Just wanted to clarify, since I put a asterisk on the "I don't have a job" part and forgot to clarify, but that's because I'm in High School. I have every
intention of getting a job.
He is prophecised to overthrow the Roman government, but not at that time.
Yes, I agree.
You can say another way as defending liberty. That is what government is for. You defend liberty by taking the sword to the wicked who would steal it from you. The common man does not get to kill the wicked. Only certain people can do that function.
Honestly, the only reason I'd agree with that statement is because just killing people without trial is going to lead to innocent people being killed. However, abortion doctors in this country have killed far more people than Hitler as a group, and we KNOW who they are. Was it wrong to for private citizens to kill the Nazis? If not, why is it wrong to kill abortion doctors?
(To be clear, I am not advocating any illegal action, I'm asking a philosophical question. There are plenty of things that I think are philosophically justifiable yet pragmatically ill advised.)
As for Jesus defending liberty, I don't think that was his goal there. My ideal government is a bit more limited than yours, but I don't have any problem agreeing with you that a limited government is better for liberty than none at all. But the Roman government was WAY past the point of limited government, and honestly, I do really believe human society could function better under no government than it did under the Roman government. When faced with a choice of too much government, or too little, I'll go with too little every single time.
It is more than implied in Deuteronomy. He gives every reason under the sun to send a man home from war.
You know, good luck implementing the full neo-con agenda without the draft. There's no way you're destroying Iran without one unless you want to kill that many innocent people.
That isn't so.
Neither is that.
You have to give reasons. Biblical, logical, philosophical, I can live with all of that. But you've got to say something more than "That's not true" or I'm going to just disregard it.
Where? I can see where you get morality enforcement from, even if I think its wrong to use the Old Testament as a form of law for the modern day outright (That is not to say anything in the OT was WRONG, I think that strict system of law was special for God's Holy Land and was intended to make a point), but at least I can see the argument. But I don't remember anywhere in any part of the Bible that justifies taxation for things like roads.
It is neither theft nor slavery, it is a system of our own creation. We, as a people, have determined what services we want the government to provide for us. A defense force. Interstate commerce regulation. Social welfare programs. Drug enforcement. Criminal investigation. Security. And the list goes on. Money to pay for those programs must to come from somewhere. They can't just print it; that is the single most inflationary thing a government can do and will destroy any country who tries to do it. By taxing labor and wealth and trade, the inflationary pressures are kept down. But that is the simple fact: whether or not we agree with or condone government programs, as a society, "we" have demanded them. And now that we have them, we must pay for them. This is not immoral, illegal, theft or slavery. It is something of our own creation.
Who the crap is "We". This is just collectivist crap. I never agreed to any of this crap. If it was up to me, I'd only pay for real defense and real security, not the phony crap we have now (I'd cut the military budget by at least 3/4ths, and eliminate every single other Federal program, leaving the states to do law enforcement and courts and abolishing everything else outright). God clearly calls any government taking 10+% tyrannical. You apparently support a government that takes even more than God says is tyrannical.
The premise that, anything the masses demand is just, is lunacy, and certainly not based in scripture.
And yet here we are. It is why this country separated from England in the first place. America is not a Christian country and never has been. It is comprised primarily of Christians and that has influenced our laws. But when America was founded it was founded in part on the idea that the masses could and should have an influence on policy.
It really wasn't, and thank God it wasn't. America was created as a constitutional Republic. Personally, I do believe the constitution was a mistake, the Articles of Confederation were a much better system for the protection of our life and liberty, even though they weren't perfect either. I'm not really a huge fan of just pulling out Bible verses and saying that we definitively have to use those laws in every society, but I'd take straight Biblical rule over the unadulterated mob mentality of the masses any day. Most people are stupid. I don't think a "Benevolent Monarchy" is possible, but find me one that leaves us alone and I'll support him. I honestly don't give a CRAP about democracy. I want liberty, and whatever government allows me to have it (Note for you lefties: I do not want government to "Give me" freedom, I want them to stop taking it away) is a good government.
The best government is the smallest.
The Democratic Majority is a tool of tyranny. Most people are fragile and don't think for two seconds before they make decisions that affect everyone else. You have a right to screw your own life over as much as you want to, and I mean AS MUCH as you want to. You have no right to swing your fist at my nose, nor do you have a right to create an organization, call it "Government" and ask it to do it for you.