Creationists admit "We are losing badly"


New member
Hey Jose' Richard Dawkin's confessed that evolution tipped the scales and made him an atheist, why do you keep pushing it?



New member
If getting people to recognize reality turns people away from your faith, then your problem isn't with me, it's with reality.

The reality of life is that we live then we die and after we die we go to meet our maker. Nobody grows up wanting to die everyone wants to live and enjoy the life God has given us, but when the time comes to meet our maker consider this. Evolution is taught to our children, if they come from a Christian home their taught to believe in God, evolution comes to them as a stumbling block, lets see what Jesus has to say about that.

Matthew 18:6 But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.

7 Woe unto the world because of offences! for it must needs be that offences come; but woe to that man by whom the offence cometh!


Jose Fly

New member
The reality of life is that we live then we die and after we die we go to meet our maker.

No, that's a religious belief, in the same category as reincarnation.

Evolution is taught to our children, if they come from a Christian home their taught to believe in God, evolution comes to them as a stumbling block

That's odd, given that millions of Christians all over the world have no problem with evolution.

lets see what Jesus has to say about that.

Matthew 18:6 But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.

7 Woe unto the world because of offences! for it must needs be that offences come; but woe to that man by whom the offence cometh!

I'd say the ones telling kids that they have to choose between evolution and Christianity are the "stumbling blocks".


New member
No, all he said was that we can't allow "God made it that way" as an acceptable solution to scientific problems. Do you understand why we can't do that?

No that is not "all he said". Can you really not see that?

Then what was the point of the Stephen Meyer quote you posted in Post #78?

I think the point was what he said. One cannot evaluate the evidence for or against any hypothesis that has been ruled out a priori.


Dear Jose Fly,

No, this creationist does not feel like he's losing badly!! Where do you come up with these things? I don't know why I am even bothering to post to you, but this once, I will, just so people know where I stand. I've done that. Good bye!

God Be With You If It Is His Will,



New member
No, that's a religious belief, in the same category as reincarnation.

That's odd, given that millions of Christians all over the world have no problem with evolution.

I'd say the ones telling kids that they have to choose between evolution and Christianity are the "stumbling blocks".

Many who say they are Christians believe God is a concept and not a real person. Personally I would not call such people true Christians. If a person practices sorcery and says they are a Christian, don't you believe it. The same goes for Atheist who claim to be Christians.


If I remember correctly, Einstein and other scientist believed in God.

Einstein believed in Spinoza's God, which is basically atheistic. There's a popular idea of it being a pantheistic ideology, but- not really. It's just an appreciation of nature's own ordered existence.

Unfortunately, there aren't many theistic modern physicists. Though, Newton was a very avid Christian- he outright gave the rest to God outside of his conclusions. He even deduced that the world was going to end in 2060.
It's funny how atheists try to steal him as one of their own, though :)

What's also funny
Is that the founder of the Big Bang Theory was a Catholic priest- it is the only major theory in which the author is not named in conventional school books.

The godless bias of science is subtle, but nonetheless there even in the little places. Leave it to atheists to continually deny it though.


New member
What else do you think he said?

Including ones that rule themselves out a priori, e.g., those invoking God.

Since you continuously give latitude to one side while refusing it to the other, discussing it with you is becoming pointless.

Jose Fly

New member
Well, this is a topic I've discussed with creationists countless times, and it almost always goes the same way.

Creationist complains that their beliefs about God and how God did things are outside of science.

I point out that science is exclusively about things that can be investigated and tested, and note that AFAIK, God doesn't meet that criterion.

Creationist accuses scientists of being biased/having an anti-God agenda.

I ask the creationist how God can be investigated and tested.

Creationist spends X days dodging and avoiding the question.


Well-known member
I guess it's progress to see ID creationists finally coming around and recognizing the reality of the situation....ID creationism is dead, long since so.
Dueling sources?

You are pretty much a bad commercial waiting to happen, which is why you are mostly ignored, but when I happen to have been reading in the news, it is easy enough to address. Realize that the numbers flux a little so I think your supposed victory is premature and not that significant. Don't break out the party hats just yet (as if a negative is something to celebrate anyway, perhaps you all don't really like each other).

Millennials are accepting the reality of evolution in greater numbers, are leaving Christianity, and are citing the faith's anti-science attitude as among their reasons for leaving.

All good news. :up:
:nono: THAT number is the same. Nice try though.


Well-known member
Another act that is costing them attendance is their perpetual need to create an us vs them mentality. This includes, but is not limited to, homosexuals, transgenders, ethnic minorities, competing religions, social groups that to not align with their views, political parties that do not align; etc.
Answered here (not on topic with this OP).

Jose Fly

New member
You can't see God, and the only way you are going to acknowledge anything is if you can see Him.

That makes debating with those as yourself absolutely pointless.

Thanks for illustrating my point. All I have to ask is, "How do you propose scientists test and investigate God", and the creationists are sent into a tizzy.