Creation vs. Evolution

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Mark M

New member
Due to a confluence of factors I am going to terminate most of my participation at TOL. I need to thank Lon for inadvertently helping me come to that decision. The recent discussion with Lon dealing with Einstein prompted me to (once again) do a moderately in-depth review of Einstein’s life. Einstein realized the regime he was under in Germany was actively moving towards stifling an academic environment which it felt threatened by. When it became clear that he was powerless to halt the impending purge of both “undesirables” and academics, he opted to simply move to a new culture that was more receptive to an unfettered exchange of ideas.

I am not in any degree an Einstein, nor do I think TOL is moving towards a purge of all those who do not conform to its preferred beliefs. Nevertheless, I have spent a significant amount of my limited time at TOL, sometimes to the detriment of other studies that I should have been pursuing. And the moderators at TOL, using their quaint way of talking, have indicated they dislike me being too “disruptive.” My departure from TOL will allow me to do some seriously overdue reprioritizing, and will stop my "disruptive" participation in the TOL regime. I leave only a small legacy behind at TOL, but my 15+ years here have been quite fruitful in helping me gain a much clearer (though sad) understanding of the Creationist mindset.

Thanks to all, whether our interactions have been pleasant or not so much. Michael, thanks for the amazingly long and varied thread, and allowing me to own the thread these last few months since you passed it on to patrick jane and he passed it on to me last year. I now formally relinquish it back into your (and your many disembodied friends’) hands.
I follow your posts, among several others and I will miss you. Please stay, I like your posts.

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And by the same metric "science supports the Koran".

Again, exactly how are you establishing what science has and hasn't proven?

Dear Jose,

We don't know all of what is written in the Koran. So we are very happy to go with the Lord Jesus' version of things in the Bible. So, no comment.

Warmest Regards, Jose,



Due to a confluence of factors I am going to terminate most of my participation at TOL. I need to thank Lon for inadvertently helping me come to that decision. The recent discussion with Lon dealing with Einstein prompted me to (once again) do a moderately in-depth review of Einstein’s life. Einstein realized the regime he was under in Germany was actively moving towards stifling an academic environment which it felt threatened by. When it became clear that he was powerless to halt the impending purge of both “undesirables” and academics, he opted to simply move to a new culture that was more receptive to an unfettered exchange of ideas.

I am not in any degree an Einstein, nor do I think TOL is moving towards a purge of all those who do not conform to its preferred beliefs. Nevertheless, I have spent a significant amount of my limited time at TOL, sometimes to the detriment of other studies that I should have been pursuing. And the moderators at TOL, using their quaint way of talking, have indicated they dislike me being too “disruptive.” My departure from TOL will allow me to do some seriously overdue reprioritizing, and will stop my "disruptive" participation in the TOL regime. I leave only a small legacy behind at TOL, but my 15+ years here have been quite fruitful in helping me gain a much clearer (though sad) understanding of the Creationist mindset.

Thanks to all, whether our interactions have been pleasant or not so much. Michael, thanks for the amazingly long and varied thread, and allowing me to own the thread these last few months since you passed it on to patrick jane and he passed it on to me last year. I now formally relinquish it back into your (and your many disembodied friends’) hands.

Dear DavisBJ,

Trust me, you never owned the Thread. I would never allow patrick to give my Thread to an atheist. It is based on a creationist viewpoint. So the owner of the thread must be a Christian or Catholic even. But that's where it stops. It doesn't matter that much right now. Have your dreams, if you wish.

Of course, I will miss you. I make up with you as often as I disagree with you. Keep your eyes and ears open within the next few days. I will be revealing some very interesting stuff. I'm starting to loosen up and share some secrets with you guys: Atheists or Christians. Sometime soon, you are going to question your Atheism quite severely, as I share truths with my friends here, including you. I did not know you were leaving before I decided this. I can't do it 2nite because I can't stay on long and I have a doctor's appointment to get a physical later today, after I get my night of sleep in. Then, I've got to take my car into the Auto Repair to get the A/C looked at again. It won't cost me anything that I know of, but the A/C is still not running at optimum performance, which is what I spent $1,023 doing. I trust you will still pop in once in a while. And I know that you miss me battling you, or you would be sticking around. I've just been in catch-up mode here.

Will miss you. If you'd like to, give me your email address in a PM to me and I will let you know when I post something that I think you'd find interesting. I'll send you a PM with my email address too. Yes, you and Silent Hunter, and Hedshaker were quite formidable, but still I could handle you all. I can't believe you got banned either, but you must have screwed up somewhere or it wouldn't have happened. I see Stuu got banned again too?! He spends so much more time being banned then he does on TOL. So now that you got banned, you are leaving before you screw up in case it happens again. Smart move.

Well Davis, I do understand what you mean. It takes a lot out of me trying to keep in touch with 7-10 other persons on this Thread. I don't know if we have more atheists than theists or what.

I'll miss you and I still care about you, and love you because of Jesus Christ. He taught me to love everyone, even my 'enemies.' I am quite able to do that because I love the person, not necessarily their ways that they keep. It works just fine for me. I have Tons of Love to give out of my heart, because I know we are ALL brothers/sisters. We're ALL RELATED to Adam and Eve; and Noah and his family. You just got to admit it because it's true. Us creationists know that. It blatantly stares us in the eyes. For evolutionists, maybe not so much. I plan on releasing a secret in the next couple days. Okay, will get going!!

May God Direct You To Himself,



It is more subtle than you think — it is populations that change, not individuals. The whole population becomes human at the same time.

Dear gcthomas,

Are you trying to make excuses for the apes and chimps that changed as a group into men and women, or did they do it individually? I think individually, if it even were the case.

God Created Man in His Image. Make no mistake about it. We are NOT descended from apes and chimps. Prove it, why don't you? I have millions of Christians who believe in the Bible. Not too many atheists. I am not trying to cause any friction. Just wondering where you stand on some things.

Best Wishes,



Well-known member
Dear gcthomas,

Are you trying to make excuses for the apes and chimps that changed as a group into men and women, or did they do it individually? I think individually, if it even were the case.


It might be an idea to actually learn something about the scientific field you are attacking. You don't know what the theory of evolution claims, and as a result your comments are, well, silly. Very silly.


New member
DAre you trying to make excuses for the apes and chimps that changed as a group into men and women, or did they do it individually? I think individually, if it even were the case.
Species evolve as a whole gene pool, and no-one with knowledge of the science has claimed otherwise. You should read this short blog post as a primer, to give you some understanding of that which you pretend to criticise.

We are NOT descended from apes and chimps. Prove it, why don't you? I have millions of Christians who believe in the Bible. Not too many atheists.
Educated countries universally accept evolution is true, and even in the US there are plenty.

View attachment 24522
From wikipedia.


New member
Your comment does not seem to match the conversation. Should the solar system (or universe) be consistently spinning in the same direction, it might have made sense, but as we just saw it does not. There are enough exceptions in place to shame your "God was off to tea" theory. It's more suited to "If you ever see out this far don't forget who did this" artistic signature.

If you want a copy and paste definition you can go to Wikipedia or your textbook instead, so I'll opt for the simple route. For our purposes here, it should be enough to say that something that breaks off of a spinning mass continues its spin in the same direction. It doesn't stop and do a reverse on its own. Someone has to act on it to do that. In this example, it helps if you have a planetary-sized wrench.
As you may have noted in a post I recently made, I am severely scaling back my participation at TOL. The conversation I was having with you is the only one I feel might benefit from one more exchange. If what I say here does not fit the bill, then I sincerely recommend you take the question directly to a physics teacher at whatever college might be close to you.

I alluded before to a previous thread dealing with this issue. I will offer a couple of brief comments, and then point you to that thread for a fuller discussion. I probably will not have time to return to the subject here, since I have already made time commitments to items I have been ignoring outside of TOL.

You say: “If you want a copy and paste definition you can go to Wikipedia or your textbook instead, so I'll opt for the simple route. For our purposes here, it should be enough to say that something that breaks off of a spinning mass continues its spin in the same direction. It doesn't stop and do a reverse on its own. Someone has to act on it to do that.”

Quick analogy – if I were riding in a car you were driving, and I was concerned you were driving at an unsafe speed, I might ask you what the speed limit was on the road we were on. If your response was “If you want to know exactly you go to some sign posted somewhere down the road”, I would ask you to stop the car so I could get out and walk. If you are going to drive, it is required that you know the rules (like the speed limit) that apply to the situation you are in. Similarly, if you are going to apply a principle of physics to a specific problem, then you better understand what that principle actually says. If you can’t present it yourself to a least a modest degree of fidelity, then you probably should not have it in your bag of tricks.

You actually came pretty darn close to getting it right, moreso than most creationists who say the retrograde rotation of Venus is an issue.

Since you are somewhat new here, you may not be aware of a forum within TOL dedicated to issues from, about, concerning, whatever, Bob Enyart – who is a pastor (and talk show host) well known to many of the TOL regulars. In late 2005 a thread was started in the Enyart forum dealing with what Enyart had said on his radio program back in 2002 about the rotation of Venus:
I recommend you read that thread carefully, and if you still have questions, take them to a qualified scientist.

Best of luck to you.


New member
That's not what Genesis says

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It is not what The Lord of the Rings says about the origin of men either.

Science, eh? What's it like! It keeps surprising people by showing them that, often, books are actually works of fiction when compared with reality.

Mark M

New member
It is not what The Lord of the Rings says about the origin of men either.

Science, eh? What's it like! It keeps surprising people by showing them that, often, books are actually works of fiction when compared with reality.
What does Lord of the Rings say about the origin of man?

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Jose Fly

New member
We could discuss if science supports the Qu'ran or not.... but that is your attempt at moving the goalposts (Its a logic fallacy).

You need to brush up on logical fallacies. Me applying the exact same standard to the Koran is not moving any goalposts.

Your question was on what basis are you claiming "science confirms God's word"? Unable to argue against the example provided, you attempt to move the goalposts.

Seriously? You honestly don't understand the point? At all?

You cited the fact that the Bible describes actual geographic locations as supporting your assertion that "science confirms God's word", and I responded by noting how by the exact same standard we can also say "science confirms the Koran".

And you truly do not see the point in that? It's completely beyond your ability to process and comprehend?

And.... you avoided the question - Would you like other examples of science helping to confirm the truth of God's Word.

I want the answer to the question I asked. You keep claiming that science agrees with, supports, and proves the Bible. So my question remains, by what measure? Exactly how are you establishing what science does and doesn't support?

Silent Hunter

Well-known member
... a bola is "a swung ball on a string that is then let go" and a very prime example of the conservation of angular momentum in action.
Your statement was unclear. I thought you meant the part that "broke off" would continue around the parent body. I now understand what you meant.

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New member
JoseFly said:
You need to brush up on logical fallacies. Me applying the exact same standard to the Koran is not moving any goalposts.
Ok... so lets go with Stripes suggestion. Its was a red herring fallacy. We can take a look at your red herring claim after you agree that archaeology helps to confirm the Biblical account is accurate.
JoseFly said:
You cited the fact that the Bible describes actual geographic locations as supporting your assertion that "science confirms God's word".....
Here was your question and the answer:
Jose: "on what basis are you claiming "science confirms God's word"?
6days "This has been often many posts . Example:

Dr Luke (Gospel of Luke) was perhaps the world's greatest historian. The research Luke did is reflected in the accuracy of his account.
The Gospel of Luke besides numerous mentions of things with historical and archaeological significance also mentions;
32 countries
54 cities
9 islands.

Because of the numerous mention to countries and cities, Sir William Ramsay thought that this book would be the easiest one to disprove. He along with his archaeological team set out to Asia Minor to prove the Bible wrong. But... a funny thing happened. "Ramsay became so overwhelmed with the evidence he eventually converted to Christianity"
Ramsey wrote:
I began with a mind unfavorable to it...but more recently I found myself brought into contact with the Book of Acts as an authority for the topography, antiquities, and society of Asia Minor. It was gradually borne upon me that in various details the narrative showed marvelous truth

Luke is a historian of the first rank; not merely are his statements of fact trustworthy...this author should be placed along with the very greatest historians.

Interesting how so many people say the Bible is filled with errors. Yet for many who are willing to study it with an open mind, such as Sir William Ramsay, it is inerrant"

Notice that I provided that as an example of how science helps confirm the truth of God's Word..... and asked if you wanted more examples (after you agree that archaeology helps confirm the Biblical account)

I want the answer to the question I asked. You keep claiming that science agrees with, supports, and proves the Bible. So my question remains, by what measure? Exactly how are you establishing what science does and doesn't support?
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