No, merely pointing out that your argument can just as easily be applied to yourself, which weakens it considerably. Also, I have in fact supported all of my doctrine; your glib dismissal of that information in no way changes that fact.
If you understood anything about debating you would know using this tactic is child like and carries NO weight whatsoever. You have NOT supported anything, you just post links from other RCC sites that do the same thing, make ASSERTIONS. No facts at all.
Good, then the thread does indeed belong in the ECT category.
You seem to also have a problem with basic English comprehension? RCC doctrine is NOT ECT.
Neither does "agrees-with-StanJ." In fact, "Catholic Church" means "original, historical Christianity," since there was no such thing as a "Protestant" for the first fifteen centuries of the Christian faith. This is a demonstrable fact of history.
Now you're getting incoherent. The Catholic Church has never meant Christian, Christian does. Catholic is NOT in the scriptures, Christian is. Roman Catholicism is a man-made construct of Judeo influenced Christians from the early 2nd century. Today Catholic and Roman Catholic are synonymous with one another. As an adjective, catholic is all encompassing, universal and all embracing, as a noun, it is none of these.
...which you have derived from your preferred recently-invented, man-made non-Catholic sect(s).
Which comes from God's written Word and the Holy Spirit, something RCs like yourself fail to comprehend at all because you have never said the prayer of salvation nor received the Holy Spirit.
Given that it's highly likely that---having abandoned the Catholic faith at a mere 17 years old---you had no real grasp of Catholic beliefs and teachings in the first place, that's a rather dubious conviction on your part.
Given that I knew as much as I needed to know it was NOT real and given as I was not ensnared in the dogma you now find yourself bound to, you would be WRONG. The ONLY thing dubious here is YOU.
Nope. I spent three years in discussion, prayer, and an intense and in-depth study of the Catholic faith---using all the resources I had acquired at an Evangelical Protestant university, as well as at an Evangelical Protestant seminary---before being spiritually and intellectually compelled to join myself to that one historic Church founded by Jesus Christ himself, and against which he declared that the gates of hell would never prevail (Mt. 16:18; 1 Tim. 3:15). As you say, "I actually thought it out" and turned away from the man-made chaos of interpretive subjectivism and doctrinal invention known as Protestantism.
3 years? WOW! (He says facetiously)
I didn't need to study any longer to know the RCC was false teaching, but then again I was open to knowing better.
There is no doubt you have been intellectually bound to the RCC, but as their is NO spirituality in the RCC, that can't be possible. Oh wait I must correct myself. You have been bound spiritually, by a lying spirit.
Any RC that actually thinks it out, recants and get's saved. Jesus was a man and He founded THE church, the Body of Christ, of which He is the head, NOT a Pope, which is based on the one confession needed, that He is Savior and LORD, NOT an institution, and that He is the ONLY mediator between God and man, NOT a priest.
It seems you not only swallowed the hook and line, but the whole fishing pole!