(("Do you know how hard it is to procure more rights for your clients if they are going around mindlessly killing people? So right now the animal rights activists and their cohorts are in the middle of damage control. Gotta boost the image of those lower animals. Can’t let this little incident destroy that image. You can see them all in the thread placing all the blame on the human while defending the tiger. Hey, who can blame them? After all, that is their job. That is what they were born to do."))
The tiger was mindfully killing people.
lain: Which seeing as we feel it is ok to kill critters of other species for fun, would very much be a double standard if we are outraged at it.
(leopard hunting for example. I recently saw a magazine with two men proudly posing over the carcass of a leopard they had bagged on their hunting safari. They had to wait in a groundblind at the waterhole all day for it.)
Just a thought... If you go bear hunting and end up getting mauled, it's fair wouldn't you say? You wouldn't say the man was victimized, because every animal has a natural right to defend its life.
(Gotta boost the image of those lower animals.)
Nobody intelligent thinks they need to boost the image of a tiger by making it out to be a cuddly pet or a respectable citizen.
Every species, no matter how fierce or lowly (there is an endangered turtle where I live that only exists in a few square miles), has a right to exist. We shouldn't feel like we have a right to take up all of their habitat, even if it is to our economic advantage to put a shopping center in that field.
The destruction of other species is an extreme disservice to ourselves. To destroy the environment is to kill ourselves on the inside, for man is holistically the pinnacle of the natural world. It is the squandering our natural heritage like the foolish prodigal son with his wealth. We are stealing from our children and their children.
Many Native Americans had a rule when the council was making a decision, to consider not just the immediate impact on themselves, but to consider the impact it would have on their descendants 7 generations in the future.
As a young person, I feel a heavy pressing guilt at the thoughtless destruction my kind has perpetrated on the most dazzlingly beautiful thing, our own planet.
it's no surprise to me that suicide is the leading cause of death among teenagers.
Is "civilization" as we know it today, really an advance? Although we are more clever technologically, is it possible we are incredibly more stupid, and selfish, and unconscious? Maybe simple is better. I'm not saying that technological and societal development is wrong, but to proceed to blitz the world with our machines, buildings, and ravenous pillaging of natural resources just to fuel our economic growth, with no consideration of the longterm repercussions of our actions is.
No wonder we find ourselves complaining about our materialistic, spiritually dead world.
"Strange beautiful, grass of green
with your majestic silver seas
Your mysterious mountains I wish to see closer"