Pot, meet Kettle.
RCC speak for "I don't know."
Again, Catholics are the original Christians, and were such for the first millennium-and-a-half of Church history. Your man-made non-Catholic sect didn't even exist until a mere man founded it only during the past few centuries.
Not what Acts 11:26 says.
Now go ahead and cite the chapter-and-verse which states that "only words that appear explicitly in the Bible may be used by Christians to describe their beliefs and doctrines."
Which is a good example of why the RCC is so far out in left field. They think they can do anything they or I should say the so-called Holy See, says.
Post your proof for this bare assertion.
in AD 325, Constantine called the Council of Nicea in an attempt to unify Christianity. Constantine envisioned Christianity as a religion that could unite the Roman Empire, which at that time was beginning to fragment and divide. While this may have seemed to be a positive development for the Christian church, the results were anything but positive. Just as Constantine refused to fully embrace the Christian faith, but continued many of his pagan beliefs and practices, so the Christian church that Constantine promoted was a mixture of true Christianity and Roman paganism.
Read more: http://www.gotquestions.org/origin-Catholic-church.html#ixzz3azemDZkP
...which you inevitably interpret according to the entire non-authoritative opinions of your preferred recently-invented, man-made non-Catholic sect(s).
The Holy Spirit, who is the ONLY authority, tells us what God's Word means if we need Him to, otherwise it is common sense. There is NO hierarchy in who understand the Bible, only that they KNOW God and follow the leading of the Holy Spirit. This of course foreign to the RCC but FACT none the less.
Once again, you merely place your vast ignorance of the Catholic faith on public display. Try again.
Have you?
You own posted statements on this thread directly contradict you, which reveal that you in fact know next to nothing about what Catholics actually believe and teach. Your self-delusion is unmistakable.
all the ad hominem and not ONE shred of fact. You do like to bloviate for sure.
Thank you for nicely proving my point made just above.
and yet you can't actually point it out? LOL...you are quite farcical.
Once again, you are directly contradicted by the actual biblical teaching on Christ's one historic Church. Try again.
As I have already addressed this specific link with it's errors, continually linking to it is just vane repetition, which you are infamous for. The link carries NO weight here or anywhere outside of the RCC.
Now Google "False Dilemma Fallacy," since that is the logical error you're engaged in here. Also, see this and this.
As you have no idea what they actually mean, there is no sense addressing them, as there is no application here.
Regardless of what RCC links you post, the RCC uses priests to mediate between God and man in their so-called confessionals. The Bible clearly teaches we only have ONE mediator and only one spiritual father. That the RCC teaches both, against actual scriptures and Jesus' own words, is very clear.
Pot, meet Kettle.
Again, RCC speak for "I don't know". :loser: