Creation vs. Evolution

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Stipe Laughs about his mockery of God'scommands

Stipe Laughs about his mockery of God'scommands

Or perhaps I'm wrong. :idunno:
Wrong about you actually being Christian? You have made it perfectly clear that your pretense to being a Christian is nothing more than lip service.

As to whether Christians need to obey rules – is it OK for you to violently rape a child?


Dear Stripe,

How can you talk that way about me. Calling me a drug-addled moron?!! You're inexcusable. You're terrible. Heeeheeee!! I do love you anyways!!

Much Love, In Jesus Christ,



Michael, you are even sicker than I had realized.

Ignore # 67

Dear DavisBJ,

You call me sicker? You type me something then you call it ignore? Ridiculous. I want to tell you what is worse than violently raping a child, which is the devil's work anyways. Not believing in the God that made you is worse and defying Him, and His Son, Our Savior, is even worse, whether you understand that or not. You elevate yourself by believing you are above God, and you put your hopes in man and Science instead. You make me ill, but you don't know what you are actually doing, so I don't know what to do, except love and care for you, anyhow. Stripe has only called me 2 negative words, the same thing every time. How about you?

Make Your Time Count Down Here. It's All You Really Have Left??!!

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Dear 6days,

To get back on topic, do you realize that we may never see where the edge of the Universe is?? I mean, since Jesus is returning soon, I don't see any fantastic developments on any telescope to help us. I mean, after Jesus returns, things will change drastically. All of this space exploration will be on the back burner, to say the least. Same with genetic research. Man will be busy tilling the land and growing crops again, and learning how to purify water and make electricity again, once more, to say the least. But life will be much better. Everyone shall be so full of love and goodness, and we won't have to worry about thefts or murderers, anymore, etc. The Lord God assures us of this in the Scriptures. Something about, and every man shall sit under his tree and not be afraid. It is also written that, though things get really rough, after it is over, mankind shall know why the Lord had to do it, and women and men would finally understand why.

And people wonder about why they are alive on Earth and what is their purpose in life? They must realize that they are here to learn the difference between good and evil, just like Adam and Eve initially. They must learn to CHOOSE the good over the evil. They will learn that they are being made into servants of God to help out with good works towards all mankind. They are truly 'children' of God. Offspring. Being refined like silver to be found perfect before our Lord and to be allowed into the New Jerusalem, which will not be on this Earth. See Rev. 21:10 KJV. But first, the Second Death must be experienced by those who still need to learn, who were not among this 'first resurrection', where many will go to Heaven to be with Jesus quite soon, to help rule the Earth. So I do hope somehow that everyone on Earth shall realize that most of them are on Earth being prepared for the Future and the fun and beauty that will occur then. Oh, the things I could tell you. And the Tree of Life in the midst of it, bearing 12 different fruits, and the leaves of the tree to heal the nations. And life will be exceedingly beautiful and definitely a prize worth receiving. And SO MUCH LOVE will be amidst us all. I can hardly wait, to say the very least.

May God's Hands Reach Yours, 6days,




Dear DavisBJ,

Not very brave, are you? Another number? Your numbers mean little to me. It is childish and tells me that you have nothing better to say, when you are put in Checkmate. Like the cat has your tongue. You sure don't leave a number alone when you have something to post. Well, I'm going for now. Try to muster up something new to post. Why can't you just say something nice?? Peace out!

God Bless You, Regardless Of What YOU Think,



Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Davis needs a lesson in how to ignore people.

Hint: It is not done by incessantly telling them they are being ignored. :chuckle:


Dear DavisBJ,

There you go typing your infantile numbers again. Remember this from a previous post? You won't respond to this post, eh? Checkmate, sir! Read it again:

You type me something then you call it ignore? Ridiculous. I want to tell you what is worse than violently raping a child, which is the devil's work anyways. Not believing in the God that made you is worse, and defying Him, and His Son, Our Savior, is even worse, whether you understand that or not. You elevate yourself by believing you are above God, by putting your hopes in man and Science first instead. You make me ill, but you don't know what you are actually doing, so I don't know what to do, except love and care for you, anyhow. Stripe has only called me 2 negative words, the same thing every time. How about you?

Make Your Time Count Down Here. It's All You Really Have Left??!!

Does this post sound familiar? Like things you can't answer competently because you are stymied?! You keep asking about raping a child. I've explained it well enough. It is Satan's work. Oh that's right. You don't believe in the devil either. Dang, you're 0 for 2. Oh, oh, there I am using numbers again!

Ignore #69 is not nice enough. Not even close!!

Well, what is your response to the above? The cat still has your tongue, eh? I'm not letting you get away with this crap anymore. You only answer back with a number when you have no defense on what I've said. But if perchance you think you CAN answer, you do it with venom. Now it's my turn!!

Sometimes, Even God And Jesus Get Angry!!

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New member
Dear DavisBJ,

...Ignore #69 is not nice enough. Not even close!!

I’m really sorry the numbers are getting so big they are giving you problems. Maybe one of the spirits/ghosts/zombies/apparitions you converse with can show you how to deal with such big numbers.

Ignore # 70


I’m really sorry the numbers are getting so big they are giving you problems. Maybe one of the spirits/ghosts/zombies/apparitions you converse with can show you how to deal with such big numbers.

Ignore # 70


You're high numbers are a joke. I don't think they are high. I could care less. But it does just show that you don't have any answers or adequate responses to my immediate previous posts to you. I'm afraid you've lost all credibility as far as being someone who can answer the questions presented to him. Maybe your brain can come up with some answers that your science books cannot. God, Jesus and the Holy Ghost are not apparitions. What else do you have to say for yourself??

May God Give You Your Due,



Active member
re: "I could care less."

Any idea about how much less you could care from your present level of caring?


New member


OK, let’s try this – ignore cube root of cube root of 45,848,500,718,449,031. Is that more to your liking?

If you could care less, that means you do care some. Now we’re getting somewhere.

Hmm, My due? I’ll settle for $6.43.

Dear DavisBJ,

None of your numbers matter to me. And when I say I could care less, it means I don't care whatsoever. And your due of $6 does come close to your due to God. I thought I'd ask you again about the following posts.


Copy of Post #18352, Page 1224:

Dear DavisBJ,

There you go typing your infantile numbers again. Remember this from a previous post? You won't respond to this post, eh? Checkmate, sir! Read it again:

You type me something then you call it ignore? Ridiculous. I want to tell you what is worse than violently raping a child, which is the devil's work anyways. Not believing in the God that made you is worse, and defying Him, and His Son, Our Savior, is even worse, whether you understand that or not. You elevate yourself by believing you are above God, by putting your hopes in man and Science first instead. You make me ill, but you don't know what you are actually doing, so I don't know what to do, except love and care for you, anyhow. Stripe has only called me 2 negative words, the same thing every time. How about you?

Make Your Time Count Down Here. It's All You Really Have Left??!!


Does this post sound familiar? Like things you can't answer competently because you are stymied?! You keep asking about raping a child. I've explained it well enough. It is Satan's work. Oh that's right. You don't believe in the devil either. Dang, you're 0 for 2. Oh, oh, there I am using numbers again!

Ignore #69 is not nice enough. Not even close!!

Well, what is your response to the above? The cat still has your tongue, eh? I'm not letting you get away with this crap anymore. You only answer back with a number when you have no defense on what I've said. But if perchance you think you CAN answer, you do it with venom. Now it's my turn!!

Sometimes, Even God And Jesus Get Angry!!


And a copy of Post #18331, Page 1223:

Davis B.J.,

You sound like one sick puppy!! We have two commandments from Jesus. Love God with all of our Heart, Mind, and Soul. Also, love each other. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. These two commandments are not rules as much as a way of life. It's how I act all of the time. Any other commandments all fall into place based on these two. We are forgiven of our faults and loved by God and Jesus because we love Them dearly. That is what being a Christian is all about. It is something you DON'T DO!! I would just as soon have my faults with God in my life, than live your untainted, perfect life. How many skeletons do you have in your closet dude? None, eh? Sure! You have the worst one first of all. Being atheist. You don't even believe in our/your God, much less Love Him!! I'd never trade places with you. Do you think I would stoop that low?? To not believe in my own God?? He is our Father, and you don't even know Him at all. Where are you going to be in the end, Davis? Where will Stripe and I be in the end!! We are spoken for already. You are NOT!! So keep on digging your grave deeper by pointing out other people's faults or sins. I have overcome all of my sins. You haven't, because you are still an atheist. Tons of Luck. I do hope that Stripe will also answer this post. I just could not remain silent, and you said some bad stuff about me and I don't appreciate it. But it's all in my past. So you're married, eh?? Having sex with more than only one other girl is fornication. Most of us have sinned in that respect. Did you marry the only girl that you had sex with? There's a lot that you don't know, Davis. Have your fun at others' expense. Your time will come. Tons of love and thanks to a God Who forgives our shortcomings and sins. How about you, Davis? You don't have to answer to anybody, eh? That's why you're an atheist. Because you don't want to follow any rules or beliefs, right? You don't want anyone to tell you how to live or believe. You'd rather just not believe period, eh? No loving a spiritual Father for you, huh? No having your sins and faults washed away by Jesus too?? That's right. In your world, you have no faults or sins, right?

God WILL bring you to your knees!! You will BOW to Him. He demands it and He says EVERY KNEE shall BOW and every tongue confess! I am a virgin with women. That's what God said He would do. Read it. Revelation 14:4 KJV. "These are they which were not defiled with women, for they are virgins. These are they which follow the Lamb wherever He goes." 'These are among the 144,000 firstfruits to God.' Try reading it by checking out the whole chapter, if you even still own a Bible. Read it, Davis. Okay, I'm done here. Thanks, Davis, you helped me realize how lucky I am and how unlucky YOU ARE!! When you want to start posting to each other without malice, then you will not reap malice. Do you know that??

Warm Regards, Buddy,


DavisBJ, you never answered either post and it was because you have nothing to stand on regarding my posts to you. The posts paralyze you and you can't even respond to them, it would seem. Yes, you've got a lot of 'splaining to do.

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Active member
re: "What do you think about Darwinism? Do you think all life emerged from rocks and water? Maybe some lightning or a comet?"

I don't see what that question has to do with my question to MC that you just quoted.

BTW, I have no belief with regard to the origin of life.
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