Grosnick Marowbe

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Hall of Fame
I believe there's a "Dark Cloud" over our Nation at this point in history. By all intent and purpose, Hillary should have won the Presidency, after all, she had the Media, Hollywood, and the left-wing Democratic Party in her back pocket. Why she even won the "Popular Vote" by a certain margin. In my opinion, God intervened in this last election. Only a "miracle" could have stopped Hillary's claim to the office of the Presidency. Is Trump a member of the "Body of Christ," that's between him and God.

I do believe that Trump is "God's Man of the Hour" for our Nation. Hopefully, if not at this time then, in the near future Trump will become a "True Christian." God has used "Unbelievers" throughout the history of the world to do His bidding and bring Glory to Himself. As I've stated before, "Pharoah of Egypt comes to mind." There's a mighty DIVISION in our land. There's a huge portion of "Left-Wing Liberal Democrats" causing mayhem, subversion, obstruction, sedition, and dissension.

After Trump won the Election a group called "Antifa" (Anti-Fascist) arose from the pit of Hell and brought into our society an onslaught of violence, foul speech and slogans, blocking of our streets and Freeways, and disrupting the natural flow of our countries existence. Make no mistake about it, Antifa is a homegrown terrorist group. I believe They're financed and directed by the leadership of the Democratic Party. These "Antifa" are out to "wreak havoc" on our country and have as their goal to "Bring Down" President Trump and to demonize all of those around him, including those who voted for him.

As I've stated before, in some of our Nations Cities the Police have been told to "Stand Down" therefore, the Police are keeping a low profile, making only "Token Arrests." Antifa doesn't want dialogue, debate, or intellectual conversations, their only goal is to cause as much strife, verbal and physical violence, and anarchy. They cuss, they yell through P.A. horns and Microphones, they scream infantile slogans, throw rocks and bottles, poke the opposition with sticks, and hit people with Bike Locks. It's only a matter of time before Guns and Bombs will make their presence known.

The Police need to take care of this problem before we end up like Venezuela. I would make a recommendation to the "Right-Leaning" protagonists that they stay away from these violent displays of anti-social/anti-civil behavior. After all, it takes two opposing parties to cause a clash of violence. Let the Police do their Jobs. There's truly a "Dark Cloud" hovering over our Country, however, Donald Trump is the right man for the right Job at this point in our history. Our Nation is 241 years old and we need to continue to be the most powerful Nation on the Planet for the sake of other Nations and ourselves.


Hall of Fame
I believe there's a "Dark Cloud" over our Nation at this point in history.

Indeed, that dark cloud is named Trump. His primary goal for running for president was to ruin our nation ... which he is accomplishing.

By all intent and purpose, Hillary should have won the Presidency, after all, she had the Media, Hollywood, and the left-wing Democratic Party in her back pocket. Why she even won the "Popular Vote" by a certain margin. In my opinion, God intervened in this last election.

Interesting ... you believe that foul mouth, tax-evading, thrice married adulterer is the example of who should be running the country? Do you give his example the Christian seal of approval?

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Indeed, that dark cloud is named Trump. His primary goal for running for president was to ruin our nation ... which he is accomplishing.

Interesting ... you believe that foul mouth, tax-evading, thrice married adulterer is the example of who should be running the country? Do you give his example the Christian seal of approval?

Thanks for playing. Am I to understand that you really don't care very much about our President? The problem is, there's nothing you can do about it, so why not sit back and enjoy the ride?


New member
I believe there's a "Dark Cloud" over our Nation at this point in history. By all intent and purpose, Hillary should have won the Presidency, after all, she had the Media, Hollywood, and the left-wing Democratic Party in her back pocket. Why she even won the "Popular Vote" by a certain margin.
But she didn't have the Russians


Hall of Fame
Thanks for playing. Am I to understand that you really don't care very much about our President?

That is an understatement ...

The problem is, there's nothing you can do about it, so why not sit back and enjoy the ride?

Because I love America ... and any elected official who is trying to destroy America (trump in this case) is something all patriotic American's should be speaking out against.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
That is an understatement ...

Because I love America ... and any elected official who is trying to destroy America (trump in this case) is something all patriotic American's should be speaking out against.

You see, I don't consider those on the far-left to be "Good Patriotic Americans" if they were, they'd accept the leader who was properly elected, abide with his position and be a loyal American citizen.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Loyal Patriots accept duly elected Presidents and don't thwart him at every turn and try to continually obstruct everything he tries to do. What's been going on in our society is horrendous. The Conservatives may not have liked Obama however, they didn't try to "DESTROY" him like he was some sort of Dictator or demon. Democrats are like petulant children who REFUSE to be civil and mannerly when they lose. DEMS are extremely "Sore Losers" to say the least.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
The Far-Left refuse to be United with the rest of our country because they didn't get their way. Had Hillary won, Conservatives wouldn't have responded the way Democrats have been acting. If the Democrats continue with these tactics, they'll continue to lose votes. Mature Adults ought not to be behaving the way the Far-Left has been acting. They whine they protest, they riot, they spread violence and decent, they scream obscenities, they call anybody who voted for Trump; Nazis and they wreak havoc. Is that the way adults act? I don't think so. You can't separate what the Antifas are doing from the Democratic Party. They are totally connected.


Hall of Fame
You see, I don't consider those on the far-left to be "Good Patriotic Americans" if they were, they'd accept the leader who was properly elected,

Me neither ... which is why the acceptance of a foreign enemy intervening on behalf of the guy who lost the popular vote by a couple million votes isn't acceptable.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Me neither ... which is why the acceptance of a foreign enemy intervening on behalf of the guy who lost the popular vote by a couple million votes isn't acceptable.

The President of our Nation is voted into office by the "Electoral College" not the Popular Vote. As you see, even though Hillary won the Popular Vote she didn't win the Presidency. She lost because of the Electoral Votes.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Their hatred for Trump and those who voted for him is so intense that the far-left CANNOT have a civil debate without name calling, turning Beet red, twitching, flailing their arms, cursing, yelling, and making unfounded accusations. It's truly a sight to behold.