Destroying Islam

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
That's how I want them to feel.
Hunted, crushed, defeated, defenseless.

How are you going to accomplish that with nukes? How are you no less a warmongering terrorist if you resort to such weapons and kill a myriad people including children?
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like marbles on glass
Any chance you can make yourself into something else? Ya know, like a person with a brain?

He's been overstating the case for so long it's habitual, so he didn't even realize what he was walking into.

More rational to have said that there are differences between the sexes which mean each is able to do certain things better. Sometimes absolutely, as in the case of childbearing, and sometimes on average. I would have been willing to work with that.


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
It would be more likely to create more terrorists.
So we sit on our hands and just hope the ones we have now and the ones that come after them will wake up in better mood someday.
They have no intent to stop.
They want to increase the terror attacks.
And they ain't going to play fair while they're doing it.

Spare the rod, spoil the child.
It's time for them to get a whoopin from someone bigger and stronger than they are.


like marbles on glass
So we sit on our hands and just hope the ones we have now and the ones that come after them will wake up in better mood someday.
They have no intent to stop.
They want to increase the terror attacks.
And they ain't going to play fair while they're doing it.

Spare the rod, spoil the child.
It's time for them to get a whoopin from someone bigger and stronger than they are.

Because I don't believe in spanking, the spare the rod spoil the child doesn't convince me.

No, we don't sit on our hands, but I believe the other extreme, to wholesale kill innocent civilians to root out terrorists, is morally wrong. There has to be a rational third way.

Terrorism is horrifying, and we can thank our past activities in the Middle East for destabilizing it and helping foster the environment in which it festered and grew.


Any chance you can make yourself into something else? Ya know, like a person with a brain?

Any chance you can state something that women are better at than men :idunno:

You don't have to make it so hard, you know. All you have to do, for once, is acknowledge the reality above this never ending complaint of 'equality' among the sexes.


Well-known member
Is that how Jesus would want them to feel too? Honest question, because I don't understand this kind of a Christian mindset. At all.
Tam hits on some of it:
So we sit on our hands and just hope the ones we have now and the ones that come after them will wake up in better mood someday.
They have no intent to stop.
They want to increase the terror attacks.
And they ain't going to play fair while they're doing it.

Spare the rod, spoil the child.
It's time for them to get a whoopin from someone bigger and stronger than they are.
Our justification in dropping two bombs on Japanese cities was 'the further salvation of American lives.'

We as Christians are called to take up the cause of the Fatherless and widow (victims of terrorism in this case).
It may seem a bit harsh to 'go and do likewise' but an eye for an eye is supposed to show a bully, empathy.

They may not stop until their own sisters, fathers, and grandmothers are caught in the scope. They just don't empathize and have killed civilians purposefully and without remorse. I am the last person to ask about war strategy and protection. I am that 'sensitive' male that doesn't like any of it. I could not be president or general or soldier, though I've fought my fair share of bullies. It never ended in their total destruction though, so I wasn't as opposed. It 'seems' to me like we have too many guys like me in office where these decisions count and matter and must/necessarily be weighed as well as the hard decisions made. I think we can do sanctions etc. and that they can be effective. I'm not sure what would work best. I am all for de-escalating a situation if at all possible. I am, however, for lethal force when the cost of lives for trying the de-escalating route costs too many lives. I don't know the answer, just know, I think, why a Christian would support doing in return, what is being done unto us.


like marbles on glass
You few made my case for me :chuckle:

I know how to go about this whenever it's brought up now- just the plain, hard truth. Leaves you stumped, as it should. Knocks away that noisy blow horn from your hands :)

I gave you the plain hard truth - you were wrong. You overstated your case, and badly - and now you want to pretend you somehow come out smelling like a rose.

You don't.

The fact remains that without a woman having given birth to you, you wouldn't be here today.


I gave you the plain hard truth - you were wrong. You overstated your case, and badly - and now you want to pretend you somehow come out smelling like a rose.

You don't.

Women are better at

-giving birth

I mean, how wrong I was, indeed! I retract my previous statement of men being better than women at everything, and replace it with men are better at everything except birthing children.



like marbles on glass
Tam hits on some of it:

Our justification in dropping two bombs on Japanese cities was 'the further salvation of American lives.'

Dropping the bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki was immoral. We killed over 100 thousand civilians.

We as Christians are called to take up the cause of the Fatherless and widow (victims of terrorism in this case).
It may seem a bit harsh to 'go and do likewise' but an eye for an eye is supposed to show a bully, empathy.

Except you're not going after just the bully, you're going after the bully's wife and children.

They just don't empathize and have killed civilians purposefully and without remorse.

Isn't that exactly what's being advocated that we do?


Hall of Fame
I gave you the plain hard truth - you were wrong. You overstated your case, and badly - and now you want to pretend you somehow come out smelling like a rose.

You don't.

The fact remains that without a woman having given birth to you, you wouldn't be here today.

Cool isn't it ... giving birth is what makes women unique, as well as equal ... especially in the eyes of the law, where it counts. :)


like marbles on glass
Women are better at

-giving birth

I mean, how wrong I was, indeed! I retract my previous statement of men being better than women at everything, and replace it with men are better at everything except birthing children.


Giving birth to my children was the most life-affirming, most paradigm-shattering, most rewarding thing I ever did.

I almost feel sad that you'll never know what that's like.


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
Is that how Jesus would want them to feel too? Honest question, because I don't understand this kind of a Christian mindset. At all.
I know some folks think Christians should be passive.
I don't.
I believe there is a time to coddle lovingly and a time to be a ruthless warrior.

Goes along with the meaning of the word "meek" in scripture.
The Greek word is praus.

It does not have the exact meaning as our English word "meek" which denotes pacisisim.
So when it says that the meek will inherit the earth, it is not talking about pacifists.

"Praus" is passive and aggressive rolled into one, not just one side of the coin.

The Greeks and Romans armies were equipped with well trained war horses.
These horses were trained to be so aggressive that they would kick, stomp, bite, ram with their bodies, and trample down during a battle.
They would even charge through a wall of fire.
They showed no mercy.
They were so brutal and ruthless that is was said that in some battles, more of the enemy was killed by the war horses than the soldiers.
But when the battle was over and they returned home, these same savage horses were so docile that little children could climb and play all over them.

They were warriors when they needed to be and they were docile when they needed to be.
They were called "praus".

Which brings me again to one of my favorite passages of the bible that also describes what "praus" is.

Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 KJV​
(1) To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:​
(2) A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted;​
(3) A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up;​
(4) A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance;​
(5) A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing;​
(6) A time to get, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away;​
(7) A time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak;​
(8) A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace.​

It takes all of this combined to be "praus", not just one side of the coin.

The meek (praus) will inherit the earth.