Creation vs. Evolution

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We would need to define what a beneficial mutation is, as well as defining what loss of fitness is.
Cool, finally we are actually getting somewhere. There is hope for you yet 6d, but do yourself a favour and dump AiG as a source of knowledge. They are so dishonest and misleading and openly anti-science.

No exactly correct. In the past, it was believed the vast majority of mutations were neutral or silent. However, part of the reason for that belief was the false belief in "junk DNA". If 97% of our DNA was garbage, then it made sense that mutations in that region were neutral.


But, mutations that have a beneficial outcome, are so rare that geneticists such as Kimura do not even factor them in on a graph. (Crow agrees) Everything he shows is to the left of the absolute zero. (beneficial would be to the right) Geneticists have pegged beneficial mutations at 1 in 1 million (Lenski and Gerrish).
No, "junk-DNA" isn't garbage, it's extremely valuable for understanding the evolutionary process. It's just not contributing to an organisms biochemistry, that's why it has been successfully removed in mice and the modified individuals have yet to show any signs of sickness or anomalies.

Another reason why mutations are often neutral, is because both the protein coding is redundant and very often structural changes far from the active core of an enzyme have little or no effect on its reactivity.

As far as I'm aware, Kimura explicitly didn't look into beneficial mutations but focused solely on neutral ones.

Now, here's something funny: example of mutation
The gene in question is this one


New member
Yet, no scientific, provable evidence supporting the theory of evolution has emerged since Charles Darwin popularized it in 1859
Ahem. Have you been living in a bubble or something?
Darwin had but a tiny fraction of the evidence to work with, so much evidence has been accumulating over the decades, that there's more evidence to support evolution than for gravity.

1. The Bible’s creation account is not “politically acceptable.”
It's simply not science! Once you creationists have an actual theory and have done some real research to support it, I'm sure no one would deny you the stage.

5. Production of plants on the continent(s).
8. Creation of sea mammals.
9. Creation of birds.
10. Making of land mammals (wild mammals, mammals that can be domesticated, and rodents).
Firstly, I'm not sure your bible was so specific, but nevermind. Let's look at this order of creation: So sea mammals were supposedly the first, ignoring that mammalian glands could not have appeared in aquatic environments, birds were "created", but where are the reptiles, where are the dinos? The author also seems to know nothing about domestication, but more interestingly, plants have appeared long before animals on land, but not in water.

I haven't seen so many plot holes in a B-movie!


6: do you have a response to this?
"According to an AiG timeline, based on Bishop Ussher, the Flood began 1656 years after creation. are you then suggesting that all the sauropods in the fossil record are pre flood?"


New member
The Duke said:
*do yourself a favour and dump AiG as a source of knowledge. They are so dishonest and misleading and openly anti-science.*
Ad hominem...
An attack upon an opponent in order to discredit their arguement or opinion. Ad hominems are used by immature and/or unintelligent people because they are unable to counter their opponent using logic and intelligence. (Urban dictionary)

The Duke said:
No, "junk-DNA" isn't garbage
Thats what evolutionists used to call it..."junk"..."flotsam".* Fortunately science is dispelling that belief.

The Duke said:
it's extremely valuable for understanding the evolutionary process.

No... its valuable because it performs regulatory functions which we are just beginning to understand. Non coding DNA is important because it seems to have design and purpose.

In the beginning, God created

The Duke said:
As far as I'm aware....
You say that as if you are.*

Jose Fly

New member

Ok then, we'll just let that speak for itself and serve as a good illustration of the absurdity of creationism.

Evidence is important..... and the evidence shows you continue to be dishonest. You have been shown numerous times Stripe agrees on rapid adaptation and the mechanisms that cause it. He just doesn't agree with some of the evolutionary terminology.

Um, no....he said natural selection doesn't happen, ever. Not much wiggle room there.

Jose Fly

New member
We would need to define what a beneficial mutation is, as well as defining what loss of fitness is.

Please proceed.

Well right off the bat, we have a few issues. They state...

In bacteria, a wide range of mutations can be shown to provide a beneficial phenotype to the cell. These benefits are often of sufficient phenotypic affect that they can undergo strong positive selection.

Does the "Biblical model of creation" include natural selection or not? You and AiG say it does, Stripe says natural selection never happens. Which is it? Kinda hard to discuss this if you guys can't even agree on the basics.

Also, I really don't feel like playing your little creationist game where you post a link to a creationist site (or copy from one as you did earlier with, I respond, you ignore most of my response, and just post another copy/link to another creationist site. That's pretty dishonest of you.

Just yesterday you copied from, but now that I've responded and asked some follow-up questions, you ignored them and are now apparently expecting me to just go along and do the same with the AiG page? Seriously?

How about you first go back to my LAST POST and actually address the responses to what you posted.

No exactly correct. In the past, it was believed the vast majority of mutations were neutral or silent.

As you saw from the National Institutes of Health, that remains the case today.

However, part of the reason for that belief was the false belief in "junk DNA". If 97% of our DNA was garbage, then it made sense that mutations in that region were neutral. However, ENCODE is changing the way geneticists look at our DNA, as well as how they look at mutations.

We've been over this. Do we really need to do it again?

BUT..... even before ENCODE results were released, geneticists usually would not consider a mutation completely neutral. For example Kimura famously showed that with mutations there is a "zone of near-neutrality". In his graph, he shows no mutations that are absolutely neutral.

Your biggest mistake, or misrepresentation though is in saying "the rest of the mutations are deleterious or beneficial". You say that as if they are on a equal playing playing field. But, mutations that have a beneficial outcome, are so rare that geneticists such as Kimura do not even factor them in on a graph. (Crow agrees) Everything he shows is to the left of the absolute zero. (beneficial would be to the right) Geneticists have pegged beneficial mutations at 1 in 1 million (Lenski and Gerrish).

You know, it's pointless to cite things without providing the name and date of the papers, and the journal in which they were published. Are you intentionally hiding those things so I won't look them up, or did you just forget?

Jose Fly

New member
Ad hominem...
An attack upon an opponent in order to discredit their arguement or opinion. Ad hominems are used by immature and/or unintelligent people because they are unable to counter their opponent using logic and intelligence. (Urban dictionary)

Not in this case. Duke referred to AiG as "anti-science". If we look at AiG's Statement of Faith, we see....

By definition, no apparent, perceived or claimed evidence in any field, including history and chronology, can be valid if it contradicts the scriptural record.

That's about as anti-science as it gets. So Duke's description is entirely justified and accurate.


New member
... Scientists are not observing the past. They observe something in the present such as fossils or distant galaxies...then make interpretations about the past. ...
6, one particular type of star that has been studied intensively is called a Cepheid Variable. It is characterized by significant changes in brightness every few days or weeks. They play an important part in determining the distance to nearby galaxies.

Take the Andromeda Galaxy – 3 million LY distant. Assume that galaxy was actually created just 6 thousand years ago, and the light we are seeing from it is actually light that was part of “spreading out the heavens”. Then the weeks-long intensity fluctuations we see from the Cepheid Variables in Andromeda could not have actually occurred the way we see them, unless God is in the business of playing “let’s just spread out the light with alternating bright and dim so that it looks like the Cepheid Variable is fluctuating”. Is God really just pulling a fast one on the astronomy community?


Ahem. Have you been living in a bubble or something?
Darwin had but a tiny fraction of the evidence to work with, so much evidence has been accumulating over the decades, that there's more evidence to support evolution than for gravity.

It's simply not science! Once you creationists have an actual theory and have done some real research to support it, I'm sure no one would deny you the stage.

Firstly, I'm not sure your bible was so specific, but never mind. Let's look at this order of creation: So sea mammals were supposedly the first, ignoring that mammalian glands could not have appeared in aquatic environments, birds were "created", but where are the reptiles, where are the dinos? The author also seems to know nothing about domestication, but more interestingly, plants have appeared long before animals on land, but not in water.

I haven't seen so many plot holes in a B-movie!

Dear TheDuke,

The dinosaurs and reptiles, and bugs were created on the 6th day {See Gen. 1:24-25 KJV}. Your evolution "facts" are just conjecture. Scientists use it all as a way to keep a job. Not all scientists, of course. I'm speaking more along the line of dinosaur hunters and all that rock shows. They have to keep inventing dinosaurs to give them work so that they have a job. Out of one bone, they form their idea of what the animal looked like. Give me a break!

Now, I know that Darwin got the ball rolling, but even he balked at his own deductions. I think because his wife was Christian. Or just because he felt that he was wrong. Of course, gravity didn't take that long to be discovered. Evolution has been going on for years, despite that it is false. C'est la vie!

Duke, are you living in Great Britain? Just curious. Your idea of evolution is really God creating different animals and also changing them in the Earth as He wills. He is the one Who controls the genes, genomes, alleles, DNA, RNA, atoms, protons, etc. Don't you know that He is a Master Chemist. He is the One Who makes all changes! Give credit where credit is due!!

You're gonna miss the boat!!

Best Wishes,


:cloud9: :angel: :angel: :angel: :cloud9: :guitar: :singer:


New member
DavisBJ said:
6, one particular type of star that has been studied intensively is called a Cepheid Variable. It is characterized by significant changes in brightness every few days or weeks. They play an important part in determining the distance to nearby galaxies.

Take the Andromeda Galaxy – 3 million LY distant. Assume that galaxy was actually created just 6 thousand years ago, and the light we are seeing from it is actually light that was part of “spreading out the heavens”. Then the weeks-long intensity fluctuations we see from the Cepheid Variables in Andromeda could not have actually occurred the way we see them, unless God is in the business of playing “let’s just spread out the light with alternating bright and dim so that it looks like the Cepheid Variable is fluctuating”. Is God really just pulling a fast one on the astronomy community?

Good question! I don't know the answer. But there are different ideas as to how God created...just as there are numerous ideas about the Big Bang. Could God cause space to expand faster than the speed of light? Is the one way speed of light different than the round-trip speed? Did God create light in transit?


New member
Good question! I don't know the answer. But there are different ideas as to how God created...just as there are numerous ideas about the Big Bang. Could God cause space to expand faster than the speed of light? Is the one way speed of light different than the round-trip speed? Did God create light in transit?

So in short, to answer a great mystery just in invoke an even greater mystery. Anything is possible with supernatural magic! So much for creationism always being in accord with science :think:

Just maybe the universe is much, much older than you want it to be. Just a shot in the dark :)


You mean Noah's boat?


That's a good thing because Michael, Stripe, 6days and the like have turned it into a ship of fools.

Dear noguru,

We'll see who launches the ship of fools. Nice to have you back!! Sure did miss you, you booper!!


:angel: :cloud9: :angel:


The Duke, Davis BJ, Jose and the like, are all missing the boat Michael.

Dear patrick jane,

Yes, it does indeed look that way. The worst part is that there seems to be nothing we can say to help them on deck. By the way, I mean the 'boat to Heaven.' Longer boats are coming to win us!!

Much Love, In Christ, patrick,


:cloud9: :cloud9: :angel: :angel: :angel: :cloud9: :cloud9:

patrick jane

So in short, to answer a great mystery just in invoke an even greater mystery. Anything is possible with supernatural magic! So much for creationism always being in accord with science :think:

Just maybe the universe is much, much older than you want it to be. Just a shot in the dark :)

On the contrary, it would seem that all things are possible through evolution according to evolutionists/unbelievers. They have a magical answer for all of creation. Billions of magical answers with no proof.

patrick jane

So in short, to answer a great mystery just in invoke an even greater mystery. Anything is possible with supernatural magic! So much for creationism always being in accord with science :think:

Just maybe the universe is much, much older than you want it to be. Just a shot in the dark :)

Creationists only have ONE source of magic; God !!


On the contrary, it would seem that all things are possible through evolution according to evolutionists/unbelievers. They have a magical answer for all of creation. Billions of magical answers with no proof.

Dear patrick jane,

Yes, you are right and hit it dead-on!! They think NOTHING is the answer instead of saying God is the answer. They will end up with Nothing, also.

Quite Astute!!


:rapture: :angel: :cloud9: :cloud9: :angel: :rapture:
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