
"The Cave which had been the subject of excavations by Mr. Ron Wyatt from the USA had to be filled in, done for aesthetic reasons and safety. The area had become an eyesore. Although Ron Wyatt died in 1999, he had claimed to have discovered the long-missing «Ark of the Covenant» in 1982 in the vicinity of the Skull Face at Golgotha. Though none of his claims could be confirmed before his death, his activities were being continued enthusiastically by his followers, many faithful Christians, to the detriment of the witness of the Garden.”

Israeli Antiquities Authority statement:


Well-known member
Do you know the site well? Have you visited there?
I just said I did, aren't you reading anything i'm telling you or don't you believe me? 280,000 people visit every year. it's not unusual
Take a look at these quotes:

The Garden Tomb Association of Jerusalem state in a letter they issue to visitors on
The Council of the Garden Tomb Association (London) totally refute the claim of Mr
Wyatt to have discovered the original Ark of the Covenant or any other biblical artefacts
within the boundaries of the area known as the Garden Tomb Jerusalem. Though Mr
Wyatt was allowed to dig within this privately owned garden on a number of occasions
(the last occasion being the summer of 1991) staff members of the Association
observed his progress and entered his excavated shaft. As far as we are aware nothing
was ever discovered to support his claims nor have we seen any evidence of biblical
artefacts or temple treasures.
Archaeologist Joe Zias, Curator of Anthropology/Archaeology at the Israel Antiquities
Authority has stated that,
Ron Wyatt is neither an archaeologist nor has he ever carried out a legally licensed
excavation in Israel or Jerusalem. In order to excavate one must have at least a BA in
archaeology which he does not possess despite his claims to the contrary. ... [His
claims] fall into the category of trash which one finds in tabloids such as the National
Enquirer, Sun etc. It's amazing that anyone would believe them. Furthermore, he has
been thoroughly discredited by various Christian organisations such as Creation
Research in Calif. For the latest on his "discoveries" I suggest going into the WWW
(use Vista) someone called Tentmaker decided to do an expose of his various claims.
Here you will find the truth, which is more amazing that his (RW) fictions.20​
And the IAA are contradicting the GTA by saying Ron Wyatt never had any permissions:

Israeli Antiquities Authority statement:

Both the people who own the Garden Tomb and the IAA say Ron Wyatt is lying. There is no evidence at all for what he claims- besides his claim. So why do you believe him?

Seeing as you now have the full facts, assuming you actually took the time to watch the video, either the IAA are lying or the GTA are, so which one do you beleive??

And as if that's not enough here is that other video I mention of Nell Wyatt filming them digging at the site and walking around the Garden Tomb area and showing the actual skull hill in the same take, from 3mins to 18 mins:


Or perhaps you are just trolling and will ignore all this evidence and make another obtuse comment?


Well-known member
Do you know the site well? Have you visited there?

Take a look at these quotes:

The Garden Tomb Association of Jerusalem state in a letter they issue to visitors on
The Council of the Garden Tomb Association (London) totally refute the claim of Mr
Wyatt to have discovered the original Ark of the Covenant or any other biblical artefacts
within the boundaries of the area known as the Garden Tomb Jerusalem. Though Mr
Wyatt was allowed to dig within this privately owned garden on a number of occasions
(the last occasion being the summer of 1991) staff members of the Association
observed his progress and entered his excavated shaft. As far as we are aware nothing
was ever discovered to support his claims nor have we seen any evidence of biblical
artefacts or temple treasures.
Archaeologist Joe Zias, Curator of Anthropology/Archaeology at the Israel Antiquities
Authority has stated that,
Ron Wyatt is neither an archaeologist nor has he ever carried out a legally licensed
excavation in Israel or Jerusalem. In order to excavate one must have at least a BA in
archaeology which he does not possess despite his claims to the contrary. ... [His
claims] fall into the category of trash which one finds in tabloids such as the National
Enquirer, Sun etc. It's amazing that anyone would believe them. Furthermore, he has
been thoroughly discredited by various Christian organisations such as Creation
Research in Calif. For the latest on his "discoveries" I suggest going into the WWW
(use Vista) someone called Tentmaker decided to do an expose of his various claims.
Here you will find the truth, which is more amazing that his (RW) fictions.20​

Both the people who own the Garden Tomb and the IAA say Ron Wyatt is lying. There is no evidence at all for what he claims- besides his claim. So why do you believe him?

You never responded. Did you watch the video evidence?:



Well-known member
Gibberish. :kookoo:
Obviously you only know what your guru Derek Walker has told you.
You obviously haven't seen a map or drawing of the Jebusite "City of David".

PS: The Garden Tomb has recently been dated to the 1st Temple period by Israeli Antiquities. :duh:

PPS: The Pool of Siloam wasn't discovered until 2004 (Israeli archeology)

You never responded. Did you watch the video evidence?:



Well-known member
The ark part, I am skeptical.

[FONT=&]Many people have asked for proof of Ron's finding the ark. Ron says we should wait until the Lord wants it revealed. He had taken hundreds of photos using 35mm, Polaroid, and video but they are were blurred because God did not want Ron to be showing this evidence at that time. Ron knew then that he was to wait until the Lord's time. Subsequently he was able to get clear photos of the ark, but he did not make them public. [/FONT]


The blurred photos are terrible and could be anything.

He said he has clear photos, but has not shown them.
Something fishy here.

You never responded. Did you watch the video evidence?:
