We've got a fellow here on the site who appears to strongly disagree with Bob when it comes to his views on the legal system and the current state of "justice".
I don't know Bob's views on the subject. I know he isn't a lawyer. I haven't seen him discuss it in the forum.
This fellow likes to posture as being an expert on the law
No, I don't posture. I am an expert on some aspects of the law and generally trained and particularly experienced in its practice. I've worked at both the trial and appellate levels and in both criminal defense and civil litigation. I also did a stint for the Attorney General's office.
and he uses lots of convoluted words and phrasings - sounds like he'd be a natural for the show.
Not particularly true. Words aren't convoluted just because they aren't part of your vocabulary. And I mostly don't use terms of art without an explanation of what they mean. So there's really no reason for anyone to be confused on a point I raise relating to the subject.
I don't know if if he'd have the fortitude to actually defend his viewpoint on the show or not
You mean interest. I'd forgotten you like to do this, try to get other people you feel more confident in to fight your battles. I recall it from the thread you're about to reference. You did a little, "So and so would get you" nonsense and coupled it with a declaration that you had an argument but you never made it...then you "challenged" me to make one for you and declared what follows when I didn't.
If Bob or anyone wants to talk about the law here I'm interested. This is the medium I've chosen. I'm not interested in radio, or television or a formal debate at the town hall of your choosing. Characterize that any way you want to. Here is where we are and here I've been, willing to discuss with anyone who steps in.
- I remember the last time I encouraged somebody to do this they tucked tail and ran squalling like a scared little girl with a skinned knee. :chuckle:
That's what you said all right. It was as silly then too.
Oh, and I noted prior that the post/conversation you declared me interrupting was actually generally a summary without particular address and that your asking me to not address you is funny given you started that in the personal insult thread. Want the link?