Did God die on the cross?

Right Divider

Body part
Just so you know that recently was over a year ago. However, I see that you want more.

The Word and the Spirit are different. That is how I see that we are saying different things.
Actually... it was today
Right. But we have to have a conversation. The question I asked you is a conversation point. Just talking about different views of 1000 years doesn't answer the question or questions about what happens during this time, whether by the different views or by scripture or scripture with the view.
No, the Word is Spirit and took upon Himself human flesh.

The WORD was GOD and GOD is Spirit.


Well-known member
Indeed. God is spirit that took on human flesh... John 1:1, 1:14

Sorry, John 4:24 does not say that.

It does not say that God was spirit that became flesh.

John 4:24 is in the present tense, not the past tense.

for that matter, the definition of logos is a message or words that convey the intent of the thoughts behind the words.

God's logos is God's thoughts that He wished to communicate to us.

He did so in two basic ways.

First the written logos of God, which God foreknew thus in essence was with Him in the beginning

Secondly, the incarnate logos of God, that message of God lived by a human, namely Jesus Christ His son. God likewise foreknew of Jesus Christ, after all He did plan for that promised seed of the woman well before announcing it in Genesis 3:15

The word, the logos, the message became flesh because Jesus Christ chose to live by God's word and by God's word alone