Dead tiger bigger victim than dead man?


New member
I'm somewhere in between.

I don't have her/him/it on 'Ignore', but I rarely read anything worth responding to.

Although, my post asking her/him/it if he/she/it has a local zoo nearby and a slingshot seemed worth posting.



Yeah, if it came down to rescuing her or the tiger, I'd go for the tiger.

At the very least I could get a nice rug out of it! :devil:


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Hall of Fame
I know what the problem was. I bet the zookeeper didn't have a sign like this one. Only, instead of putting your finger through the enclosure and having it bitten, it would be about taunting a tiger and getting eaten. ;)


New member
This thread is kind of frustrating because I feel like it is making a big issue out of a simple event.
It would be ignorant to brush over or make light of the tragedy of a young man losing his life.
It is also stupid to condemn the animal as being "bad", "wicked", or a murderer.

Knight, I don't think people have seriously tried to say that the death of the young man is no big deal, so why this aggressive tirade against the tiger?
Do you hate animals? Not having sympathy or respect for animals is a sign of a defective character.
Animal life has value... The Bible says that the man that does not regard the life of his beast is a fool.
Higher Animals are not instinctively driven robots. Human life is also guided and directed by instinct, yet we have the interior dimension and subjective experience known as consciousness. I'm sure that animals have a conscious experience of life as well, although not the exactly the same as a human.
I have seen fear in the eyes of an animal about to be killed, and I'm sure that fear felt like something.

This video is a good example of an angry provoked cat extracting its revenge.

Leopard attacks man
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Well-known member
Actually, what offends people are those who try to understand lower animal behavior more than human behavior. Putting the lower animal before the human tends to tee off some people. For crying out loud, we have people running around spending more time, money, and energy trying to understand lower animals when we don’t even fully understand human behavior. Don’t you think that there is something wrong with that picture?

Understanding lower animal behavior sets a foundation for understanding human behavior. Humans have the most complex nervous system in nature. Therefore understanding the complexities of human behavior is, well more complex than understanding lower animals.


Every visitor to the zoo is prey for a tiger.

Of course they are! Not their natural prey but they'll do...

It's amazing to watch how the big cats view my two year old son when I take the kids to the zoo. Instantly they're onto him, being the smallest and weakest in the group.

Dingos who would normally take down small wallabies are onto him like white on rice.

Animals follow him from behind the glass. (We have glass here many times rather than bars or mesh. No finger incidents)

First and foremost the zoo is to blame for placing the tiger in an enclosure insufficient to the task of containing him. If the boys had aided the tigers escape, there's not a lot the zoo could have done to predict or prevent that but meeting or exceeding the requirements would have meant they'd done everything in their power.

The boys who taunted the tiger are idiots. Not idiots who deserved to die but idiots none the less. I don't feel too much sympathy for people who do particularly stupid things such as jump out of planes without parachutes, cuddle grizzlies or poke big dogs with sticks but in this situation the boys had a reasonable expectation that the tiger was trapped and wouldn't be able to get out. Had they aided it's escape, they really have no one to blame but themselves but otherwise they were just nitwits who paid dearly for their idiocy.

The tiger was being a tiger. They do things like that. Apex predators tend to.


New member
Of course they are! Not their natural prey but they'll do...

It's amazing to watch how the big cats view my two year old son when I take the kids to the zoo. Instantly they're onto him, being the smallest and weakest in the group.

Dingos who would normally take down small wallabies are onto him like white on rice.

Animals follow him from behind the glass. (We have glass here many times rather than bars or mesh. No finger incidents)

First and foremost the zoo is to blame for placing the tiger in an enclosure insufficient to the task of containing him. If the boys had aided the tigers escape, there's not a lot the zoo could have done to predict or prevent that but meeting or exceeding the requirements would have meant they'd done everything in their power.

The boys who taunted the tiger are idiots. Not idiots who deserved to die but idiots none the less. I don't feel too much sympathy for people who do particularly stupid things such as jump out of planes without parachutes, cuddle grizzlies or poke big dogs with sticks but in this situation the boys had a reasonable expectation that the tiger was trapped and wouldn't be able to get out. Had they aided it's escape, they really have no one to blame but themselves but otherwise they were just nitwits who paid dearly for their idiocy.

The tiger was being a tiger. They do things like that. Apex predators tend to.



I don't know...I'm still getting over those evil fires vicious attack on innocent people around the San Diego area recently. I can't process any additional natural/moral implications just yet.

I wonder if we'll find out at some point that people were taunting the dry grass? :think:

:chuckle: taunting them with matches, perhaps?

It really is the grasses fault though. Should have thought better of catching on fire and possibly injuring folk... Anyone who thinks differently clearly hates people, loves grass and should be referred to in a group ending in -ists... Grassists? Floraists? :think:


Well-known member
:chuckle: taunting them with matches, perhaps?

It really is the grasses fault though. Should have thought better of catching on fire and possibly injuring folk... Anyone who thinks differently clearly hates people, loves grass and should be referred to in a group ending in -ists... Grassists? Floraists? :think:


Who knows what the grass was thinking, but it was certainly wrong to cause harm to humans.


New member
First off that's a big "IF". Secondly, I have been to the zoo dozens of times and I always see kids having fun, making jokes, taunting the animals, that's what kids often do (not my kids, but other kids). Should kids act that way at the zoo? NO! But do they deserve to be killed??? Hardly.

But then again, you believe it's ok to kill people for praying in the street so I guess we know where your head is at.

Koban believes that it is ok to kill people for praying in the street? And MOM is said to be the loony bin here? :rotfl: Oh you gotta love it.


New member
Praying in the street is a horrible idea, just like playing in the street or taunting tigers, and is likely to get you killed.


Well-known member
Koban believes that it is ok to kill people for praying in the street? And MOM is said to be the loony bin here? :rotfl: Oh you gotta love it.

Where did Koban say it is ok to kill people in the street for praying?

I don't think you are loony. I don't understand your points all the time, but that might be my fault.


New member
Where did Koban say it is ok to kill people in the street for praying?

I don't think you are loony. I don't understand your points all the time, but that might be my fault.

Mindless is reacting to an oversimplification made by Knight of a statement I made that basically said that bringing the abortion fight to the home of the contractor building the clinic was counterproductive and that if protesters, regardless of their cause, were picketing in my neighborhood, they'd better step lively, as I would not be inclined to slow down or swerve.


Isn’t it already a crime in some places? Let the people starve but don’t you dare touch that animal. We are headed that way. No more :spam: for you guys.

Holy cow issue divides Hindus


I'm shocked MOM! Don't you advocate a position of keeping ones nose out of other countries business?!?! Or does that odd courtesy only extend to Saudi Arabia?

*insert countless links to posts from other thread*
*throw in a few random dictionary definitions to random words like "and" and "starve"*