Grosnick Marowbe

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Hall of Fame
The "Far-Left" have been RABID since the election result brought the "Animal" out in them. At this point, they're inconsolable and ready to attack at any given moment. Ever seen a two-year-old fall to the floor and scream and holler because they didn't get what they wanted? Well, that's what a far-leftist does, only louder and more violent.


Well-known member
Thanks for playing. Am I to understand that you really don't care very much about our President? The problem is, there's nothing you can do about it, so why not sit back and enjoy the ride?

Rusha and her crowd don't understand that Christians are able to see beneath the mask that so many people wear. All liberals are impressed by the masks of the politicians who speak out of both sides of their mouths, and are offended by anyone who speaks the truth....especially the ugly truth.


Well-known member
Their hatred for Trump and those who voted for him is so intense that the far-left CANNOT have a civil debate without name calling, turning Beet red, twitching, flailing their arms, cursing, yelling, and making unfounded accusations. It's truly a sight to behold.

If I acted like them, I'd Divorce myself.

The left is still pouting :allsmile:


I still can't get over how all these "normal housewives" are posting memes on Facebook which are absolutely filthy and gross....any of which makes Trump look like a choir boy.

The truth of the matter is, the society at large is filthy and gross and they want a President who pretends like they aren't.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Rusha and her crowd don't understand that Christians are able to see beneath the mask that so many people wear. All liberals are impressed by the masks of the politicians who speak out of both sides of their mouths, and are offended by anyone who speaks the truth....especially the ugly truth.

To draw an analogy: The Government Body made up of Democrats and Republicans, most of which consider Donald Trump as a "USURPER," decided to reject Trump as if he were a Transplanted organ in a physical body. Sometimes when a patient has an organ transplant the body will reject the organ. This is what happened in the political realm with Donald Trump. All of the DEMS rejected him and a small portion of Republicans did as well.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Trump isn't a "Typical Politician" that's why the DEMS and some Republicans cannot fathom him being their President. After all, everybody expected Hillary to win. When she didn't, it threw everything out of whack in Washington. A Political Anomaly was not expected, thus, we have all of this commotion with the Antifa, the death threats, the attempted murder of several Republicans at a baseball practice, the Hollywood madness, and the Democratic Leadership calling for the Impeachment and Resignation of President Trump. The "Old Guard" of Washington cannot accept Trump's Presidency. Maxine Waters and Nancy Pelosi were asking for Trump's Impeachment the very day he came into office. What's with that? It's not level-headed, that's for certain.

Personally, I don't believe the "Delusional Left-Wing" will ever stop trying to get rid of our President. They will obstruct to the bitter end. Hopefully, and God Willing Trump will be in office for two terms. The DEMS and a few Republicans will continue their battle legally or not. They'll do anything to take Trump out of office. President Trump will continue to have his base backing him 100%. So far as the "Polls" go, well, as we found out during the election, the Polls aren't to be trusted. God Bless President Trump.


Well-known member
Whatever Trump says, nothing is unpresidential when compared with...


patrick jane

I love how offended the Fake Media and the liberal idiots gets by Trump's tweets. They will find something to get offended about as "the ratings" go up. They can have plays that depict Trump getting murdered and hold fake bloody heads that look like Trump. They can talk about blowing up the White House and punching the President in the face. They can riot and destroy property, they can bring an assault rifle to a baseball practice and shoot Republicans, but Trump isn't supposed to fight back, they think he should be "Presidential" - I like Trump's WWE video of him body slamming CNN - Fake News

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
I love how offended the Fake Media and the liberal idiots gets by Trump's tweets. They will find something to get offended about as "the ratings" go up. They can have plays that depict Trump getting murdered and hold fake bloody heads that look like Trump. They can talk about blowing up the White House and punching the President in the face. They can riot and destroy property, they can bring an assault rifle to a baseball practice and shoot Republicans, but Trump isn't supposed to fight back, they think he should be "Presidential" - I like Trump's WWE video of him body slamming CNN - Fake News



Well-known member
Every faked narrative has blown up in their faces, so now they're actually considering (as a useless token) passing a bill that will declare Trump mentally unfit for office.

In a sane society, such scum would have their own constituents storm their offices and drag them to lamp posts out of embarrassment.