Creation vs. Evolution

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Well-known member
As I read it, the more "enlightened" creationists accept a form of evolution or "adaptation" from their deity's "kinds" post Noah. Exactly how that happened and when and why it stopped are questions that remain unanswered. Perhaps unbeknownst to the rest of the world these are hot topics for research at Liberty University.

Yes, I've seen those claims. No Biblical basis, and postulates an extremely rapid evolution for which there is no fossil record- or mention of in the Bible, for that matter. Abel was a shepherd, as was Abraham. They both presumably had sheep (actually, the text says they did). I am not sure where and when the pre-sheep kind are supposed to come in.


Yes, I've seen those claims. No Biblical basis, and postulates an extremely rapid evolution for which there is no fossil record- or mention of in the Bible, for that matter. Abel was a shepherd, as was Abraham. They both presumably had sheep (actually, the text says they did). I am not sure where and when the pre-sheep kind are supposed to come in.

How long after the Flood did Abraham live? Maybe the megaspeed evolution took place then?


Maybe, maybe, perhaps, could be, because, there is no God.

How long does virus live?

Well, thank your for the non-answer. The suggestion has been made by others that the various kinds that came off the Ark "adapted" quickly to the new earth left by the Flood. Just trying to nail down the time frame.

Cross Reference

New member
Well, thank your for the non-answer. The suggestion has been made by others that the various kinds that came off the Ark "adapted" quickly to the new earth left by the Flood. Just trying to nail down the time frame.

Time frame?? You have no time frame to work with. Ergo, you have nothing. .LOL!!


New member
As I read it, the more "enlightened" creationists accept a form of evolution or "adaptation" from their deity's "kinds" post Noah. Exactly how that happened and when and why it stopped are questions that remain unanswered. Perhaps unbeknownst to the rest of the world these are hot topics for research at Liberty University.
Easy answers..... Rapid adaptation has not stopped today. There is a thread on the topic listing several examples of evolutionists being "shocked". But, of course as genetic information is lost (via natural selection) there is less ability to adapt....greater chance of extinction.


6, here is a question. Your deity created kinds (cat kind, dog kind, etc.). Did "adaptation", to use the term you need, take place between creation and The Flood? If so, how do we know?


New member
My understanding of the creationist viewpoint (and they can correct me if I am wrong)is that evolution itself doesn't and didn't happen. The observed facts of evolution, whether it be the fossil record or genetic data or whatever do not fit in with a literal Biblical view that God created all the creatures that we see today, and that happened about 6,000 years ago.It's even worse if you think that there was no death before "The Fall".

All of this dickering over mechanisms is irrelevant. It makes no difference how it happened. If it happened, Bible literalists and Creationists have a problem. It did happen, and they can't deal with it. So they get involved in arguments about mechanisms and statistics, since they can't deal with the observed fact of evolution.
Fallacy of equivocation.
Observable adaptation, based on pre-existing genetic information and mechanisms, is not the same as the Unobservable belief in common ancestry.

Cross Reference

New member
Jonahdog has been answered many times. He seems to have caught a case of JoseFly forgetfulness. The time frame of creation and the flood is pretty clear from the genealogies.

And the system of things as they were from the beginning of recorded history hasn't changed in 6k yrs with human nature remaining unaltered nor the 4 seasons for 5k yrs +/- a few. LOL! There is a rainbow to prove it.


New member
Evolutionary theory is not a set of instructions and moral code like your bible is meant to be. Evolutionary theory says NOTHING about what is "right"....
All true.
However, as evidenced here in TOL, evolutionism is a religion. Evolutionists defend their faith and attempt to get converts.
Dr. Michael Ruse, a atheist and hard core evolutionists says “Evolution is promoted by its practitioners as more than mere science. Evolution is promulgated as an ideology, a secular religion-a full-fledged alternative to Christianity, with meaning and morality …. Evolution is a religion. This was true of evolution in the beginning, and it is true of evolution still today."
Canadian National Post (May 13, 2000)

In the Australian Skeptics magazine, 'The Southern Skeptic', "Even if all the evidence ended up supporting whichever scientific theories best fitted Genesis, this would only show how clever the old Hebrews were in their use of common sense, or how lucky. It does not need to be explained by unobservable God."
Catch that??? No matter how good the evidence is supporting creation, they won't believe!!


New member
No, we know where it was per Rosy, in Readers Digest. We don't know when or who said it, but it was in The Readers Digest. Very impressive source if you have an 8th grade reading level.
Note the logical fallacy employed by Jdog. Reader's Digest is not the researcher nor employed the research. It is simply a commonplace media source that many people have access to. Attacking RD is a straw man. The actual point remains, that regardless of lip service to evolution the research scientists presumed design as they approached the problem.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
My understanding of the Darwinist viewpoint (and they can correct me if I am wrong) is that evolution must have happened. The observed facts ruling out evolution, whether it be the fossil record or genetic data or whatever does not fit in with their holy text, Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life, just get ignored.

All of this dickering over mechanisms is irrelevant. It makes no difference how it happened. If it happened, Darwinites and evolutionists have a problem: It did not happen, and they can't deal with it. So they get involved in arguments about mechanisms and statistics, since they can't deal with the facts refuting evolutionism.

As I read it, the more "enlightened" creationists accept a form of evolution or "adaptation" from their deity's "kinds" post Noah. Exactly how that happened and when and why it stopped are questions that remain unanswered. Perhaps unbeknownst to the rest of the world these are hot topics for research at Liberty University.
Darwinists hate reading.

Stripey, ever read Readers Digest? It's good for corny jokes anyway.
Doubling down on your irrational nonsense wasn't the way to go. :nono:

The argument was a pure argument from authority.
Nope. There was an idea expressed. The source was irrelevant. That's how a rational discussion works.

Of course you mocked the source; that's the only recourse you have, save another fallacy.

There was no more to the argument to even address.
The challenge remains open: Things look designed, therefore it is reasonable to believe there was a designer.


Note the logical fallacy employed by Jdog. Reader's Digest is not the researcher nor employed the research. It is simply a commonplace media source that many people have access to. Attacking RD is a straw man. The actual point remains, that regardless of lip service to evolution the research scientists presumed design as they approached the problem.

citation please to the article

Jose Fly

New member
You are missing the point. The basis for their hypothesis was that they would start with what was designed for human infants. You can't make such a presumption under an evolution framework

So you're saying they started with the assumption that human breast milk was "designed"? Can you quote from the article where they say that?

In spite of the article putting in a few obligatory "millions of years" and "evolution" buzzwords, the researchers approached the problem like creationists, and that enabled them to progress.

In what context were those terms used?

Readers digest. Oct 2012. By Erin Miller.

Do you have that issue?


New member
So you're saying they started with the assumption that human breast milk was "designed"?
Things intelligently designed are easy to detect. Evolutionists are encouraged by the pope of atheism to call it the appearance of design... He says things look designed, but aren't. Sort of like a looks like it's been designed.

Jose Fly

New member
My understanding of the creationist viewpoint (and they can correct me if I am wrong)is that evolution itself doesn't and didn't happen. The observed facts of evolution, whether it be the fossil record or genetic data or whatever do not fit in with a literal Biblical view that God created all the creatures that we see today, and that happened about 6,000 years ago.It's even worse if you think that there was no death before "The Fall".

It depends on which creationists you're talking to and what day of the week it is (they like to change their stories from day to day). As 6days keeps describing, in order to go from a single breeding pair of each "kind" to all its descendant species in just a few thousand years you need new species to arise very rapidly and regularly.

Now how does that happen if evolution never, ever, ever occurs? How do you go from a single pair representing the "cat kind" to leopards, tigers, cheetahs, and all the other species in the family? It can't be via evolution, so it must be via........? :idunno:

Then of course there's the pesky little fact that (as I noted) evolution occurs all the time right before our eyes. How do creationists deal with that? They declare it to just be "adaptation" or "microevolution". But ask them what the difference is between "adaptation" and "evolution" and you'll see so much dancing you'll think it's a party. And naturally "microevolution" is evolution, since it has the term "evolution" in it!

All of this dickering over mechanisms is irrelevant. It makes no difference how it happened. If it happened, Bible literalists and Creationists have a problem. It did happen, and they can't deal with it. So they get involved in arguments about mechanisms and statistics, since they can't deal with the observed fact of evolution.

It helps to understand that creationism is simply a type of denialism. It has no scientific merit on its own (as evidenced by its absolute lack of contributions to science in the last couple of centuries) and exists solely as a religious belief that flies in the face of observed reality. That's why when you try and get them to explain what this "creation model" even is and/or detail the evidence that supports it, they scramble around doing everything they can to turn the discussion back to evolution. When they've done that, then they can go back to the much more natural "deny, deny, deny" mode.
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