Who else saw Cruz's daughter shove away when he tried to hug her....man he gave her that cat stare
Trump supporters are not even a majority among republicans.
He'll win the republican nomination and then the presidencyI don't think he can as an Independent....and if he could how would he govern? by executive order?
I still like his ideas....but he has to knock off the violent rhetoric....time to start acting presidential.
I'm practically rolling on the floor in laughter at the thought of lemming Trump supporters like Patrick jane, ok doser, User Name and Crucible rioting. (Please come and attempt to destroy my private property).
Wrong. As usual. He is winning because all the bad mouthing and incumbent political opponents adds mean nothing. He has the support of the middle 20%, including the politically confused "Reagan Democrats" and most of the Christian right.
Like many, you're confusing "capitalism" with free enterprise.
If the "Christian right" is supporting Donald Trump, they better pick up their Bible and see what it has to say about wolves in sheep's clothing.
If the "Christian right" is supporting Donald Trump, they better pick up their Bible and see what it has to say about wolves in sheep's clothing.
Acw, you latched onto a loser -If the "Christian right" is supporting Donald Trump, they better pick up their Bible and see what it has to say about wolves in sheep's clothing.
What does HE know that we don't?
And if Trump is the nominee? Hillary? pick your poison...Trump is boy scout compared to the detestable felon Hillary. If Cruz cannot get it done a choice will have to be made aCW, I'll take the unknown (Trump) in that case, I know what Hillary is about.
I'll do the same thing. I'll never vote for Clinton in any circumstances.
He'll win the republican nomination and then the presidency
Free Enterprise is Capitalism...it is one of capitalism's synonyms, the two are one in the same.
an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state.
synonyms: free enterprise, private enterprise, the free market; enterprise culture
"the capitalism of emerging nations"
What I think you mean to say is that there is a difference between true capitalism as embraced by this nation's founders & the constitution, and Crony Capitalism which is practiced by the ruling class left, right, and yes, Donald Trump, along with a whole conga line of very rich people that bankroll all these phony politicians running this rigged game.
the big sissy plays internet tough guy:
maybe we should burn your house down and smash up your car?
ironically, most people don't care what people do in their bedrooms
if homos were willing to keep their disgusting perversions in their bedrooms, nobody would care
but no, they want to flaunt their perversions in public and in the classroom and demand societal acceptance
Don't start planning the inaugural ball just yet, he may very well fall short of the 1237 delegates needed which makes it a contested convention, and I can assure you Trump will lose in this scenario. The rules say the nominee MUST acquire the minimum of 1237 bound delegates to win on the first ballot, after that delegates begin to be unbound to that candidate, and if you think the establishment is not scheming to railroad this election, you would be dead wrong, why do you think they have their spoiler Kasich still in this race as a stalking horse, with no path to the nomination but, to steal delegates from the legitimate candidates. It is angering but, this has happened before, in fact Lincoln was made the nominee under these rules as well and he came into the convention with less delegates and was elected on the third ballot from behind...it can happen. Do I think this scenario would hand Hillary the win? I believe that it is quite plausible if the RINO's deny the people of their choice that they may pay the price now & in the future.
Fancy quoting Lincoln's example....er wasn't there a civil war abouts then~?