Dummycat cultist: 'I don't read news my leaders tell me not to read.'Oh, "The Epoch Times". Another example of non partisan journalism...
The Epoch Times - Wikipedia
Dummycat cultist: 'I don't read news my leaders tell me not to read.'Oh, "The Epoch Times". Another example of non partisan journalism...
The Epoch Times - Wikipedia
Whataboutism - not relevant to the matter at issue.Did republicans want the false allegations against Trump investigated....
Quite.I think a lot of the Republicans who stormed the Capitol on 6 Jan are regretting their allegiance to Trump now that they are being prosecuted. They asked for pardons from Trump and he ignored them.
Common training is what American leftist socialists provide for gullible students under the biased instruction of leftist Marxist college professors.What "common training" would that be exactly? Getting our info from credible and reputable sources?
Couldn't Republicans investigate for themselves, independently?Do republicans want to turn the democrats loose to start another witch hunt to dig up dirt on Trump and conservative, select some facts and discard others, arrest conservatives only and threaten them with years in prison if they do not say something against Trump and those who object to voter fraud? No, one go-around with the rabid leftist democat Mueller investigation team is enough for one century.
Is a fake republican a republican or a democrat? What difference does it make? Are fake blacks damaging Biden? No. Fake republicans are also not hurting conservative republicans who can see right through their baloney.A question which, of course, will be artfully danced around.
Well, no. I source my news from credible sources along with cross checking for corroboration purposes etc. I don't buy into conspiracy drivel and wingnut sites.Dummycat cultist: 'I don't read news my leaders tell me not to read.'
There are republicans and others who regret supporting Trump, but those regrets are hardly based upon good judgment and respect for American traditions and values.Well, at the time he was a MAGA nut. Seems to be regretting his allegiance to Trump nowadays though...
Well, no and that's kinda off topic as well as off kilter and off it...Common training is what American leftist socialists provide for gullible students under the biased instruction of leftist Marxist college professors.
What's a "fake black"?Is a fake republican a republican or a democrat? What difference does it make? Are fake blacks damaging Biden? No.
Is there evidence leftist anarchists were involved in the riots? Yes. Has that evidence been uncovered by democrat witch-hunters looking only for conservatives to fry? HardlyNo, seriously, any evidence?
Rather, Q Shaman guy realised he'd been used and finally saw the light. Trump didn't care about any of his supporters who were arrested for their actions that day.There are republicans and others who regret supporting Trump, but those regrets are hardly based upon good judgment and respect for American traditions and values.
Good question...What's a "fake black"?
Trump did not advocate violence at the Capitol so I hardly see why he would have pardoned them for doing violence that hurt those good Americans who were protesting against voter fraud.I think a lot of the Republicans who stormed the Capitol on 6 Jan are regretting their allegiance to Trump now that they are being prosecuted. They asked for pardons from Trump and he ignored them.
Do republicans want to turn the leftist democrat dogs loose to conduct another stupid millions of dollars witch hunt seeking to ruin only those who protested against their voter fraud? No. Republicans know what the dirty crooked democrats are doing.Whataboutism - not relevant to the matter at issue.
Yes, Trump advocated violence. Trump told his MAGA supporters who gathered in D.C. on Jan 6 to march to the Capitol and "fight like hell to take your country back." He also told them that he wanted Pence to refuse to certify the election results, but that he wasn't "hearing good things" from Pence about that. Hence we heard MAGA protesters storming the Capitol and saying things like "Hang Mike Pence!" Some also voiced threats to kill Nancy Pelosi.Trump did not advocate violence at the Capitol so I hardly see why he would have pardoned them for doing violence that hurt those good Americans who were protesting against voter fraud.
Republicans have investigated and democrats have investigated. Spending more time investigating something that resulted in so little damage and harm compared to hundreds of past leftist BLM and anti-fa riots smacks of dirty politics, not justice.Couldn't Republicans investigate for themselves, independently?
Fact-checking? That went out with Trump. No leftist news organization dares to fact-check what Biden says. Look it up.Well, no. I source my news from credible sources along with cross checking for corroboration purposes etc. I don't buy into conspiracy drivel and wingnut sites.
Here is one, of many:What's a "fake black"?
Why should any American care what that guy says?Rather, Q Shaman guy realised he'd been used and finally saw the light. Trump didn't care about any of his supporters who were arrested for their actions that day.