ECT Demonic activity (or plain insanity) caught on video at charismatic church


Well-known member
Watch to the end. I never heard of this woman before but this is as bad an example of the old video of demonic Hagin laughing, hissing and zapping people into falling down and convulsing.

Clearly some of the people in the crowd figure this is all hokum but others have fully bought into it.

Now balance that against this glowing report, from Wikipedia (probably written by Baker's staff):

Iris Global [Baker's ministry] negotiated with the Mozambican government to assume financial and administrative responsibility for a former government orphanage in Chihango, near the capital city of Maputo. There were roughly 80 children present.[2] Since that time Iris Global's operations have expanded to include well-drilling, free health clinics, village feeding programs, the operation of primary and secondary schools, cottage industries and the founding more than 5000 churches in Mozambique, with a total of over 10,000 Iris-affiliated churches in more than 20 nations.[4] Their ministry is known for its reports of miracles,[2] and in September 2010 the Southern Medical Journal published an article presenting evidence of "significant improvements" in auditory and visual function among subjects exhibiting impairment before receiving prayer from the ministry.[7]

Beyond their administrative duties the Bakers are authors and frequent conference speakers,[8] traveling worldwide to speak on Christian ministry and spirituality. Candy Gunther Brown, professor of religious studies at Indiana University, has called the Bakers "among the most influential leaders in world Pentecostalism"[5]

Yet this is from her statement of faith...

That justification by faith in the atonement of Jesus Christ AND regeneration by the Holy Spirit is absolutely essential for the salvation of lost and sinful man.

Notice how faith and regeneration are made separate? There's a reason for that:

In the present ministry of the Holy Spirit which includes: the Baptism in the Holy Spirit as an experience distinct from regeneration

In other words: no tongues, no saved. False prophetess, false gospel.

A perfect example of "Lord, Lord, did we not...?"

L.A. with "Touch not God's anointed" in 3...2...


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
Know why Satan keeps running the same schemes and scams?

Because they work.
Oh yeah!

Heard a preacher years ago tell a story in parable form that fit this perfectly.
The story was titled The Purple Worm.
(The fisherman represents Satan, and the different color worms represent different temptations to sin.)

A fisherman takes his tackle-box to go and try and ensnare a fish at a new fishing hole he heard of.
The tackle-box is filled different color worms.
He throws out the red worm.
No bites.
He throws out the blue worm.
No bites.
He throws out the yellow worm.
No bites.
He throws out the purple worm.

Now which color worm do you think he will bring next time he goes to that same fishing hole?

Satan cannot read your mind.
But he can figure out your weaknesses and exploit them to the hilt.


Well-known member
The short section which spoke of Kundalini serpent power was taken from the video "Gods of the New Age", which I used to show to folks quite frequently back in the '80s, when giving my testimony of leaving eastern mysticism and turning to Jesus Christ.

Well-meaning co-workers keep inviting me to one of the big bumper-sticker churches in this area. Yoga is one of the things they feature as an amusement. When I pointed that out to one of them, they looked at me like they literally could not understand what my problem is. Later I had a talk with a non-Christian co-worker. Not sure how yoga came up but I shared with her what little I knew, that it's all about that kundalini snake at the base of the spine, how it has led people into madness and there have been Indian experts who say it is not to be messed with lightly. Her eyes got really wide but she didn't look at me like she didn't understand what I was saying. Very weird.

It always gets me wondering about Christianized attempts at sanatizing/repackaging paganism. Satan saw that it worked with Christmas, why not with yoga.


Well-known member
Oh yeah!

Heard a preacher years ago tell a story in parable form that fit this perfectly.
The story was titled The Purple Worm.
(The fisherman represents Satan, and the different color worms represent different temptations to sin.)
A fisherman takes his tackle-box to go and try and ensnare a fish at a new fishing hole he heard of.
The tackle-box is filled different color worms.
He throws out the red worm.
No bites.
He throws out the blue worm.
No bites.
He throws out the yellow worm.
No bites.
He throws out the purple worm.

Now which color worm do you think he will bring next time he goes to that same fishing hole?​

I like that.

Satan cannot read your mind.
But he can figure out your weaknesses and exploit them to the hilt.

I see no reason to think he can read our minds, but I am convinced he can somehow put thoughts in our heads.


New member
The short section which spoke of Kundalini serpent power was taken from the video "Gods of the New Age", which I used to show to folks quite frequently back in the '80s, when giving my testimony of leaving eastern mysticism and turning to Jesus Christ.

I once ran into Caryl Matrisciana and Dave Hunt on an airplane.

They were both highly inteligent people but really huge on the assertion that all that in those kinds of meetings is "demonic."

As they were both heavily into his version of the Charismatic Movement's "signs and wonders, pigs in the parlor" and "demons" behind every bush, given his Acts 2 Dispensationalism's assertion that "Prophecy is still unfolding."

He wrote me later, and we kept in touch for a time.

He never did shake his / her skewed view of such things - this side of Romans 9 -11.

His organization ended up going even further south Scripturally, with his homegoing.

As highly inteligent as Hunt had been, but had ended up confused about all that, it is no surprise then that even some "MADs" continue to view what is nothing more than men in their own modern version of the "dumb idols" confusion - this side of "that which is perfect" - as being some sort of the Adversary's "strong delusion" before "his time."

Case in point, the following...

Most will see that as a "see, prophecy is still unfolding..."

But this is nothing more than one more, Acts 17: 11, 12 issue - just one more instance of the need to study out the things that differ between how things work within Prophecy (the Prophetic aspect of God's Two-Fold Purpose), and how they work during this Mystery Age (aspect of said Two-Fold Purpose), Rom. 11:25-29; 2 Thess. 2, etc.

Nevertheless, Rom. 5: 6-8 - in each our stead.
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New member
Seen loads of this sort of stuff. What was happening in Toronto and in Rodney Howard Brown meetings back in the mid 90s was more controversial than this. In the end of the day people have flesh, and yes there could be a combination of flesh, demons, legitimate experience etc.
Experiences are pretty meaningless if it doesn't add to a person's walk with God and ministry etc.
Some christians are superficial need emotionalistic (<--- is that a word) experiences to stay interested.

Remember also that even the stiff boring churches with people who think they are experts in scripture, can also have demons among them (Luke 4:33).


New member
Seen loads of this sort of stuff. What was happening in Toronto and in Rodney Howard Brown meetings back in the mid 90s was more controversial than this. In the end of the day people have flesh, and yes there could be a combination of flesh, demons, legitimate experience etc.
Experiences are pretty meaningless if it doesn't add to a person's walk with God and ministry etc.
Some christians are superficial need emotionalistic (<--- is that a word) experiences to stay interested.

Remember also that even the stiff boring churches with people who think they are experts in scripture, can also have demons among them (Luke 4:33).

Welcome back, Andy - hope all is well with you.

Rom. 5: 6-8 - in each our stead.


Well-known member
yes there could be a combination of flesh, demons, legitimate experience etc.



legit experience


You already know that I disagree with "legit experience" on dispensational grounds, BUT just for the sake of this question, pretend for a moment that I agree with you on all points.

Q. Assuming any of those factors can be in play, and given that these things have looked exactly alike since Asuza Street (iow, you're right that there's nothing really new in the video), what is the infallible, objective test one can use to tell real from flesh from demonic?

Or is there one?


Well-known member
Let me rephrase that.

Since I believe there are NO signs and wonders today, I can and do dismiss all such "manifestations" as false...flesh or demonic, either way they're not of God.

You admit there can be the demonic and the flesh, but also genuine signs and wonders.

How, then, do you tell true from false when -- from all video evidence -- it is all exactly alike?


New member


legit experience


You already know that I disagree with "legit experience" on dispensational grounds, BUT just for the sake of this question, pretend for a moment that I agree with you on all points.

Q. Assuming any of those factors can be in play, and given that these things have looked exactly alike since Asuza Street (iow, you're right that there's nothing really new in the video), what is the infallible, objective test one can use to tell real from flesh from demonic?

Or is there one?

It's obvious.

If the experience does nothing for the believer except give them goosebumps, it's irrelevant.
I know someone who was slain on the floor for hours, and this was a very straight laced person who wouldn't put up with emotional nonsense.
I was intrigued what was happening to him all that time, so I asked him, and he responded saying that God was dealing with him about unforgiveness towards a previous minister.


New member
Let me rephrase that.

Since I believe there are NO signs and wonders today, I can and do dismiss all such "manifestations" as false...flesh or demonic, either way they're not of God.

You admit there can be the demonic and the flesh, but also genuine signs and wonders.

How, then, do you tell true from false when -- from all video evidence -- it is all exactly alike?

The same principle as in 1 Cor 14:29


New member
If a church is not teaching the word, making disciples, sending out and or supporting missionaries, affecting their neighbourhood for Christ etc, all the rolling around the floor is meaningless.


Well-known member
It's obvious.

If the experience does nothing for the believer except give them goosebumps, it's irrelevant.

That's a subjective test, not an objective one. Besides, what does "does nothing except goosebumps" mean? What more than, or other than, goosebumps would be evidence of true signs and wonders from God?

I know someone who was slain on the floor for hours, and this was a very straight laced person who wouldn't put up with emotional nonsense.
I was intrigued what was happening to him all that time, so I asked him, and he responded saying that God was dealing with him about unforgiveness towards a previous minister.

The anecdotal is not a subjective test of validity. Your friend may well have been deceived by the demonic, or by himself. You can't know.