
Post your proof. :yawn:
Celibate clergy would be pro-abortion.
Cruciform said:
***bunch of crap about how the Roman Church is Latin, ignoring how the East Orthodox are Greek, dum ta dum dum***
Your church is an offshoot of the Eastern Orthodox which later decided that Jerrome's Old Latin Vulgate was sufficient, but later Tyndale helps an English translation, and he called a heretic for it. Has the Catholic Church considered him for "sainthood", or apologized for the blunder.


New member
Celibate clergy would be pro-abortion.
Proof, please.

Your church is an offshoot of the Eastern Orthodox...
Try again.

...Tyndale helps an English translation, and he called a heretic for it.
Wrong again. Tyndale was not condemned for his translation (though it was entirely unauthorized by Christ's Church), but for the decidedly heretical doctrinal marginal notes it contained.

Has the Catholic Church considered him for "sainthood", or apologized for the blunder.
Of course not; he was a formal---and incorrigible---heretic.

Gaudium de veritate,



New member
Proof, please.

Try again.

Wrong again. Tyndale was not condemned for his translation (though it was entirely unauthorized by Christ's Church), but for the decidedly heretical doctrinal marginal notes it contained.

Of course not; he was a formal---and incorrigible---heretic.

Gaudium de veritate,


Yup.. think like the RCC or you will get executed. I have no doubt that you still wish it wielded that same kind of power.

The reason Protestantism came about is that the RCC had become so corrupt that it would rather just execute people instead of having to defend its doctrines from scrutiny.... the last resort of cowards with power.

Every time I see any art or building that the RCC produced... I just think of all the money it extorted from poor people to create them. The franchising of indulgences for the building of St. Peters is the straw that broke Luther's back and spurred him into writing his thesis.

But he was not the first reformer by far... many people died before him trying to call the church out on its excesses and abuse of the poor and needy... and died for it.


New member
Yup.. think like the RCC or you will get executed.
That went both ways during the late Renaissance Period. It was simply the mindset of the times. Study some medieval history, please.

I have no doubt that you still wish it wielded that same kind of power.
Just another wholly imaginary Ad Hominem Fallacy by HS... :yawn:

The reason Protestantism came about is that the RCC had become so corrupt that it would rather just execute people instead of having to defend its doctrines from scrutiny.... the last resort of cowards with power.
Here you merely put your ignorance of ecclesiastical history on public display. Please adequately educate yourself before embarrassing yourself further.

Every time I see any art or building that the RCC produced... I just think of all the money it extorted from poor people to create them. The franchising of indulgences for the building of St. Peters is the straw that broke Luther's back and spurred him into writing his thesis.
See just above.

Gaudium de veritate,



New member
That went both ways during the late Renaissance Period. It was simply the mindset of the times. Study some medieval history, please.

Just another wholly imaginary Ad Hominem Fallacy by HS... :yawn:

Here you merely put your ignorance of ecclesiastical history on public display. Please adequately educate yourself before embarrassing yourself further.

See just above.

Gaudium de veritate,


Wow... didn't even address a single point... and actually lied in your responses in a couple of them... or you are just plain ignorant.


New member
A minor heresy of not believing the Word to be Jesus. He believed in the trinity and the deity of christ. Are there any other minor heresies which you need to mention?
Hardly "minor." Tyndale, for example, rejected and taught against the Real Presence of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist; the sacraments; the primacy and authority of the papacy; Apostolic Tradition as the word of God; etc.


New member
"posts a biased link defending the Roman Cathlik version of history"
No doubt, you would prefer that I post a biased link defending the ANTI-Catholic version of history. Sorry, that's your job. In any case, truth is truth, whatever the source. Your transparent excuse for desperately avoiding relevant information, however, is noted.


Hardly "minor." Tyndale, for example, rejected and taught against the Real Presence of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist; the sacraments; the primacy and authority of the papacy; Apostolic Tradition as the word of God; etc.
All of which are minor, and everyone of those other dogmas that you mentioned is a a self-serving idolatrous piece of feces, except the non-existent mythological expanded "Apostolic Tradition". And even calling it, the word of God is self-serving rubbish.


No doubt, you would prefer that I post a biased link defending the ANTI-Catholic version of history. Sorry, that's your job. In any case, truth is truth, whatever the source. Your transparent excuse for desperately avoiding relevant information, however, is noted.
Isn't ironic the victor can't prove the history that he writes? Perhaps, you should [read] the Vatican's Holocaust by Avro Manhattan. link given below
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New member
Deep in history, leads you to the undeniable fact that Christianity was a heresy in the Roman Empire for the 1st 3 centuries... many were put to death in the arena and had their homes confiscated.

Yet, the RCC would have you believe that THE church was founded in Rome in the first century and had a succession of popes until Constantine made Christianity legal 3 centuries later.


New member
Deep in history, leads you to the undeniable fact that Christianity was a heresy in the Roman Empire for the 1st 3 centuries... many were put to death in the arena and had their homes confiscated.

Yet, the RCC would have you believe that THE church was founded in Rome in the first century and had a succession of popes until Constantine made Christianity legal 3 centuries later.

Wow. Excellent point. I love it.


New member
All of which are minor, and everyone of those other dogmas that you mentioned is a a self-serving idolatrous piece of feces, except the non-existent mythological expanded "Apostolic Tradition". And even calling it, the word of God is self-serving rubbish.
The entirely non-authoritative opinions that you've imbibed from your favored recently-invented, man-made non-Catholic sect are noted. :yawn: