Creation vs. Evolution

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To give you a touch more background on this thread before you joined – Michael Cadry, the thread originator - is an unusual sort. He entered the thread espousing some essentially old-earth views, claiming his knowledge was delivered to him via personal visits from angels and even Christ. On his old-earth leanings he was called to task by some of the YECs. He vacillated a bit, and then declared that he had prayed and had it divinely revealed to him that OEC was right. Within a week or so, he said he prayed again and got YEC as the answer. Even more unusual was his claim, made early last year, that he was one of the prophets spoken of in Revelation that were to be killed and lie in the streets for a couple days before coming back to life. He asserted that God had told him that the rapture was going to occur before the end of last year, and he tolerated no dissent from that claim. When year-end had passed with no rapture, suddenly he started blaming the evil atheists for being responsible because they pressed him for a date for the rapture. And it goes on and on…

patrick jane

Dear patrick,

I know they are mammals. Aren't they fish too? They look just like 'em.

God's Best For You!!

I saw a Seinfeld where George Costanza pulled a golf ball out of the blow hole of a whale and he called it a "great fish'. Jerry corrected him and said mammal. So i think a whale is not a fish :idunno:


Yup, descended from land animals via evolution.

I don't think so, DavisBJ. God created them as He did all of the land animals. You just love to insert your word evolution into everything. They didn't evolve from a buffalo or woolly mammoth, or whatever you have in mind.



I saw a Seinfeld where George Costanza pulled a golf ball out of the blow hole of a whale and he called it a "great fish'. Jerry corrected him and said mammal. So i think a whale is not a fish :idunno:

Dear patrick jane,

Well, if you say so, I'll go ahead and believe it. It sure looks like a fish though.



The fact of evolution can be found in the fossilized remains of creatures that lived in the past, sandwiched in the stratified layers of the earth over hundreds of millions of years. Similarly, the Bible contains the fossilized beliefs, speculations and conjecture of the holy men who wrote it, deposited in the layers of the very recent histories within, sorted through the cultural bias of finite minds.

Life comes from life, mind from mind, the primitive life forms that evolved into life as we know it were planted in the ancient, shallow, briny seas by the Life Carriers all under the directive and for the purpose of fulfilling Gods plan.



To give you a touch more background on this thread before you joined – Michael Cadry, the thread originator - is an unusual sort. He entered the thread espousing some essentially old-earth views, claiming his knowledge was delivered to him via personal visits from angels and even Christ. On his old-earth leanings he was called to task by some of the YECs. He vacillated a bit, and then declared that he had prayed and had it divinely revealed to him that OEC was right. Within a week or so, he said he prayed again and got YEC as the answer. Even more unusual was his claim, made early last year, that he was one of the prophets spoken of in Revelation that were to be killed and lie in the streets for a couple days before coming back to life. He asserted that God had told him that the rapture was going to occur before the end of last year, and he tolerated no dissent from that claim. When year-end had passed with no rapture, suddenly he started blaming the evil atheists for being responsible because they pressed him for a date for the rapture. And it goes on and on…

Dear DavisBJ,

If any mere man thinks they can do a better job than I have, then go for it!! I'm doing the best I can, regardless of whether I've made some mistakes or not. Yes, Jesus is going to return soon. Yes, I came here as an OEC, but was corrected by 6days and became a YEC. That's where I am today and I'm not going anywhere unless the Lord directs me to. And you can bet that I'll be more than sure this time. But really, not a one of you could have done better. You don't all know what the job entails in the slightest. And that is personal between me and God. Hold me in derision like the people did with Noah. And then the Flood came and took them, not a one left remaining. Come on BJ, if you can do better, then do it. You don't even believe in God so you've got a lot further to go than I do. If you only knew. But God has left you in the dark for what ever reason. Only He knows what your story is. Laugh all that you want to.



New member
DavisBJ said:
(Whales)descended from land animals via evolution.
Of all the just so stories evolutionists believe, your whale story has to be one of the biggest.
The evidence supports God's Word..."So God created great sea creatures and every living thing that scurries and swarms in the water, and every sort of bird--each producing offspring of the same kind. And God saw that it was good." Gen. 1:21

Jose Fly

New member
You know, I've asked 6days for a while now what his point is with the whole "Hitler was an evolutionist" thing, and he never answers.

So I figure it's just his desperate attempt at childish mud-slinging.

Jose Fly

New member
Jose, no one debates that that section called mountain today was once sea floor. The "65 million" figure you used, however, was based on an assumption that everything has always moved at the rate you notice right now. DavisBJ makes an opposite argument that we shouldn't assume things are always the way we see right now....

I don't think anyone assumes the rate of plate movement is an absolute constant. We see some level of variability depending on the conditions, but all within a fairly narrow range. Just from observation, we know what devastating effects occur when plates move even just a relatively little bit faster over very short periods of time.


New member
You know, I've asked 6days for a while now what his point is with the whole "Hitler was an evolutionist" thing, and he never answers.

So I figure it's just his desperate attempt at childish mud-slinging.
6 hates evolution, but he is impotent at showing it is not a correct theory. So instead he seizes every opportunity to portray evolution as a horrible despicable thing. He is a “muckraker” in evolution, and if anything bad can be said about evolution, he will be sure to say it. Someone has to do the sewer job.

Silent Hunter

Well-known member
Oh... So this famous evolutionist concluded Hitler was an evolutionist, and that those evolutionary beliefs factored in the holocaust.
While Hitler may have believed in evolution and that that belief might have been a contributing factor, which you cannot establish beyond assertion and an extremely loose intrepretation of one anthropologist's opinion, it is an irrefutable fact that Hitler was a racist and hated the Jews and that that hatred was the overwhelming reason for the Holocaust.
Part of what he concluded was "The German Führer, as I have consistently maintained, is an evolutionist; he has consciously sought to make the practice of Germany conform to the theory of evolution."
Hitler was without question a racist and that society allows, even encourages, the survival of those most detrimental to the gene pool.

The Nazi justification of genocide had nothing to do with evolution in principle. The survival of the fittest, a core aspect of evolution was, and still is, being artificially violated. Should the "less fit" be allowed to survive and propagate? The point of the video you linked was to demonstrate why not.

Hitler was concerned with the "racial purity" of the German people. Eliminating "undesirable" traits from the gene pool is core to that sort of "selective breeding" initiative", which stands unrefuted.
Sir Arthur Keith so strongly wanted evolution to be true that many believe he was responsible for the Piltdown hoax.
You have the most peculiar logic.

It simply does not follow that because Sir Keith believed in evolution, therefore, he was responsible for the Piltdown hoax.
Yet... he concluded that evolutionism was a major contributing factor to the holocaust.
The ONLY thing Sir Keith "concluded" was that Hitler believed in evolution, the rest is your addition.
Yes.....Hitler and the Nazi's rejected God's Word about caring for the weak and downtrodden. Hitler rejected God's Word telling us we are all "one blood" and descendants of Adam and Eve.
Poison the well much? Wouldn't this sort of argument be more effective if directed toward a christian?
The Nazi's claimed that caring for the disabled was a violation of natural laws / natural selection.
Nope. "The "euthanasia" program was Nazi Germany's first program of mass murder. It predated the genocide of European Jewry (the*Holocaust) by approximately two years. The program was one of many radical eugenic measures which aimed to restore the racial "integrity" of the German nation. It endeavored to eliminate what eugenicists and their supporters considered "life unworthy of life": those individuals who, they believed, because of severe psychiatric, neurological, or physical disabilities represented both a genetic and a financial burden on German society and the state."
They used evolutionary beliefs to justify eliminating millions of people they deemed as unfit.
Hitler was a racist and hated the Jews and that that hatred was the overwhelming reason for the Holocaust.

Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk


New member
JoseFly said:
You know, I've asked 6days for a while now what his point is with the whole "Hitler was an evolutionist" thing, and he never answer
Oh my.... Jose you need to hear answers so many timea before you remember. Ex... Have you ever been supplied with a definition of Biblical kinds?

Re Hitler.... yes, you were answered before. Davis was also answered just a few posts back. Hunter raised the topic of Hitlers motivation. I suggeated that a major motivation of Hitler and the Nazi's was false Darwinian beliefs. They believed some people were less highly evolved. In their own words they admit to trying to assist the natural order/ natural selection by eliminating those they deemed unfit. Science has proved those evolutionary beliefs false... and God's Word correct; we are all one blood. There are no people groups that are unfit, or less highly evolved.


New member
Dear DavisBJ,

… But really, not a one of you could have done better. …

Mike, when a significant claim is made, such as defining a time limit for the rapture to start, people can support the claim, or they can say silent on the subject, or they can oppose it. I don’t know of anyone at TOL, including the entire YEC crowd, who came out in support of your rapture deadline. I know of several people who said the rapture date was wrong. And you alone supported the date.

So you tell us - of the dozens of active TOL posters - who “did better” regarding the year-end rapture – those who elected to not commit themselves, those few who were correct in saying it would not happen, or that lone solitary poster who turned out to be the only one who was 100 % in error in supporting the claim?
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