creation vs evolution


Well-known member
I am not sure who you are talking about. Whose bibliography?

And that list of sources you cited? Once you claim any value based on Walt Brown or Kent Hovind you might as will use my dog, Jonah, as a source. He is pretty bright but has difficulty understanding concepts beyond "Where's the ball?" and "Food, food, food".

Hebert's bibliography is at the end of his article. I assumed you knew that scientific papers end with bibliographies.

Yes there are problems with Brown, but I disclaimed him for not mentioning tectonics, but he was the first person I ever heard show the geomorphological truth about many of our mountain ranges: they look the way they do because it just happened.

As for Hovind, I put a disclaimer there; however, individual facts stand on their own, and he is a good collector.

I notice you did not criticize the Austrian antiquities office for 'bizz-artefacts' nor Hancock. Those two facts mean a high % of my bibliography from DELUGE OF SUSPICIONS is solid.


Hebert's bibliography is at the end of his article. I assumed you knew that scientific papers end with bibliographies.

Yes there are problems with Brown, but I disclaimed him for not mentioning tectonics, but he was the first person I ever heard show the geomorphological truth about many of our mountain ranges: they look the way they do because it just happened.

As for Hovind, I put a disclaimer there; however, individual facts stand on their own, and he is a good collector.

I notice you did not criticize the Austrian antiquities office for 'bizz-artefacts' nor Hancock. Those two facts mean a high % of my bibliography from DELUGE OF SUSPICIONS is solid.

Yes I know full well what a bibliography is, I was confused about who you were referring to, Now that I know it was Hebert and his AiG article once again, no thanks, will not take the time to read it.
Nor will I take the time to read your silliness now that you appear to have bought into Walt Brown. No, the Rockies, the Andes, the Himalayas did not happen as a result of The Flood. Your understanding is wrong. There must be some good universities near you. Get educated.


What about MY creation vs evolution thread?

I surely know what you mean, Patrick. Perhaps you should open your thread Creation vs Evolution again. You can certainly be recognized by the system, because you capitalized a couple words.

It's getting quite late. You take care, dear friend always!!

May God Magnify Your Heart Threefold!!!



New member
Let me try to understand your logic here. In a prior post you listed a # of species that have been around for millions of years. The one I am most familiar with is the horseshoe crab, Limulus polyphemus, the one here on the east coast of the US. There appear to be 3 other species in other parts of the world by the way. But lets stick with L. polyphemus. Your position is that since they have been around for 445 +/- million years, that is proof that evolution has not occurred.

To start I am glad we don't have to fight over whether the earth is 6000 years old. But the first question is where did the first L. polyphemus come from lo those many years ago? Did it evolve from something else or did it just appear on the scene fully created by some outside entity?

Don't you find it interesting that the bible says that God evolved? Life is rare and not common.

Isaiah 43:10. "You are my witnesses," declares the LORD (Yahwah), "and my servant whom I have chosen, so that you may know and believe me and understand that I am He. Before me no god formed, nor will there be one after me.

Evolution for life on this plant is a theory. If indeed Evolution was possible in this universe there would not be the multitude of life forms do to the chaos factor. In other words, there are far more things to go wrong than right. As for the age of the earth and how long life has been here, the bible does not really say. The creation days are epochs of time. The biblical calendar time starts with the creation of man.


Don't you find it interesting that the bible says that God evolved? Life is rare and not common.

Isaiah 43:10. "You are my witnesses," declares the LORD (Yahwah), "and my servant whom I have chosen, so that you may know and believe me and understand that I am He. Before me no god formed, nor will there be one after me.

Evolution for life on this plant is a theory. If indeed Evolution was possible in this universe there would not be the multitude of life forms do to the chaos factor. In other words, there are far more things to go wrong than right. As for the age of the earth and how long life has been here, the bible does not really say. The creation days are epochs of time. The biblical calendar time starts with the creation of man.

So no answer to my question? How did the first L. polyphemus get here? Was it specially created from nothing? Did your deity allow it to change from something else?

And in terms of life, all we know for sure is that it is not rare, it is all over the earth, even inhospitable places harbor life. Ocean depths, deep sea thermal vents, lichens on rocks way above the tree line, etc. I suspect our planet has the only life in our solar system at the moment but no one is sure. Given the numbers of other galaxies, stars and planets, to claim life is only found here would seem to be a stretch.


Well-known member
Yes I know full well what a bibliography is, I was confused about who you were referring to, Now that I know it was Hebert and his AiG article once again, no thanks, will not take the time to read it.
Nor will I take the time to read your silliness now that you appear to have bought into Walt Brown. No, the Rockies, the Andes, the Himalayas did not happen as a result of The Flood. Your understanding is wrong. There must be some good universities near you. Get educated.

Then all I will remember about you is that you ditched all the scientific papers in the back of Hebert, which is what the universities have, although they don't see what is in plain sight.

You might be right on one aspect of the Genesis text. The 'deep' broke open, in the cataclysm, however, the splitting of the earth is twice referred to retroactively enough that it is hard to conclude whether it was happening at the same time or 'aftershocks.'

The world deluge is in about 500 cultures, often with 'unnecessary' detail which I have listed partly in that guide.

Mayor was at Stanford, and was the leading geo-mythologist at the time. Most of geo-mythology deals with human-dinosaur interactions, all mentioned before the cataclysm, not after.

The cause of the dustiness of the lowest ice cores is one of the main reasons to go with the cataclysm and its short ice-age follow up, which matches the deaths of the thousands of mammoths now in permafrost.

There are many reasons not to trust the universities on these things. They write things like 'one dinosaur in Alberta tripped by this river and the next tripped on him and so on, until we have several hundreds yards of bones.' Right-0 (zero).


New member
So no answer to my question? How did the first L. polyphemus get here? Was it specially created from nothing? Did your deity allow it to change from something else?

And in terms of life, all we know for sure is that it is not rare, it is all over the earth, even inhospitable places harbor life. Ocean depths, deep sea thermal vents, lichens on rocks way above the tree line, etc. I suspect our planet has the only life in our solar system at the moment but no one is sure. Given the numbers of other galaxies, stars and planets, to claim life is only found here would seem to be a stretch.

The bible says that God created the life forms here on earth and that there is life elsewhere.


Then all I will remember about you is that you ditched all the scientific papers in the back of Hebert, which is what the universities have, although they don't see what is in plain sight.

You might be right on one aspect of the Genesis text. The 'deep' broke open, in the cataclysm, however, the splitting of the earth is twice referred to retroactively enough that it is hard to conclude whether it was happening at the same time or 'aftershocks.'

The world deluge is in about 500 cultures, often with 'unnecessary' detail which I have listed partly in that guide.

Mayor was at Stanford, and was the leading geo-mythologist at the time. Most of geo-mythology deals with human-dinosaur interactions, all mentioned before the cataclysm, not after.

The cause of the dustiness of the lowest ice cores is one of the main reasons to go with the cataclysm and its short ice-age follow up, which matches the deaths of the thousands of mammoths now in permafrost.

There are many reasons not to trust the universities on these things. They write things like 'one dinosaur in Alberta tripped by this river and the next tripped on him and so on, until we have several hundreds yards of bones.' Right-0 (zero).

So the bottom line is not to trust the experts? Who do you see when you get sick---a plumber?

And guess what? The universities have even more papers than those cherry picked by Hebert.


New member
Every little thing about us is recorded to bring us back into being.

Matthew 10:30
And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered.


Well-known member
So the bottom line is not to trust the experts? Who do you see when you get sick---a plumber?

And guess what? The universities have even more papers than those cherry picked by Hebert.

If you are not aware of the bias of the universities, what can I say. 2% of state university professors are conservative, yet over half the population is. See Goldberg's INDOCTRINATION U. They are indoctrination centers. They create concepts like 'safespaces.' See my youtube video. They have dictatorial thought-constructions. The environmentalist dictatorship goes back to proto-Nazi philosophy, which is still very present in universities, and popular for being so concerned with the environment. The leading climate scientist at MIT is a climate change denier, but is spit upon for doing so, because the intellectual 'climate' of the universities has not changed: it is dictatorial.

Try this one Jonah: how do you transport 2000 feet (depth) of New England sandstone slurry to Grand Canyon? What hydrologic force does it take to do so? (This has to do with your global flood theory).


Try this one Jonah: how do you transport 2000 feet (depth) of New England sandstone slurry to Grand Canyon? What hydrologic force does it take to do so? (This has to do with your global flood theory).

My global flood theory? I have no global flood theory.
As far as the 2000 feet of New England sandstone slurry, please give me a citation to that in the literature. If it is buried in Hebert or your list, I have neither the time nor inclination to dig it out, so if you wish to have me consider it, point me in a specific direction.


My global flood theory? I have no global flood theory.
As far as the 2000 feet of New England sandstone slurry, please give me a citation to that in the literature. If it is buried in Hebert or your list, I have neither the time nor inclination to dig it out, so if you wish to have me consider it, point me in a specific direction.
Interplanner, no specific citation? to the 2000 feet of New England sandstone slurry???


Well-known member
I believe the layer is called Conconino and it is entirely anachronistic.

For the same reason, the towers in the 4 Corners area are the remnant of slurry moving through and only leaving such towers, while transporting slurry on to things like submarine Monterey Canyon which is 3 times the size of Grand. Massive movements. Research on similar structures like Steamboat Island in the Columbia due to the slurry of Lake Missoula support slurry having that much 'clout.' Steamboat didn't "form." Solid layers were there, but Steamboat is all that is left. The slurry of Lake Missoula moved so much so fast it reached the Eugene area, not as tidal sludge but as sedimentary slurry. Totally abrupt forces at work.

But there's NPR and NOVA with BUILDING NORTH AMERICA how every single layer of north America is exactly as we find now and peacefully laid down in neat chrono sequence. Brain dead!

The new understanding of the slurry that abruptly formed Australia and folded Ayers Rock into its J shape is the Centralia theory. The speckles in the granite of Ayers is relatively recent and rough-edged.

Speaking of brain dead trust of scientists, catch the next post from Canada.