Granite said:
You know, it baffles me that it's so hard for people to imagine that women who are misled and ravaged are anything less than "victimized." This kind of bullheaded myopia is not only frustrating but downright flabbergasting. It's as though abortion completely ends with the death of the infant. Small wonder pro-lifers have made so few inroads: their pathological hatred of the mother in question has, more often than not, alienated the very women they should be reaching.
You need to look at your own posts if you really want to see myopic thinking.
(You also shouldn't assume I'm pro-life or pro-choice, or I am trying to make inroads. None of those things apply to the point I'm trying to make)
Yes, SOME women that go into clinics are lied to about what's happening. SOME women are mislead as to how this event will effect them. MOST do know what's happening, they do know the truth of the situation.
This doesn't mean people can't have compassion for them, it doesn't mean somebody can't relate to them with compassion. It doesn't mean you can't feel sorry for them if you want. It means they can't absolve themselves by saying "I'm a victim, I didn't know the truth". Others can't abosolve them by saying "oh, you're just a victim, (therefore) you didn't do anything wrong".
Where would it end?
Bank robber: "My friend said it was easy and I could get away with it.. I'm a victim" Everybody else: "Awww.. you poor thing, you didn't know robbing that bank was wrong and your friend mislead you.. you're just a victim, have some coco".
Too many people are using the word "victim" as if it's a magic cleaner that makes everything sparkle and smell fresh. It dilutes the meaning of the word.
Granite said:
Most of the women going into the clinic know the lies, they know somebody is trying to mislead them, but it's easier to claim "I'm a victim" than to face facts.. that's what is truly disappointing.