New member
Unfortunately for your assumptions, this is not the only biblical text that discusses the subject of salvific assurance. Others are discussed in the sources cited in Post #398 above.The Lord's Jesus' words here mean just what they say. Those to whom He gives eternal life SHALL NEVER PERISH:
Please tell me Rome's preferred interpretation of these verses, especially John 10:28.
The protection that Jesus provides for his sheep is equivalent to the Father's divine protection (Jn. 10:29). This means, from the perspective of the Old Testament, that Christ wields the sovereign power of Yahweh to shield the righteous from the threats of their enemies (Deut. 32:39; Is. 43:13).
I contend that average individuals can understand the word of God and in most cases even better that the Church at Rome.
Answered---and corrected---here and here.
Gaudium de veritate,