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Eclectic Theosophist
Shining ones.......

Shining ones.......


We would remind you again. God is Light. If we follow God we can be sons of light, living by the light and in the light :)

All sons of God are originally and potentially morning stars, light-bearers, lucifers, luminous ones.....since God is our Father. As the Christ is formed and perfected in us, we are The Christ in form, as the glory of God radiates within and without. Are you not a 'lighthouse' ?

The Christ gives the 'morning star' to all who overcome. Are you letting your 'light' shine?


You are rambling. It looks more and more like your an antagonist for the muslims.
Correct. I do not believe that I am doing this. I do not believe that I am doing so. However, you are correct that we are to obey Jesus. Still, a person may recognize Him as Savior, that He saved them (that He has saved them) independent of their obedience to His words, commandments, commands, His instruction to them.
Today is Rishon, 12-17. It is Yom, Day.
You went from Jesus to Paul and threw the other apostles in. Start with Jesus and His Apostles, Disciples, and move on to others such as Paul, establishing that he was sent with Scripture if you can.
Today is Sheni, 12-18. It is evening, night, to begin this calendar day.
You have not answered the question of if he was sent yet. The Scripture you have provided thus far has not indicated such by use of the word. This has been important in my life. This has been important at some point.
You have failed to see that I know all this, acknowledge your post and scripture, recognize it (the content), and have preached it, but I have yet to see here your verse that says he was sent. That is what I am waiting for, and what you have failed to deliver when asked. I have proved it to others, but you have not proved it to me. Understand what is said in context, and don't say or make something say something that it is / does not.
The Torah is the Word of God. Is this because the Bible or Scripture is the Word of God?
It is my belief that new testament came after new covenant.
I don't understand you. I do not understand your English. However, I will do my best to try and give you an answer. Not an answer to your question. For I do not believe that your question speaks correctly, or truth, to the situation.
What I need to say or tell you now is that I do my best, and have for years, but I am constantly pushed back, as much as a fool for Christ and a peculiar person among a unique people as I am.
Otherwise, I am not having a stupid conversation. I grew up and recognized that there is no such thing as a stupid question. Therefore there is no such thing as a stupid conversation. The problem is when someone says that they are having or have had a stupid conversation. Maybe it is just something to move on from. Not if it is The Gospel, God's Law, Scripture, God's Word, or Jesus Christ God's Only Begotten Son.
If I understand you correctly you are identifying that shalom could mean goodbye from me. Essentially. But I am accustomed to shalom as a greeting, and I am not sure about my usage of the word parting in saying it can be used in parting. I was likely not concluding a conversation.
Thank you.
I have the understanding that it is impossible to leave a thread after you have posted on it. However, one need not post again. If we are required to answer posts to us or questions to us on threads we have started, posted in, or subscribed to, we must continue. But I do not see that requirement anywhere online, though it might have or may have existed.
Goodbye is different from good buy.
To leave a thread or not post on a thread again, whatever it is called, one may remove their subscription to the thread if they have one, though someone may try to post something to them again (it is a decision one needs to make), keep the subscription, or either way subscription or not even not having a subscription to the thread or not knowing what a subscription to a thread or a thread subscription is one may choose not to post anymore. But if upon doing this someone posts to them again or in response to something that they have said, they may and can post again. Demanding someone leave a thread or not post again is not proper or thread etiquette though it may be viewed or seen as appropriate by some. However, leaving on your own terms or leaving in peace is what is desired. I can't leave a thread with hostility in the air. It means I have not done something to make peace. If all this is understood you do not even need to post anything in response to me.


Its really vanity to think you can tell someone who to start with in the new testament. Someone who follows the Holy Spirit and is led by the Holy Spirit is subject to the Holy Spirit, not you.

Quote Originally Posted by Jacob View Post

Today is Rishon, 12-17. It is Yom, Day.
You went from Jesus to Paul and threw the other apostles in. Start with Jesus and His Apostles, Disciples, and move on to others such as Paul, establishing that he was sent with Scripture if you can.


Its really vanity to think you can tell someone who to start with in the new testament. Someone who follows the Holy Spirit and is led by the Holy Spirit is subject to the Holy Spirit, not you.

Quote Originally Posted by Jacob View Post

Today is Rishon, 12-17. It is Yom, Day.
You went from Jesus to Paul and threw the other apostles in. Start with Jesus and His Apostles, Disciples, and move on to others such as Paul, establishing that he was sent with Scripture if you can.


Today is Shishi (Sixth) 12-29. It is Boker, Morning. It is Yom, Day. This is the last day of the twelfth month. It is also the last day of the year.

Sometimes people ask what book (of the Bible, or of the New Testament) they should read first.





Today is Shishi (Sixth) 12-29. It is Boker, Morning. It is Yom, Day. This is the last day of the twelfth month. It is also the last day of the year.

Sometimes people ask what book (of the Bible, or of the New Testament) they should read first.



I said
Doesn't make any difference.[2Jo 1:7-11
7 For many deceivers have gone out into the world who do not confess Jesus Christ [as] coming in the flesh. This is a deceiver and an antichrist.
8 Look to yourselves, that we do not lose those things we worked for, but [that] we may receive a full reward.
9 Whoever transgresses and does not abide in the doctrine of Christ does not have God. He who abides in the doctrine of Christ has both the Father and the Son.
10 If anyone comes to you and does not bring this doctrine, do not receive him into your house nor greet him;
11 for he who greets him shares in his evil deeds.


I said
Doesn't make any difference.[2Jo 1:7-11
7 For many deceivers have gone out into the world who do not confess Jesus Christ [as] coming in the flesh. This is a deceiver and an antichrist.
8 Look to yourselves, that we do not lose those things we worked for, but [that] we may receive a full reward.
9 Whoever transgresses and does not abide in the doctrine of Christ does not have God. He who abides in the doctrine of Christ has both the Father and the Son.
10 If anyone comes to you and does not bring this doctrine, do not receive him into your house nor greet him;
11 for he who greets him shares in his evil deeds.

From the Scripture I can say that I confess Jesus Christ as coming in the flesh and that I abide in the doctrine of Christ.




From the Scripture I can say that I confess Jesus Christ as coming in the flesh and that I abide in the doctrine of Christ.



I said
Your lying again. Abide means to live, stay in the new testament. No old testament.


Hitler syndrome

Quote Originally Posted by Jacob View Post

I can't prove that I am gone by not posting. Sorry. You need to recognize that when I post and you don't need to anymore you don't have to. When you post I can respond if I want to. If there is nothing in your post to respond to I may choose not to.


Quote Originally Posted by Jacob View Post

You have failed to see that I know all this, acknowledge your post and scripture, recognize it (the content), and have preached it, but I have yet to see here your verse that says he was sent. That is what I am waiting for, and what you have failed to deliver when asked. I have proved it to others, but you have not proved it to me. Understand what is said in context, and don't say or make something say something that it is / does not.


Hitler syndrome

Quote Originally Posted by Jacob View Post

I can't prove that I am gone by not posting. Sorry. You need to recognize that when I post and you don't need to anymore you don't have to. When you post I can respond if I want to. If there is nothing in your post to respond to I may choose not to.


Quote Originally Posted by Jacob View Post

You have failed to see that I know all this, acknowledge your post and scripture, recognize it (the content), and have preached it, but I have yet to see here your verse that says he was sent. That is what I am waiting for, and what you have failed to deliver when asked. I have proved it to others, but you have not proved it to me. Understand what is said in context, and don't say or make something say something that it is / does not.

If you had no reason to answer the question, okay.



I said
I pity anyone who has the Hitler syndrome. Its a spirit that you cannot control, it controls you. Your replying proves that.

You started a thread about me and the Hitler syndrome. I forgive you for it.

