I never claimed any such thing. Try again.
How handy 1+1 doesn't equal 2. What you posted NECESSITATES you not allowing scripture to be taken as a whole on any given topic.
You said that Jesus never taught sola scriptura (I suspect you probably are straw-manning the position in your mind), and scripture clearly contains the teaching of sola scriptura (what we actually believe, not what you SAY we believe).
2Tim 3:16-17 is the positive side of SS, and 1Cor 1:20 and other like texts are the negative side.
They add up to sola scriptura. Simply because something isn't expressed in a single arbitrary verse or in the verbatim recorded words of Jesus doesn't mean that the bible doesn't teach any given thing.
Which councils in particular?
Minimally? lets say, first council of nicea.
Than I'm just going to assume that you didn't understand what I meant.
No it wouldn't. This is merely a false assumption on your part, as I illustrated in Post #421 above. You seem to be having a difficult time comprehending precisely what biblical inspiration actually entails.
Yes, it would.
2 Peter 1:21
For no prophecy was ever produced by the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit.
It was not MERELY nor Only their imaginings. It was the inspiration of the holy spirit. The things the apostles and others wrote down, because they wanted to, were exactly what the HS intended.
The apostles weren't mindless copy machines. Their will and choices in writing the biblical texts were exactly what God wanted.