Decriminalizing indoor prostitution leads to fewer rapes and STDs


New member
Christian Liberty, no it is not correct. Saying that someone is guilty of supporting violence for not supporting legislation that CLAIMS it will lower rates of violent crime is nonsense. Please explain how you came up with that logical fallacy?

Christian Liberty

Well-known member

Let's remember why the wealthy were usually wealthy in Jesus' day. The reasons why were rarely anything good.

Today one can become wealthy by honest hard work. I don't think Jesus would have a problem with that.

I agree with you.

But I don't think the point here is that wealth is bad. I think that the point is that it isn't right that poor people go to jail for an activity that wealthy people can get away with.

There are a couple different angles we can go with that:

If the action has an identifiable victim (murder, rape, kidnapping, theft, etc.) than everyone who commits such acts will ideally be prosecuted. SOmetimes people will get away with it, but that should never be intentional.

If the action has no identifiable victim (prostitution, drug use, gun ownership, and so forth) it shouldn't be a crime, and it should be unregulated, regardless of whether the person in question is wealthy or poor. We are now dealing with vices, and it is silly that a vice would be "allowed" only for the wealthy. Government should have nothing to do with it.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
Christian Liberty, no it is not correct. Saying that someone is guilty of supporting violence for not supporting legislation that CLAIMS it will lower rates of violent crime is nonsense. Please explain how you came up with that logical fallacy?
CL is still a teenager. His high school years were spent listening to Obama propaganda. He probably needs another ten years to unlearn the ridiculous things he believes. You'll see after you have been here a while.


New member
Those He befriended were those who repented. He had compassion for them because He wanted to call them to repentance.
Of course I (and I hope, all) know this. Otherwise, you'd have to say that he liked drinking, carousing, etc. Calling others to repentance and to the Father's kingdom was his mission, and he chose the humble and eager to repent as his first.

The 5 solas

New member
CL is still a teenager. His high school years were spent listening to Obama propaganda. He probably needs another ten years to unlearn the ridiculous things he believes. You'll see after you have been here a while.

Catholic Crusader is a Roman Catholic. His informative years were spent listening to Roman Catholic propaganda. He probably needs another ten years to unlearn the ridiculous things he believes.
You'll see after you have been here a while.

Doesn't feel good, does it? =)

If the action has no identifiable victim (prostitution, drug use, gun ownership, and so forth) it shouldn't be a crime, and it should be unregulated, regardless of whether the person in question is wealthy or poor. We are now dealing with vices, and it is silly that a vice would be "allowed" only for the wealthy. Government should have nothing to do with it.

Prostitution has victims though. There are dozens of studies done on the victimization of prostitutes. It is not one woman who decides to sell herself for money to men. It is far more complex than that.

A search pulls up lots of stats, are these not accepted to be valid for people to be saying it is victimless?

o78 percent of 55 women who sought help from the Council for Prostitution Alternatives in 1991 reported being raped an average of 16 times a year by pimps, and were raped 33 times a year by johns.

o 62 percent reported having been raped in prostitution.

o 73 percent reported having experienced physical assault in prostitution.

o 83 percent of prostitutes are victims of assault with a weapon.

o 75 percent of women in escort prostitution had attempted suicide.

Prostitution should be illegal for everyone, regardless of wealth or class.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
Catholic Crusader is a Roman Catholic. His informative years were spent listening to Roman Catholic propaganda. He probably needs another ten years to unlearn the ridiculous things he believes.
You'll see after you have been here a while.

Doesn't feel good, does it? =)

It makes no never mind to me, because what I said is true, and that little nugget you posted is a lie. Dumb lies make me feel neither bad nor good. They are just dumb.

CL is still a teenager. His high school years were spent listening to Obama propaganda. And he probably does needs another ten years to unlearn the ridiculous things he believes.


New member
oh, He did even worse

He told His apostles to shake the dust of their sandals against them for a testimony and to leave them
Well, he said that about towns and villages and households who had no interest in the "glad tidings". They turned away from the news of his Father's kingdom, and his sending the son. He was not here speaking of adultery, prostitution, drinking, etc.


they turned away from God

just like those who justify their sin

and in turning away from them, He was telling his disciples to tell them, in effect, go to hell

Christian Liberty

Well-known member
I want to apologize to SammyT, I wanted to address him yesterday but there was a database error on the forum.

Catholic Crusader is a Roman Catholic. His informative years were spent listening to Roman Catholic propaganda. He probably needs another ten years to unlearn the ridiculous things he believes.
You'll see after you have been here a while.

Doesn't feel good, does it? =)


Prostitution has victims though. There are dozens of studies done on the victimization of prostitutes. It is not one woman who decides to sell herself for money to men. It is far more complex than that.

A search pulls up lots of stats, are these not accepted to be valid for people to be saying it is victimless?

o78 percent of 55 women who sought help from the Council for Prostitution Alternatives in 1991 reported being raped an average of 16 times a year by pimps, and were raped 33 times a year by johns.

o 62 percent reported having been raped in prostitution.

o 73 percent reported having experienced physical assault in prostitution.

o 83 percent of prostitutes are victims of assault with a weapon.

o 75 percent of women in escort prostitution had attempted suicide.

Prostitution should be illegal for everyone, regardless of wealth or class.

I don't think the logic here follows.

First of all, since prostitution is illegal, prostitutes are (according to the law) criminals. So, if they openly reported a rape or assault, they might well get arrested to.

However, that isn't my biggest issue with your reasoning. The bigger issue is the assumption that just because sometimes (even a good chunk of the time) A and B both happen together; that that means A and B always happen together.

Rape should be illegal.

Assault should be illegal (whether with a weapon or not.)

A consensual trade between individuals where one is providing sex and the other is providing money should not be illegal. That doesn't mean I think its OK, by contrary, I think its offensive to God and harmful to the individuals involved. But its not an aggressive act like assault or rape is. And thus, legal violence shouldn't be threatened against individuals who engage in it.

It makes no never mind to me, because what I said is true, and that little nugget you posted is a lie. Dumb lies make me feel neither bad nor good. They are just dumb.

CL is still a teenager. His high school years were spent listening to Obama propaganda. And he probably does needs another ten years to unlearn the ridiculous things he believes.

Actually, I was homeschooled for half of high school. Both of my parents are anti-Obama. I think Obama is so evil that he should be impeached, tried, and executed. Right next to your hero (George W. Bush.) Both have murdered hundreds of thousands of people, stolen trillions of dollars, caused hundreds of thousands (if not millions) of peaceful people to be kidnapped (federal drug war, federal gun control laws), and have repeatedly lied to the American people. And, for what its worth, I'm more anti-Obama than pretty much anyone I know, just for different reasons.

Christian Liberty, no it is not correct. Saying that someone is guilty of supporting violence for not supporting legislation that CLAIMS it will lower rates of violent crime is nonsense. Please explain how you came up with that logical fallacy?

I'm not saying you're guilty of supporting violence that happens to occur when prostitiution is illegal.

I am saying you are guilty of supporting violence against prostitutes and people who peacefully trade with them.

And you support using police, DAs, and government jail cells to institute such violence.

Dragging someone away in handcuffs and locking them in a cage is violence. Taking someone's money by force is violence. And you support using it against prostitutes and those who trade with them. I don't. And that inherently makes me a better man than you, at least with regards to this particular point.


New member
Hall of Fame
Adultery is a victimless crime in the strictest sense, in that it is not an aggressive act and thus should not be handled violently.

"spreading disease", I can assume you are talking about STDs, which would be a risk one chooses to take when engaging in prostitution.

"Aiding in" drug addiction? What does that entail? Selling drugs to willful customers? Again, its a victimless crime in the strictest sense because it isn't an aggressive act.

That's not to say that any of the above is desirable or should be encouraged, just that they aren't violent acts and shouldn't be handled violently.

Kidnap and rape, of course, are violent acts.

Ask the wives of some of those creeps if they feel its aggressive that their husband has used such and spread their diseases to them and perhaps even their unborn child...

Something doesn't have to be 'violent' to be a crime either.