Creation vs. Evolution

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New member
Dear DavisBJ,

None of your numbers matter to me. And when I say I could care less, it means I don't care whatsoever. And your due of $6 does come close to your due to God. …

You sound like one sick puppy!! We have two commandments from Jesus. Love God with all of our

DavisBJ, you never answered either post and it was because you have nothing to stand on regarding my posts to you. The posts paralyze you and you can't even respond to them, it would seem. Yes, you've got a lot of 'splaining to do.

You are freaking out again, Michael. Time for a happy pill and a long nap. (I am homo sapiens, not canis).

Ignore # 72


You are freaking out again, Michael. Time for a happy pill and a long nap. (I am homo sapiens, not canis).

Ignore # 72

I'm hardly freaking out! You just are trying desperately to find some words to get you out of answering Post #18348. I'm going to have to keep posting it until you answer it. Will have to take care of that when I get back home from the Dentist.



New member
...I'm going to have to keep posting it until you answer it. Will have to take care of that when I get back home from the Dentist.

I pretty much ignore posts that are essentially insane ramblings. But it's your thread, and that's your choice. The ignore count can go into the thousands if that is what it takes.

patrick jane

I pretty much ignore posts that are essentially insane ramblings. But it's your thread, and that's your choice. The ignore count can go into the thousands if that is what it takes.
The posts between you and Michael are absurd, taking away from the thread and normal discussion. Michael won't let it go


The posts between you and Michael are absurd, taking away from the thread and normal discussion. Michael won't let it go

Dear patrick jane,

You're right. The posts are absurd. It's not me who won't let it go. It's ridiculous, but I could be the bigger man and let it go. But why do I always have to be Mr. Understanding and cater to others' whims? I'm only saying There is a God, and DavisBJ is saying There is not. It doesn't sit well with me. Just because he couldn't answer some pertinent, important questions, that makes me the bad guy?? Got better things to discuss here anyway, and I was thinking that same thing a bit ago. Just trying to reassure everyone that there IS a God, and His Son, Jesus, and the Holy Ghost. I will believe that til my death and afterwards. Now, look at how Israel is surrounded by enemies on all sides just as foretold long ago, and even the U.S. has deserted her, thanks to Obama. I wish we could impeach him right now without a day's delay. And to think that I voted for him twice. Live and learn the hard way. Even some of our college students and others are anti-Israel now. Everyone does not know that God said He would bring back Israel in the latter years. And it's happened. It's awesome and incredible that it is all happening as God said it would.

To The One and ONLY God,

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Dear patrick jane,

Guess what?? It hit 107° here today and 111° yesterday {in Phoenix, AZ}!! Talk about hot! How hot is it where you live? You're in St. Louis, right?

God Bless Your Heart And Soul, PJ. Thanks for your feedback earlier.



Active member
re: "How much less?? 100% less!!"

So you say you could care 100% less that your current level of caring. When, if ever, do you think you might do that?


re: "How much less?? 100% less!!"

So you say you could care 100% less that your current level of caring. When, if ever, do you think you might do that?

Dear rstrats,

It is done! Since he posted it. I will write more later. I can barely keep my eyes open right now.

God Be Strong In Your Life!!


patrick jane

Dear patrick jane,

You're right. The posts are absurd. It's not me who won't let it go. It's ridiculous, but I could be the bigger man and let it go. But why do I always have to be Mr. Understanding and cater to others' whims? I'm only saying There is a God, and DavisBJ is saying There is not. It doesn't sit well with me. Just because he couldn't answer some pertinent, important questions, that makes me the bad guy?? Got better things to discuss here anyway, and I was thinking that same thing a bit ago. Just trying to reassure everyone that there IS a God, and His Son, Jesus, and the Holy Ghost. I will believe that til my death and afterwards. Now, look at how Israel is surrounded by enemies on all sides just as foretold long ago, and even the U.S. has deserted her, thanks to Obama. I wish we could impeach him right now without a day's delay. And to think that I voted for him twice. Live and learn the hard way. Even some of our college students and others are anti-Israel now. Everyone does not know that God said He would bring back Israel in the latter years. And it's happened. It's awesome and incredible that it is all happening as God said it would.

To The One and ONLY God,

Davis bj can live in denial and squalor for the rest of his life. Some ateists have no cure. They go to the grave never believing and they suffer the second death after the first. You're doing great Michael, keep it up


Active member
patrick jane,
re: "Some ateists have no cure. They go to the grave never believing..."

But since beliefs can't be consciously chosen, what are they suppose to do?


New member
Davis bj can live in denial and squalor for the rest of his life. Some ateists have no cure. They go to the grave never believing and they suffer the second death after the first. You're doing great Michael, keep it up
PJ, when someone has sincerely and honestly looked at probably the same information you have on a subject and then come to a conclusion differing from your own conclusion, do you typically say they are living in squalor and denial? Would you prefer (as I have said to Michael) that I jettison my personal morals and become a liar to you, to the community, to myself, my family, and even to your (presumed) God, by pretending to a belief that I actually don’t have?


Well-known member
PJ, when someone has sincerely and honestly looked at probably the same information you have on a subject and then come to a conclusion differing from your own conclusion, do you typically say they are living in squalor and denial? Would you prefer (as I have said to Michael) that I jettison my personal morals and become a liar to you, to the community, to myself, my family, and even to your (presumed) God, by pretending to a belief that I actually don’t have?

I don't believe this. If you had spent any serious time learning why God must necessarily exist, you'd not be 'honestly' denying His existence.

Start with Spinoza: If you have it, it is a product of the universe. IOW, if the universe can't give it, you can't have it.

Deism is VERY intuitive. You need to self-examine a WHOLE lot more than you have to date. Imho, and according to reason and God, you haven't been honest with yourself. :nono:


New member
Lon, I appreciate your thoughts, but I don’t agree with much of what you say.
If you had spent any serious time learning why God must necessarily exist, you'd not be 'honestly' denying His existence.
Wow, your starting position is a mild form of character assassination. You think I am disingenuous when I say that I sincerely looked into, and ultimately rejected, the idea of God, my investigations were superficial, and my conclusion was therefore trivially unreliable.
Start with Spinoza: If you have it, it is a product of the universe. IOW, if the universe can't give it, you can't have it.
Ok, then your God is therefore a product of the universe. I agree with that, but do you? I am sure what I mean by “God” (a fictional powerful figure invented in people’s desires to have answers to some difficult questions) differs from what you mean by “God” (who I thought was supposed to have created, not been a product of, the universe).

As to relying on eschatological type arguments for the existence of God, I would hope a real God would not be so remote from active involvement in daily life. If your God isn’t an active meaningful force in the world here and now, then I will lump Him in with hundreds of previous Gods that men have concocted.

(My disbelief in Christianity is more fundamental than not finding God. I side with Dawkins, the Old Testament God is a pretty savage and unpleasant character, and the science of the Old Testament is a mockery of what we know about the world now.)
Deism is VERY intuitive.
Sure deism is intuitive. People are strongly attracted to the idea of God. There are obvious reasons for that – the desire for ultimate justice in a world where justice is not universal, the desire for conscious life to continue after death, and so on. But reality doesn’t bend to our desires.
You need to self-examine a WHOLE lot more than you have to date. Imho, and according to reason and God, you haven't been honest with yourself. :nono:
Let’s see, I have been far too simplistic in my studies about God, I am not using reason or using your (fictional) God, and I am deceiving myself. Did I get your argument right? Shall I do like some of the posters do and start screaming “AD HOMINEM”?

Jose Fly

New member
Wow, your starting position is a mild form of character assassination. You think I am disingenuous when I say that I sincerely looked into, and ultimately rejected, the idea of God, my investigations were superficial, and my conclusion was therefore trivially unreliable.

It's a coping mechanism crafted to deflect the possibility that someone could actually have "seriously looked into" the existence of God but come to a different conclusion.

Rather than deal with that, Lon preempts it by telling himself upfront that anyone who disagrees with him couldn't have looked into it seriously.


Well-known member
Lon, I appreciate your thoughts
Thank you.

but I don’t agree with much of what you say.
Not yet I imagine, but logically, you have to when I show you why. It is inescapable. Spinoza and Einstein who held Spinoza in esteem, were brilliant this time. They nailed it. They really did. So think a bit longer, it isn't just 'what I say.' :e4e:
Wow, your starting position is a mild form of character assassination. You think I am disingenuous when I say that I sincerely looked into, and ultimately rejected, the idea of God, my investigations were superficial, and my conclusion was therefore trivially unreliable.
Forgive my own estimation of my brilliance? :idunno: You wind up agreeing with me in a second...
Ok, then your God is therefore a product of the universe. I agree with that, but do you?
Great, so you believe in a God that produces intelligence at this point, yes? That's tremendously further than you just were!!! :thumb: Next question: Do you have purpose? And I mean do you do anything on purpose. Is your life at all worth living? Be careful, because every single admission leads inescapably to God's existence.

I am sure what I mean by “God” (a fictional powerful figure invented in people’s desires to have answers to some difficult questions) differs from what you mean by “God” (who I thought was supposed to have created, not been a product of, the universe).
Jumping too far yet. Just getting you to say God at least physically exists is a huge thing!

As to relying on eschatological type arguments for the existence of God, I would hope a real God would not be so remote from active involvement in daily life. If your God isn’t an active meaningful force in the world here and now, then I will lump Him in with hundreds of previous Gods that men have concocted.
Brilliant and welcome to deism! :up:
(My disbelief in Christianity is more fundamental than not finding God. I side with Dawkins, the Old Testament God is a pretty savage and unpleasant character, and the science of the Old Testament is a mockery of what we know about the world now.)
I had to wrestle with the same issue and it took a long time, but for me, the question of a god's existence was a given, pretty much along Spinoza's reasoning. Once we get past the idea in a satisfactory manner that God must necessarily exist, the rest was wrestling with 'what kind of' God actually exists. It took me awhile, but just getting you to that point is my goal here.

Sure deism is intuitive. People are strongly attracted to the idea of God. There are obvious reasons for that – the desire for ultimate justice in a world where justice is not universal, the desire for conscious life to continue after death, and so on. But reality doesn’t bend to our desires.
Well, good, sounds like we have this part down. Simply say your god and my god don't seem to be the same explanation of him, however, I acquiesce that if he isn't like I believe he is, then you may suspend belief in my particular, but don't you want me to know yours or you to know yours??? You may not but I asked a few more questions here because it necessarily leads to God's existence, whoever He happens to be, for the time being. Thanks for walking it through with me.
Let’s see, I have been far too simplistic in my studies about God, I am not using reason or using your (fictional) God, and I am deceiving myself. Did I get your argument right? Shall I do like some of the posters do and start screaming “AD HOMINEM”?
It 'seems' to me, you haven't, not with your admissions here, but perhaps just a problem with conveyance at this point? Assessment is not an ad hominem. Let me remind you what you said and perhaps you could correct me from the impression it gave?
PJ, when someone has sincerely and honestly looked at probably the same information you have on a subject and then come to a conclusion differing from your own conclusion, do you typically say they are living in squalor and denial? Would you prefer (as I have said to Michael) that I jettison my personal morals and become a liar to you, to the community, to myself, my family, and even to your (presumed) God, by pretending to a belief that I actually don’t have?


Black Holes Not So Dangerous!

Black Holes Not So Dangerous!

Black holes not the end: Physical object could cross a wormhole into another part of the universe

By Hannah Osborne
June 9, 2016 14:26 BST

Wormholes could theoretically exist at the center of black holes.

A physical object could potentially pass through a wormhole at the center of a black hole to another part of the universe, a team of theoretical physicists has said. While the object – be it a chair, a scientist, or a spacecraft – would be changed as it traveled beyond the event horizon (the edge of a black hole), it could technically remain as a physical object and be pulled through the theoretical wormhole.

Traditionally, at the center of a black hole lies a singularity. Matter is crushed into an infinite density and space and time no longer exist as we know them. Normally, any physical object that fell into a black hole would be crushed in one direction and stretched along another, being stretched out like spaghetti. If anything were to reach the singularity, it would be infinitely long and thin.

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The researchers, from the Institute of Astrophysics and Space Sciences (IA) in Portugal, were building on previous work in which they found that without a singularity, there could be a finite-sized wormhole at the center of a black hole.

Accepting this to be the case, the team then looked at the fate of an object that fell into a black hole and whether it could withstand the extreme gravitational field before arriving at the wormhole (and then continuing through to another part of the universe).

No dramatic sign of destruction

Publishing their study in the journal Classical and Quantum Gravity, the team analyzed what would happen to a physical object using aggregation points connected by the interactions holding it together as it travels along a geodesic line. In space-time, a geodesic line is the path in space and the story in time that a free-falling object follows.

Lead author Diego Rubiera-Garcia said: "Each particle of the observer follows a geodesic line determined by the gravitational field. Each geodesic feels a slightly different gravitational force, but the interactions among the constituents of the body could nonetheless sustain the body."

So while the object would remain technically intact, it would be crushed to the size of the finite size of the wormhole. This means that feasibly, the object could pass through the wormhole to another part of the universe. "We, thus, conclude that physical observers do not perceive any dramatic sign of destruction as extended objects cross the wormhole," they wrote.

Francisco Lobo, leader of the cosmology group at IA, said: "The authors' insights into the concepts of space-time singularities and curvature divergences are representative of the fundamental theoretical research carried out at the IA, going beyond Einstein's General Relativity. This research will also probably be important to understand these difficult concepts for the fate of the universe, in a plethora of cosmological models."

What Do You Think??



patrick jane,
re: "Some atheists have no cure. They go to the grave never believing..."

But since beliefs can't be consciously chosen, what are they suppose to do?

Dear rstrats,

Of course beliefs can be consciously chosen!!

Much Love, In Christ,

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