Creation vs. Evolution

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How exactly do you know that God has clearly stated anything?

My albeit speculative conclusions are based on known physics while yours requires a supernatural compliance to an afterlife based on how you would want it to be rather than perhaps how it really is.

Dear alwight,

I will try to help you understand. God has spoken to people in the past and they write down what He has said to them. How do you think we base our beliefs and religion? We base it on what our ancestors have heard from our God. God has spoken to me also, so I know He exists and that He is real. When I was having my heart attack, I first thought to call a doctor. Then, I figured he couldn't get there in time {to my house}. Secondly, I thought to call in my Mother, who was in the Family Room at the end of the hallway. I then thought, 'What is she going to do? I then thought to pray to God, Who was the only remaining option that I had. So I prayed to Him and said, "Please God, let me live and tell others about all of these things happening to me. Suddenly, a voice boomed out, coming from the ceiling above my bedroom on the left side of the room. He said, "Calm yourself and think of those you love." I immediately obeyed what I heard, because of the urgency of my situation. I could only think of my loved ones having angry faces, and I was wondering who was causing that. Again, He spoke, loud and clearly saying, "Get your wallet and look upon the faces of those you love."

Well, I forgot to tell you that I was afraid, and I could see my heart beat rising on my chest when it beat {I was laying down in bed.} Well, I immediately obeyed and jumped up and got my wallet, which was on the dresser. The rest I will not go into, to spare everyone the details. You would find it hard to fathom. You can read about it in my book. I finally went to sleep and woke up with such joy, because the Lord had visited me and spoke to me. I could not barely remember being afraid of the heart attack. All I could think of was God and that He had visited me. It was awesome. Anyway Alwight, I was visited by three angel visits within the month. The Lord visited me and ten days later, my first angel visited me. Then one week later, another angel visited me. Then another week after that, one more angel visited me. The first angel said, "Fear God, and give Him glory, for the 'hour' of His judgment has come upon all of the Earth, and worship Him Who made the heaven and the earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters."

Listen, I can't rewrite my book here, so I'll left out all of the details. You all have my book to read, which is free to read Online. I have mentioned this a number of times so far. If anyone needs the directions to get to my book, follows these directions. So Alan, I have every reason to believe there really is a God after He spoke to me. I believed in Him tons before He even visited me. All the other details are in my book.

Go to

Left click on the left of the picture of Jesus on 'Book Copy' then left click on the words 'SKU-text2.pdf'

Then, two blank pages shall precede my Title Page. They are for autographs or readers' notes. On the third page is my Title Page, which says "What Your Eyes Have Not Seen." You flip through the pages using your left and right arrow cursor keys on your keyboard. The book is 88 pages long. Yes, many have copies of my book, including President Obama and Israel's Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu. Also my book is available in the downtown Phoenix Library since 2003. None of you know the real me. I can't retype everything in my book on this TOL website. It would take many posts!! Good luck with the read. I've been told that my book is splendid and interesting. See what you think.

Okay, I will respond to the rest of the posts here a bit later. I need a rest right now. Thanks to ALL OF YOU!! Love Your Neighbor!!

To Our Jesus, Who Is Returning Very Soon,



Good question. If you find out, let me know.

But more generally, ever since Mike made a blithering fool of himself at the end of last year with his failed rapture prophecy, he has been in desperate need of a scapegoat. I must be in his crosshairs.


You caused Hedshaker to quit posting on this Thread and you know why, so I won't bother retelling it right now. I have never been a blithering fool. Maybe a man who made a mistake. That is all. You are the one with the dramatics. I am hardly using YOU for a scapegoat. I don't need a scapegoat. I also don't need a goat or lamb to sacrifice. Jesus sacrificed His life for US, and that is enough after all!!! Well, I'm tired of posting right now. I just wrote a LENGTHY post and I need a rest.

Warmest Regards And Sincerity,



Active member
re: " He'd rather believe that it all was just there."

And he might say that you would rather believe that a supreme being was just always there. Seems like a wash.


New member
God has spoken to people in the past and they write down what He has said to them. How do you think we base our beliefs and religion? We base it on what our ancestors have heard from our God.
And yet people have heard very different things from very different gods, they can't all be right but they can all be wrong.

God has spoken to me also, so I know He exists and that He is real.
And how do you know he is more real than the other gods who've talked to Muslims or Hindu etc?

When I was having my heart attack, I first thought to call a doctor. Then, I figured he couldn't get there in time {to my house}.
Then you're a lucky idiot who either wasn't actually having a heart attack (you just thought you were) or slightly less lucky one who was but only a small attack (and will pay the price with heart failure later in life).

Paramedics or your doctor would have to be really slow to offer no help at all.
Secondly, I thought to call in my Mother, who was in the Family Room at the end of the hallway. I then thought, 'What is she going to do?
Call an ambulance, get some aspirin?

Well, I forgot to tell you that I was afraid, and I could see my heart beat rising on my chest when it beat {I was laying down in bed.}
Not a good sign of a heart attack.
Well, I immediately obeyed and jumped up and got my wallet, which was on the dresser.
You jumped out of bed? Are you sure what you felt was a heart attack then?

Yes, many have copies of my book, including President Obama and Israel's Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu.
No they don't and lying about it doesn't sound impressive. Why do you say such things?
Also my book is available in the downtown Phoenix Library since 2003.
Whoop De Doo...


New member

You caused Hedshaker to quit posting on this Thread and you know why, so I won't bother retelling it right now.
No one else seems to know though so why not share?
I have never been a blithering fool. Maybe a man who made a mistake. That is all.
When it is about the end of the world and claims of certainty god is talking to you then it's a little more than just a "mistake".


re: " He'd rather believe that it all was just there."

And he might say that you would rather believe that a supreme being was just always there. Seems like a wash.

Dear rstrats,

What do you deserve for going against God?? God says He was there in the beginning. So I do believe that a supreme being was just there. Why should I think He is lying to everyone. How is it that millions of people believe in Our God, and yet you don't? How many millions of people believe the way you do? Go, tell the millions, not me.



No one else seems to know though so why not share?{/quote]

It was about banning DavisBJ, he either suggested it, or I did. Well, Hedshaker said to ban him too. That's what happened. I wasn't trying to ban DavisBJ. I was just upset and changed my mind. I acted in the heat of the moment. I apologized to him and Hedshaker for it, but that doesn't seem to be enough.

When it is about the end of the world and claims of certainty god is talking to you then it's a little more than just a "mistake".

Any person and prophet can make a mistake. We're all human, right? I was wrong about it, and I also apologized for that. I've only made a couple of mistakes, and that makes all of what I've said wrong? Look at how Jonah heard God tell him something and so instead of listening to God, he tried to run and ended up in the belly of a great fish, most likely a whale. No, he did not get digested and he escaped with his life, and did what God had wanted him to do. He made a huge mistake! I still believe his story, not yours, Tyrathca and BJ. And look how Moses beat on a rock with his staff to bring water for the Israelis to drink and acted as if it were himself causing the water to come from the rock and not attributing it to God's doing. It caused him to never go to the Promised Land of Israel, even though he was allowed to see it. He saw it from a mountain view. I could go on and on. I've apologized enough and if you still want to condemn me, take it up with my God. See what He thinks of your disdain just because I made a couple mistakes, one big. He counts instead all of the positive things I have done during my life for Him. Who will be going to Heaven at the end of all of this and who won't? Any ideas, Tyrathca or BJ? Tell me all about it then, why don't you? If you can do a better job of what has been asked of me, go for it and see how you do. I've apologized and asked for forgiveness for the couple of mistakes I've made, and I've said I am sorry. What do I have to do for you to acknowledge that I regret what I did, but I'm still certainly believable about many of the things that I have said. Let's see you do what I have without any mistakes. Tons of luck!

God Forgives! Jesus Forgives! If you're not capable of it, that is your big mistake. I will still forgive your mistake for not believing me. I have a lot of love inside. Have you gone through your life without making mistakes? Is a man of God supposed to never make mistakes? You don't know how things work. Jesus forgave an adulteress and a thief. How much more me??

With Sincerity,



Ignore 122 / 2

What's that number supposed to mean? 122 divided by 2? 61? You are so childish, but I do still forgive you and I do believe some of the things you say. I've never asked you to believe or accept all that I've said as true. You just see what ends up being true as a fair amount of time passes. Jesus said He would return 2,000 years ago. He still has not done it yet. Do you think I'm going to believe that He isn't going to return, like millions of us believe that He is returning?? Jesus never gave us a timeline except that it would be determined by God, His Father and Our Heavenly Father. Not our Earthly father. Our Heavenly Father, who you refuse to even acknowledge. That is too bad for you, not for me. Even Jesus' disciples thought He was going to return before this amount of time. Are they unbelievable for all that they wrote in the books of the New Testament in the Bible?? You expect miracles and you'll get them, and you'll no doubt, pay for them. But you will get them, so don't worry. I know God closely enough to know that He isn't lying about it, and so do many millions of people, Christians and Moslem alike. You know nothing, yet you purport that you do. Tell all those millions that God isn't your Heavenly Father, regardless of whether you believe it or not, and He will send you where He will. We do not want to see you make such a huge mistake either, but you're going to do it. I will still forgive you, but I'll be bummed, especially for the fact that you will receive a different fate.

God Bless You In Spite Of Yourselves,


P.S. I've got to go for a bit. I have more to do than just post here. Tons of things, to be honest. But I will get back to you. May God Give You What You're Asking For!


New member
Any person and prophet can make a mistake. We're all human, right? I was wrong about it, and I also apologized for that. I've only made a couple of mistakes, and that makes all of what I've said wrong?
You've never given an explanation for why you were wrong (other than blame Davis). When you claim to have clear communication from an infallible God you shouldn't get anything wrong about religious matters. Otherwise it should rightly be doubted whether you actually have communication from God or whether your God is actually infallible.

What is your explanation for getting it wrong? What led you to believe the prophecy you gave, where did error creep in and how will you prevent it happening again? If you can't answer these questions then you can't be trusted not to do it again. People in various professions (eg doctors/engineers/etc) are held to this standard, you should not be held to any less than they are.
I've apologized enough and if you still want to condemn me, take it up with my God.
No one is after an apology, we are after (and deserve) an explanation if you still want to call yourself a prophet of God and be taken seriously.
What do I have to do for you to acknowledge that I regret what I did, but I'm still certainly believable about many of the things that I have said.
I dont double the your regret. I doubt that you won't make the same mistakes because you've never explained how you made it and what you will do differently to stop it happening again. So instead you look like every other false prophet throughout history.
Let's see you do what I have without any mistakes. Tons of luck!
When I claim to be able to do what you claim then that might be fair. But for now I am a fallible human with no claim to access to an infallible God, and when I make a mistake I reflect on it and try to figure out where I went wrong and how to prevent it happening again. You should at the very least do the same, simple apologies are cop-outs.
Have you gone through your life without making mistakes?
No, but in my profession some of my mistakes can easily get people killed so "I'm sorry" isn't enough. Why should I hold you to a lower standard than myself?

This isn't about forgiveness, it's about showing you can be trusted. I can forgive an architect for designing a home which collapses and kills someones family, but that doesn't mean I would then also trust him to design my next home without a good explanation. Similarly you're forgiven for your mistaken prophecy of the apocalypse but that doesn't mean anyone should trust you about your next one.


New member
What's that number supposed to mean? 122 divided by 2? 61? You are so childish, but I do still forgive you and I do believe some of the things you say.
You keep getting offended and asking Davis to stop talking to you so he has stopped responding to you. Now he counts the number of times you have tried to get a response out of him despite this.

Make up your mind, do you want Davis to talk to you or not? If not then you look childish with your ongoing posts to him, if you do want to talk to him then stop getting upset when he replies.


And yet people have heard very different things from very different gods, they can't all be right but they can all be wrong.

Oh Tyrathca, you've got to understand how things work. The Lord God tells us this in the Bible. If a prophecy is spoken, and it comes to pass, then it is from Me {God}. If a prophecy is spoken, and it does not come to pass, then the prophecy is not of Me {God}. This is how you will know a true prophecy. So you see, you do have to wait and see what time brings. People are all fallible, so you have to account for that. Much of what I have said has come to pass. But sometimes, even I get deceived by Satan, and I say the wrong thing. It doesn't happen that often though. The only way to know is to see what happens as time passes. That's how it's always been. I guess you didn't know that. You have been deceived by Satan totally constantly every hour and day of your life because you don't believe in God, but instead you believe in the devil, Satan. Satan is the opposite of God. That's why you and God don't mesh. The devil has messed up your head so badly that you don't know God, nor what He wants from you. So if you think I make two mistakes and am untrustworthy, look in the mirror at yourself, and tell me which prophecies or predictions, etc., have you made that even came close to coming true? You've made TONS of mistakes and yet you balk because I made a couple mistakes? Do better than I have under the same situation, and I will be thrilled. I've got 7 inches of snow under my belt. It is pretty impressive, even if you don't know it. It is a true miracle and God clearly told me what to do then. But the reporter didn't help, so the sign from God didn't help the reporter at all. That's why Jesus said, 'An Evil Generation seeketh a sign, but there shall be no sign given,' except Jesus rising back to life after 3 days. The Lord has given me a number of signs for others, before the snow sign. He gave me some rain signs, and an electrical storm sign, and a tropical depression sign, and snow signs. But after the reporter didn't believe the 7 inches of snow sign, God said no more. That's when He told me that evil men seek a sign.

And how do you know he is more real than the other gods who've talked to Muslims or Hindu etc?

Because their signs never come to pass. That was a simple question.

Then you're a lucky idiot who either wasn't actually having a heart attack (you just thought you were) or slightly less lucky one who was but only a small attack (and will pay the price with heart failure later in life).

Who are you to say I was lucky or that I'm an idiot, and wasn't having a heart attack. What the hell do you know about it all?? How could you know?? Are you a doctor?? Yes, I may die from heart failure later in life, but you don't need a special doctorate to know that. Give me a break and get your act together!

Paramedics or your doctor would have to be really slow to offer no help at all.
Call an ambulance, get some aspirin?

Not a good sign of a heart attack.

I didn't know what to do. It was happening so fast, in the space of minutes and moments. I said I didn't think a doctor or paramedics could have gotten to my house fast enough and I could not even make it to a phone. I didn't know anything about taking an aspirin then.

You jumped out of bed? Are you sure what you felt was a heart attack then?

I staggered and stumbled out of bed, if you want the fine details!! I did the BEST I Could at the time!!

No they don't and lying about it doesn't sound impressive. Why do you say such things?

Whoop De Doo...

Yes, Barack Obama and Benjamin Netanyahu both have copies of my book!! You can tell me I'm lying all you want. That isn't going to make you right. Whoop De Doo? That's a really great comment or answer! I must be dealing with a real scholar, with that kind of answer.

Peace Somehow,

Last edited:


No one else seems to know though so why not share? When it is about the end of the world and claims of certainty god is talking to you then it's a little more than just a "mistake".

I've shared enough. And I am not the first person to make a mistake when prophesying. I know of one prophet who wouldn't go to Ninevah, I believe, was the name of the city, and prophecy against it as God had asked him, and he didn't want to do it. And when he went to the city to tell them that God said to shape up or He would destroy them, but God didn't destroy them after the prophet finally told the inhabitants of the city what God had told him. The prophet was angry that God did not destroy the city and God said that the inhabitants changed their ways and corrected their mistakes, and so He saw no reason to destroy them. The prophet was also upset about a gourd plant dying, which had given him shade from the sun. This happened because of Jonah's actions. See Jonah 4:10KJV. In fact, read the whole chapter so I don't have to memorize the whole Bible for you!

Peace And Love Someday,



You keep getting offended and asking Davis to stop talking to you so he has stopped responding to you. Now he counts the number of times you have tried to get a response out of him despite this.

I don't remember asking Davis to stop talking to me. Am I right or wrong? Of course I don't mind if Davis talks to me. But he wants me to talk with him on HIS TERMS, which I can't totally agree with. That's where the problem lies. Ask him for the details. There's always a reason, you know. And yes, it is RIGHT to let a person make mistakes and ask for others' forgiveness. Jesus said He could forgive 7 times 70. God has forgiven me tons more than that. Tons means 'a lot,' if you are wondering. Now you know. So if Jesus taught us to forgive, then we should forgive others faults, whether we are doctors or not. Have doctors not left a sponge inside someone after stitching them up? We're not suppose to forgive them for doing it?? It isn't good, but stuff happens. Be forgiving, like Jesus taught us.

Make up your mind, do you want Davis to talk to you or not? If not then you look childish with your ongoing posts to him, if you do want to talk to him then stop getting upset when he replies.

Why shouldn't I get upset with something he replies to. Do I have to agree with every reply in order to have a conversation with him? If he's wrong, he's wrong. I still forgive him and don't carry on like he does. It's really getting late. Talk with you 2morrow.

Much Love And Forgiveness, As Our Lord Jesus Taught Us!!



New member
Oh Tyrathca, you've got to understand how things work. The Lord God tells us this in the Bible. If a prophecy is spoken, and it comes to pass, then it is from Me {God}. If a prophecy is spoken, and it does not come to pass, then the prophecy is not of Me {God}. This is how you will know a true prophecy. So you see, you do have to wait and see what time brings.
So in other words no one should listen to your prophecy until it happens in which case you can say "I told you so"? Some prophet you are, does God have a point to your existence?

I've got 7 inches of snow under my belt. It is pretty impressive, even if you don't know it. It is a true miracle and God clearly told me what to do then.
Ah yes your snow prediction. We're meant to only count your successes and ignore your failures? If only real life were that easy. Problem is you got the apocalypse wrong, so if you were trying to prophecise about snow fall again you might have an argument but you're not.
Because their signs never come to pass. That was a simple question.
They would disagree about that. Sure they may have got some signs wrong too but you've already said that's ok.
Who are you to say I was lucky or that I'm an idiot, and wasn't having a heart attack. What the hell do you know about it all??
Quite a lot actually
How could you know?? Are you a doctor??
If I said yes would that matter to you?
I staggered and stumbled out of bed, if you want the fine details!! I did the BEST I Could at the time!!
Don't you find it interesting that your story changes?
Yes, Barack Obama and Benjamin Netanyahu both have copies of my book!! You can tell me I'm lying all you want.
OK then how do you know they have your book?
I've shared enough. And I am not the first person to make a mistake when prophesying.
Exactly, you are just like every person who has made prophecies before you.
I don't remember asking Davis to stop talking to me. Am I right or wrong? Of course I don't mind if Davis talks to me.
I may quote you on that later.

Have doctors not left a sponge inside someone after stitching them up? We're not suppose to forgive them for doing it?? It isn't good, but stuff happens. Be forgiving, like Jesus taught us.
It's not about forgiveness. If a doctor makes that mistake then they need to show that they recognise how they made it and have made changes to prevent it happening again. For example doctors have changed their practice to have scrub nurses count everything they use and then count everything given back before the end of the surgery.

Can you show you recognise how you made the mistake and what you will do to make sure it doesn't happen again?


New member
Originally Posted by MichaelCadry View Post

You caused Hedshaker to quit posting on this Thread and you know why, so I won't bother retelling it right now.

No one else seems to know though so why not share? When it is about the end of the world and claims of certainty god is talking to you then it's a little more than just a "mistake".

I haven't mentioned anything to Michael about DavisBJ that would cause me to stop posting on this thread, that is a blatant lie.

Shame on you Michael. If your God exists he would have been watching you. Lucky for you there's not a shred of evidence that he actually does exist.


New member
Yet another lie by Michael.

"God told me when the apocalypse is going to be" - Lie

"Obama and Netanyahu have my book" - Lie

"Davis made Hedshaker stop posting" - Lie

The question is will he own up to his lies or double down and blame others? (mainly Davis really... :chuckle: )
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