Creationists admit "We are losing badly"

Jose Fly

New member
You have no idea what you are saying sir. I don't mean about skirmishes about the 'truth' of a certain find today or not. I mean about the upper classes in England giving in to Nazism (based on evolution) and what it would have done.


Well-known member
How exactly do you intend to prove the existence of your deity?
Romans 1 says He proves He exists to every man. That means denial is between the denier and his/her God. If I get in the middle of that it takes your eyes off what you are supposed to be seeing on your own. He has made a few scriptural promises that the one who honestly seeks Him, would find Him. If you want Him, you will find Him. If not, you won't.


New member
One of the few intelligent design blogs left is "Uncommon Descent". Recently, Sal Cordova--an ID creationist--was banned from the blog, which seems kinda odd since he's a fairly well-known creationist and ID apologist. But in banning him, his fellow creationists sent him a letter that explains he was banned for also participating in a non-ID creationist site. That letter states (in part)...

I guess it's progress to see ID creationists finally coming around and recognizing the reality of the situation....ID creationism is dead, long since so. Millennials are accepting the reality of evolution in greater numbers, are leaving Christianity, and are citing the faith's anti-science attitude as among their reasons for leaving.

All good news. :up:

:troll: post

Greg Jennings

New member
One of the few intelligent design blogs left is "Uncommon Descent". Recently, Sal Cordova--an ID creationist--was banned from the blog, which seems kinda odd since he's a fairly well-known creationist and ID apologist. But in banning him, his fellow creationists sent him a letter that explains he was banned for also participating in a non-ID creationist site. That letter states (in part)...

I guess it's progress to see ID creationists finally coming around and recognizing the reality of the situation....ID creationism is dead, long since so. Millennials are accepting the reality of evolution in greater numbers, are leaving Christianity, and are citing the faith's anti-science attitude as among their reasons for leaving.

All good news. :up:

It's nice to be reminded that not all creationists are as willfully ignorant as some here

Greg Jennings

New member
The bigger question that needs to be addressed is not how we got here, but what is our purpose - surely mankind exists for some purpose other than filling up space!

I suppose as the first creatures to hold the power to alter our planet, maybe our purpose is to be its caretakers?

That fits the Bible rather nicely, no?

Greg Jennings

New member
The only reason Christians are losing, is because they are not given the same opportunities by the government.
Are you freaking kidding me?

I guess I should've figured out that in a country of overwhelming Christian majority, that Christians would be discriminated against. That's how it goes right? The majority suffers at the hands of the minority?


New member
I love how the supposedly rational "I love science" crowd always turns these discussions into popularity contests.

So predicable, as trolls often are.


New member
The surveys are showing that...

The 60 percent level of acceptance of human evolution includes all adults. But digging into particular age groups reveals that, while acceptance is significantly lower in adults older than 65 (49 percent), it is significantly higher in younger adults, between 18-29 (68 percent), with other age groups close to the national average.​

I've often said that the creationism/evolution battle won't be won by changing minds, but by older generations dying off and taking their beliefs with them, while being replaced by younger, better-educated generations.

Thanks for your opinions.

Younger, better educated generations? Younger, lazier, conformist, lacking critical thinking, big state trusting generations is more accurate.


New member
Um....sir....might a trouble you for your own definition of what a troll is?

Someone who starts a thread with the assertion that Creationists admit they are "losing badly," and attempts to support that assertion with irrelevant, unfounded claims about what people of a certain age group are supposedly doing and thinking.

Or do you want a more "scientific" definition?

Greg Jennings

New member
Someone who starts a thread with the assertion that Creationists admit they are "losing badly," and attempts to support that assertion with irrelevant, unfounded claims about what people of a certain age group are supposedly doing and thinking.
And what if the claims are backed by people who actually spend their lives studying the data?

Or do you want a more "scientific" definition?
I do, but I wouldn't want to push you so hard as to actually look at things that those foolish scientists say. What have they ever done for mankind, am I right?


New member
And what if the claims are backed by people who actually spend their lives studying the data?

People whose livelihoods rest on convincing a corporation or government to give them grant money for the next great discovery? Why wouldn't I trust everything they say? :idunno:

I do, but I wouldn't want to push you so hard as to actually look at things that those foolish scientists say. What have they ever done for mankind, am I right?

Depends. Some scientists study important things, others just waste their lives. Seems to me the most important advancements have been in medicine.

Greg Jennings

New member
People whose livelihoods rest on convincing a corporation or government to give them grant money for the next great discovery? Why wouldn't I trust everything they say? :idunno:
So scientists made up all of evolutionary theory in order to con the American government into giving them cash for experiments that they then lied about the results of in order to get more money. You're conspiracy meter is dangerously close to Jesse Ventura levels.

Depends. Some scientists study important things, others just waste their lives. Seems to me the most important advancements have been in medicine.
Perhaps you're unaware that our understanding and creation of antibiotics, vaccines, and cancer treatments have been direct results of evolutionary research?

Greg Jennings

New member
You're inconsistent. How do you know the entire Roman empire wasn't just a myth?

Hmm....well we've got loads of different cultures that refer to it over and over again in their writings (there were things called wars that were fought between Rome and other places), we have the Vatican which was obviously around in the day, and oh yeah....those massive buildings in Rome today that are consistent with writings from the time. I'll throw in pottery and coins with the names of Roman rulers on them as a bonus.

So there's a few ways we can be sure.