Creation vs. Evolution

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You are familiar with the answers...For example I believe the Bible telling us He created in six days. Some believe in a god called Allah in the Qu'ran who used long time periods.
Yeah, I am familiar with those answers. We could include a wide range of religious creation myths, from turtles all the way down. But since the discussion was relevant to how to reasonably explain observed astronomical phenomenon – like stars millions of light years away, I assumed that when you said “there are different ideas as to how God created", you were referring to ideas within the creationist camp. So far you have left me with nothing from your side beside the allusion to “spreading out the heavens”. If that’s all you got (and it ain’t much) then I understand.

But I am curious, I am an outsider to your quirky beliefs, yet even I am well aware that there are a huge number of very faithful Christians who vow allegiance to the same Bible and the same God you do, yet differ with you radically on the literalness of the creation account. How about, instead of using the Qu’ran as a contrast to your ideas, why not show the scientific fallacies in ideas promulgated by, say, the ASA? Does the ASA have what you admit don’t have – a rational explanation for seeing fluctuating light levels from stars that are millions of light years distant?
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Yes, we are talking about communication in the context of Shannon. It's something you can assume for the rest of the conversation even if I don't always list it as the context. In fact, if I'm not talking in the context of Shannon I'll be sure to note it.
Good, so future I can also ignore any cries of incredulity from you about saying there is no communication? Since we can be agreed that we're not really saying no communication of any sort rather just no communication which fits the narrow definition used by Shannon. That seems fair.
We'll get to mutations. But this example is easier to understand.
You say that but in your next sentence you show how little you actually understand... :(
So just to double check, you understand that DNA is an encoded message that gets transmitted and decoded to form a protein? That if the DNA is correct, and the protein turns out wrong, then noise entered the system somewhere between the time the DNA was transmitted and the protein was made?
Hmmmm no.... it seems you weren't paint attention at all. Let me repeat, in your example the DNA is not encoded, transmitted or decoded. I specifically pointed out that in your example the message would be encoded to mRNA (NOT DNA!) transmitted to the ribosome on the mRNA (NOT DNA!) and the mRNA is decoded (NOT DNA!). There is also a clear source and end for the transmission both with regards to space and time (unlike if we were talking about DNA transmitting). You said this example was easy to understand so what about this do you find so hard then?

So no I can not agree with this statement of yours since it does not logically follow from the previous example.

Don't read too much into my questions. They aren't trick questions and they really are as obvious as they appear. And I'm not leading you down a poison path, my conclusion will be as simple as this example.
Then why then the shell game with the central question? You keep trying to get me to agree to something which will support your central premise when I have disagreed with that statement from the start and you have a long standing habit of claiming agreement falsely. You've done it again here in this reply to, just as I feared you would try to use what I said about mRNA and apply it to DNA mutations even though I explicitly said that the had nothing to do with them.

Either you're being deceitful or you don't actually understand what you're asking for.

Can we stop with the games and just talk about when, where and how is DNA encoded, transmitted and decoded specifically?


That's a nice belief perhaps Michael, that "natural" = your specific God. ;)

If you are right then of course your very specific God created smallpox to which man then had the audacity to unnaturally eradicate.

There are people walking around today happily ignorant of the fact that they should have been victims of polio and should have spent their lives crippled in honour of your specific God.

People are alive and well today when they should have been killed by cancer, a very natural disease. No doubt they will soon all pay for this affront to your God in the lake of fire? :plain:

Dear Davis and alwight,

I already posted that God gave 1/4 of the Earth to Satan, and he is the one who caused polio and diseases. So you are thanking the wrong being. God gives us to serve Him or the opposite of Him. You have picked as you have picked. You seem to not have picked God. Where do you think the weeds came from? Well, Satan of course! How about unhappiness?? Same thing!! You either pick God or Satan. One or the other. You just need to hone in on your target!



Alas, PJ, you are too late. For far too long I actually was a Christian, I faithfully read and studied and taught the Bible. The whole Bible. Including the passages you mention. And … and … and some others as well. Like how, had you and I lived in times of old, together we could have hacked the heads off innocent infant girls (I Samuel 15). Or we might have each been given an attractive shapely young virgin as our own private property – you know- kinda a reward for disemboweling her mother in front of her, beheading her father, and crushing the skull of her younger brother. Of course we would have to verify she was actually still a virgin before we would accept the young maiden. Wouldn’t that have been cool? Want more? Read your Old Testament.

But you are right about Michael. He is like the cockroach that keeps scurrying out and distracting you. After a while you try to step on him, but you know cockroaches sometimes don’t squash easily. He just comes back and back and back. (And he left such a clear legacy of fiercely defended promises of the apocalypse before years end – so reminiscent of the long line of equally narcissistic religious false prophets that preceded him).


I am hardly a cockroach! You wish I was that easy to kill. And just because I make one or two mistakes, does not make me a false prophet. Let's just go ahead and see what the future brings before you be passing judgment!! How's that hit you?? Too bad you never have to put your life out on the line, like you expect me to do. Like you've never made a mistake, eh?? I am human, too! Remember?

Oh, the things I could say to you, if I weren't a gentle man!!



New member
Dear Davis and alwight,

I already posted that God gave 1/4 of the Earth to Satan, and he is the one who caused polio and diseases. So you are thanking the wrong being. God gives us to serve Him or the opposite of Him. You have picked as you have picked. You seem to not have picked God. Where do you think the weeds came from? Well, Satan of course! How about unhappiness?? Same thing!! You either pick God or Satan. One or the other. You just need to hone in on your target!

I don't really buy any of that Michael, you seem to be telling me that God isn't present everywhere, only where good things happen?
Is your God powerless to help in bad things?
If as I suspect we live in a natural world then I would expect to see these kinds of good and bad things happening naturally.
There is little point telling me to look at the natural world as evidence of God when clearly all we seem to have is a natural world where good and bad things happen. There is no evidence that anyone's god is running the show.
You can't simply hive off the good things and wave away the bad things, crediting your God with only the good, a no lose situation, why how nice and convenient.
Good harvest or bad, God never loses, either praise the Lord for a bountiful crop or blame Satan or themselves if it fails, it's never God's fault. :doh:
Come on, God either created everything or He didn't, which is it? :think:


Hopefully you do realize Emus are birds, right

I asked you for an example of a reconstruction from 1 bone, the best you can do is handwavingly question the size assignment of a barely defined species we know close to nothing about. Way to go!

Look, mate, if you don't want a conversation, then don't participate in the forum, what do you think I enjoy mopping up after every post you make? :spam::spam::spam:

Dear TheDuke,

Who are you kidding?? I thought emus were similar to buffaloes. They do seem to be mammals, I must admit!! Ok, I understand! Yippee!! What's wrong? Titanosaurus didn't cut it?? You're hardly mopping up after me!! Are you real??

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I will remind you that truthfulness is one of the primary virtues extolled by Christianity, and presumably, by your God. In regards to that, last year you were emphatically untruthful about a rather important doctrine - the Second Coming. But in contrast, I, and a lot of others, said it would not happen last year. Who had truth on their side in that regard is now a matter of historical fact, and you just ain't looking so good. How does it feel to come in behind a whole bevy of atheists in regards to a matter of truth?

Dear Davis,

No big whoop to me, to be honest!! I made a mistake. That doesn't mean I'm wrong all of the time. Are you right all of the time?? Let me know about it, big man? While you bevy of atheists rot in hell and look up at Jesus and God, what will you have to say then??



New member
And just because I make one or two mistakes, does not make me a false prophet.
Actually it kind of does. The whole point of a prophet I thought was that you had special knowledge of your God's plan /will /whatever. Not that you sometimes maybe guess it right, but often not. You're meant to have a connection well beyond what other mortals have.

What exactly have you gotten right anyway? Are you actually any better at predicting stuff than nonprophets?
Too bad you never have to put your life out on the line, like you expect me to do.
Your life is hardly on the line.
Like you've never made a mistake, eh?? I am human, too! Remember?
But as a prophet you are meant to be above normal human fallibility, at least with regards to God. Isn't that the whole point of the title prophet?


Well-known member
I started a thread about the origin of life, for those who would like to discuss the empirical evidence. But please, I beg you, do not turn my thread into the same type of thread Michael has here. It is not a place to use science as a platform to broadcast your theological beliefs.

The origin of life.


New member
Dear Hedshaker,

Only MIRACLES are from God.

Now you know!


As I expected, you cannot clearly explain a difference. A bunch of fish appearing from nowhere is exactly the same as the proverbial bunny from a hat, simple as that.

And aside, the existence of your God has never been established.


Well-known member
Dear TheDuke,

Who are you kidding?? I thought emus were similar to buffaloes. They do seem to be mammals, I must admit!! Ok, I understand! Yippee!! What's wrong? Titanosaurus didn't cut it?? You're hardly mopping up after me!! Are you real??



Does that look like a buffalo to you?


New member
Dear Iouae,

Excellent we are getting somewhere :)
With your background this should be even much easier, you probably know more about bio than anyone else on this thread....

Here is the problem. We are talking about life on earth and we are talking about a Breitling watch. ... If one does not throw the exact Breitling watch parts together, one will never get that watch.
There is another example for spontaneous assembly that creationists like to use: a tornado through a junk yard produces a 747.
In both cases the analogy fails because the assembly of mechanical objects is very different from a biochemical entity. A gearwheel cannot undergo any reactions, chemicals in a bowl can.

Here's a thought: this is a naturally occurring reactor on earth, very rare phenomenon. As you can see, under the right conditions, things can happen that we would normally associate with very sophisticated machinery.

The only life we know about is that on earth with REAL DNA and REAL cell membranes, and these do require energy to power them, unlike the video of hypothetical "similar" organelles.
I could grow copper sulphate crystals in soapy copper sulphate solution and say "look, its growing, and has a bubble around it so here is a simple cell" - but it has no bearing on reality.
The evidence or proof which would start to convince me would be to show me how all the parts of the unit of life could come together.
I think one needs to start by resurrecting a dead cell.
I've collected your thoughts concerning this topic in one place.
As I've said before: "The question of how life arose is very far from the question of how life diversifies.". There seems to be a new dedicated thread for this topic now (scroll up)
What I can say, is that in the video obviously the protocell was made out of the same membrane and RNA as modern cells use, those components have been shown to synthesize under the right conditions all by themselves. However, this is the topic of abiogenesis - outside of my scope.

If life evolved then I don't see why the simplest life forms would not be around today. Bacteria seem to have continued from the Cambrian.
A Google search for simplest bacteria yields "Mycoplasma genitalium has one of the smallest genomes of any free-living organism in the world, clocking in at a mere 525 genes.
This is also a common objection by creationists.
short answer: they cannot - conditions have changed
long answer: we don't actually know yet, because we need much more info on the exact conditions in order to rule out any possibility for these prototype organisms to exist still, they would have to be completely isolated, since otherwise they cannot compete with more advanced organisms.
Now, from the POV of biological evolution, it's really easy. The concept is called "common descent". If google doesn't help you, feel free to ask again :)

I don't think we can get away from life being "irreducibly complex". Thanks Duke, I learned that term from you though I had the concept in my mind.
If you've never heard about this before, chances are you aren't poluting you mind on AiG or conservapedia. Good for you :banana:

We have not even got to how life diversifies.
Exactly, this is the topic I'd like you to tell me what you need to see evidence for. Let's continue from here.


Well-known member
Dear Iouae,

Excellent we are getting somewhere :)
What I can say, is that in the video obviously the protocell was made out of the same membrane and RNA as modern cells use, those components have been shown to synthesize under the right conditions all by themselves. However, this is the topic of abiogenesis - outside of my scope.

The membrane was similar but very different to the real cell membrane in a cell which is a phospholipid membrane and requires energy to pass substances selectively through it. The video membrane required no energy. Likewise their "RNA". It was like a show-and-tell volcano where Timmy pours vinegar onto bicarb to demonstrate a "volcano". I enjoyed the video, and thought it was right on the point we are discussing, but not at all convincing to me, because it impersonates reality.

This is also a common objection by creationists.
short answer: they cannot - conditions have changed
long answer: we don't actually know yet, because we need much more info on the exact conditions in order to rule out any possibility for these prototype organisms to exist still, they would have to be completely isolated, since otherwise they cannot compete with more advanced organisms.

That is a possibility since most Cambrian organisms do not exist today.
There are however fossils of cyanobacteria from the Precambrian.

"It may seem surprising that bacteria can leave fossils at all. However, one particular group of bacteria, the cyanobacteria or "blue-green algae," have left a fossil record that extends far back into the Precambrian - the oldest cyanobacteria-like fossils known are nearly 3.5 billion years old, among the oldest fossils currently known. Cyanobacteria are larger than most bacteria, and may secrete a thick cell wall. More importantly, cyanobacteria may form large layered structures, called stromatolites ..."

If you've never heard about this before, chances are you aren't poluting you mind on AiG or conservapedia. Good for you :banana:

I went to AiG for the first time a few days ago. I cannot remember if it was from a link from TO or if I was Googling something. I remember looking at their explanation for "old light" or distant starlight, and not being impressed.

Exactly, this is the topic I'd like you to tell me what you need to see evidence for. Let's continue from here.

Are we going to focus on how life diversifies then?
We are leaving behind origins and "irreducible complexity"?

Are you suggesting we focus on genetics?
I am open to suggestions.

A few posts back folks were using some model for information loss.
My feeling was that discussion would go nowhere for the same reason as your video - it is not based in reality.

If you wish to get into real genetics, with a real mutation discussion, I would be most interested.

One huge problem is that the sophistication of an organism seems to bear no resemblance to the size and complexity of its DNA. For instance Amoeba proteus has 100 times more DNA than humans, and nematode worms have huge amounts of DNA etc.

I feel like checking out cyanobacteria's DNA and their living relatives since these look like the longest survivors and should be able to tell us something about the distant past.

I will search the internet and see if there is some other line of research which might suggest itself as a possible profitable proof for genetic variation/evolution/diversification and the limits to it. And all suggestions on your part are welcome.

My brother in law recently wrote an anti-evolutionary booklet in which he mentioned the persistence of species from the past as a proof against evolution. I got the impression the argument went something like this... "if everything evolved from cyanobacteria, why are cyanobacteria still around, unchanged, today?". Have you heard this argument? Does it have a name?


New member
One huge problem is that the sophistication of an organism seems to bear no resemblance to the size and complexity of its DNA. For instance Amoeba proteus has 100 times more DNA than humans, and nematode worms have huge amounts of DNA etc.
So? Why is this a problem? (its hard to answer a concern when it is left so open ended)

I feel like checking out cyanobacteria's DNA and their living relatives since these look like the longest survivors and should be able to tell us something about the distant past.
Possibly, though one would need to remember that while the niche and basic characteristics filed by cyanobacteria have persisted so long (eg photosynthesis, unicellular with ability to form colonies, thick cell wall) the underlying biochemistry had probably been tweaked significantly (improved efficiency, changing environment & atmospheric conditions, predators and viruses etc).

My brother in law recently wrote an anti-evolutionary booklet in which he mentioned the persistence of species from the past as a proof against evolution. I got the impression the argument went something like this... "if everything evolved from cyanobacteria, why are cyanobacteria still around, unchanged, today?". Have you heard this argument? Does it have a name?
Yeah that's an old argument though it's generally via something like "if people evolved from monkeys why are monkeys still around?"

Simply understanding high school level understanding of how speciation occurs should show why this is a silly question. If a niche exists that is well filed by the form taken by cyanobacteria why should it cease to exist even if other species evolve (either from it or a common ancestor)?

Disclaimer I'm somewhat sleep deprived while writing this so apologies in advance for bad grammer etc. Stupid night shifts....


New member
The membrane was similar but very different to the real cell membrane in a cell which is a phospholipid membrane and requires energy to pass substances selectively through it. The video membrane required no energy.

You are mistakenly including only the active transport mechanisms in your criticism.

You have ignored the passive mechanisms of simple diffusion, facilitated diffusion, osmosis and filtration, which are driven by pressure or concentration gradients. No energy required.


New member
Are we going to focus on how life diversifies then?
We are leaving behind origins and "irreducible complexity"?

Are you suggesting we focus on genetics?
I am open to suggestions.
I think it would be more likely that you would be rather more interested in life somehow not being able to diversify, right?
Axiomatically natural evidence suggests that life does indeed speciate and diversify, it doesn't actually require a detailed explanation here although any real scientific knowledge must always be a good thing.

The fact is no modern life form is irreducibly complex via Darwinian evolution, they can all be explained rationally or perhaps even have multiple natural possible explanations using it.
Modern life is of course far too complex to just appear naturally by chance any more than a watch would ever just come together.
An irrefutable natural Darwinian explanation is nevertheless not really actually required here because the bottom line is that it all did happen and it's natural, look around at all the evidence.

The real point here is not to somehow arrive at irrefutable definitive natural explanations and thereby falsify any miraculous spontaneous creation, it must surely be to presume that natural explanations are the truth until a miraculous alternative is demonstrated to occur. Can you do that?

BTW this would have been rather easier to read without the emu above, or was it a buffalo? :think:


New member
A bunch of fish appearing from nowhere is.....
Evidence of the Biblical account?

The evidence fits the Biblical account. Evidence points to a supernatural creation. Atheists generally have unscientific beliefs such as everything came from nothing; or, that life came from non life.


New member
Atheists generally have unscientific beliefs such as everything came from nothing; or, that life came from non life.
No they don't the only criteria for being an atheist is not to be a theist, and theists believe in all kinds of various strange notions.
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