Creation vs. Evolution

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Well-known member
False... depending what you mean. It is a fact that organisms adapt and change. But common ancestry is a false belief system.

Common ancestry is a fact. I think you might have a problem with the single common ancestry model, rather than the multiple common ancestry model that has been shown to be highly unlikely with evidence from geology, paleontology, anatomy, genetics....


Well-known member
Among the endless number of things that just happened perfectly for life to exist is the earth's magnetic field, water and breathable air. Courtesy of a big bang ? I think not :think:

This is one planet in a vast universe of countless other stars, planets and other cosmological objects. And we only know of life on this one planet. There goes your claim that the universe was "fine tuned" for life.


Well-known member
Apparently you still can't comprehend the difference between "creationism hasn't contributed" and "Christians haven't contributed". The former is 100% accurate, whereas the latter is a straw man of your own making.

So much for that wonderful intelligence you're always claiming to have.
:nono: I knew you'd say that. Many of them are YECers. It is likely hopeless to hope you will learn anything on TOL. You were wrong. Sorry you can't lose graciously. You've been shown statistics before.--> You "can't" be corrected. Remember when the MRI machine was part of that conversation? Denial/inability to learn is the definition of...? Every name you are ever called on TOL you probably deserve, Jose. :(


Well you don't mind using a computer and the internet provided for you by "screwed up science??" And I think we all benefit from the huge advances in medicine through science. Science is a method designed to painstakingly look at the evidence, experiment and develop models. Nothing is taken on faith, unlike religion. Regardless of anything 6 days or anyone else on this board asserts, evolution is a scientific endeavor.

C'mon Hedshaker. I'm not saying ALL Science is bad. Hardly any of it, for the most part. I just do not believe in evolution. There's no way I will change that.

Have you ever read a Steven King book? Many of his stories are based in Maine, where he lives, and I have it on good authority the references to places etc are very accurate. The stories however are pure fiction, just like the Bible :)

You actually did. Go back and read what you said. I would have no qualms about quoting Darwin but I'm quite sure I haven't done so here. And many of these people you call 'evolutionists' are genuine scientists, some of them Christians, who have spent years pursuing their goals. There is no conspiracy Michael. Every paper published is subject to peer review and if they are shown wrong then they are just wrong, no ifs no buts, as it should be. Just imagine if religion worked like that?

When there have been frauds in science, who do you think exposed those frauds? Religious leaders? Theologians? Evangelicals? Fundamentalists?? No Michael. That would be the scientific community themselves that did that.

See Michael? There are people here far more knowledgeable that I who have spent their time explaining things to you and you just don't listen. If you simply spout creationist canards instead you learn nothing.

Hedshaker, I'm sure you've said you believe that evolution is true, right? Well, that is 'quoting' with Darwin, who said the same thing. In the same words or a little different. The gist of it is the same. That's why I said what I did. Because I know you have.

I've already heard from you before that scientists prove for themselves whether they are wrong or not. Sometimes they don't catch it for years though! There's one big difference between us. I believe and KNOW that God exists, and you don't. So I consider that I have the upper edge on you because you don't believe even in the basics. Most of us know that every thing just happened or that it appeared suddenly out of thin air is not true. We KNOW that a God created it ALL and that He is at work always guiding and nurturing those things He created and made. And He has MANY angels who help Him make that be. When we children of God go to Heaven, we shall be LIKE the angels and help God also. Thus, it is written. But we will be in training first and also as time and eons go by, we will still learn. What we do and learn on Earth prepares most of us to be able to go to Heaven and serve/help God with His children on Earth, and become invulnerable and invincible to the devil or his lies or deception.

By God creating 'angels/servants/children," He reproduces a part of Himself so that He can put many angels/servants upon one person and really take great care of them. This is how God has children that grow up to be just like Him. Those who will, anyway. Those who are rebellious get an awful wake-up call. What can you say/do? It happens. I'm not in charge of things, but I agree with Him because I know He is wiser than me. You kept bugging me for a date for the Apocalypse, and I screwed up, but that won't keep it from happening when God wants it to happen, on the day and in the hour that He knows already. I can't wait!! How about you?? You're making a big mistake, and I've tried to help you, but you just resist like a spoiled baby and throw tantrums. You won't listen to reason and it's going to be a rude awakening for you unless you change your mind awfully fast. But God knows you need to reap what you sow. You've continually said terrible things about Him and His Son, and the angels, and the Christians, and His Book, the Bible. You've continually lambasted and blasphemed the Bible and Him, so He wants you to get burned for a while to pay for what you've done. He doesn't want to help you, most likely. He doesn't let you see, so that you will not repent, and have to go to Heaven because you've asked Jesus into your heart. Stuu is even way worse than you. That's one thing that I was trying to do, HS, because I care about you and I didn't want you to acquire that fate. But you don't know the rules or the meanings and ways of the Bible, or God, nor Jesus, so you do ALL of the wrong things. God doesn't probably want you right away. He'd rather you go pay for your sins for a while. Then, a few thousand years from now {2,000-5,000 years, I'm thinking}, death and hell will give up those who are in them {the souls/spirits}, and everyone shall be judged according to their works. I don't think you've been that terrible that God wouldn't let you into Heaven then, because He knows how easy it is for the Devil/Satan to deceive or misguide you, and lie to you. You truly think that you are Right about everything and you feel very settled in that, and you feel invincible. Wow, your boat is going to get rocked terribly!! What then, Hedshaker? Your soul will be cast into the bottomless pit/Hell for a long time. A couple to a few thousand years long. A couple thousand years is bad enough, much less a few. You will not burn up because God made spirits and souls invincible and that they could not ever non-exist, or 'die.' He make them so that they would always be. What can you do? Well, I'd best get going because this is getting lengthy. You remember that I love you and am thinking of you, and am very sorry that you have to go to hell and suffer, but you won't listen.

Cheerio, Mate!!


:rapture: :rapture: :rapture:
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Sodom was destroyed by a shattered meteorite not God. But back in those days they saw God in EVERYTHING that happened.

Either life evolved or God had a bunch of Genesis's over millions of years that can be found in the archeological record.

Better to put our faith in God than in the Bible books of men.

So Caino, who taught you the story that Sodom was destroyed by a meteorite? HA!! God sent brimstone and fire upon them. And Gomorrah also. That's what our Bible says. You know that it is written that God created everything in six days and rested on the seventh. That means the Universe and mankind was created within the SAME WEEK!! Now do you get it? My Bible also says that Moses wrote down the first five books of the Bible, which includes Genesis. God told Moses what to write. You didn't see Jesus telling His disciples that Genesis was wrong and such. Jesus read from the book of Isaiah, and quoted it saying the words applied to Him. That made everyone mad/upset!! I'm not going to waste much time with you because I don't want to keep you away from your Urantia poop, so I'll get going.

I Hope You Get Better!!


patrick jane

This is one planet in a vast universe of countless other stars, planets and other cosmological objects. And we only know of life on this one planet. There goes your claim that the universe was "fine tuned" for life.

That's the opposite of what I said. The earth and this solar system are perfectly fine tuned by God for mankind, not the universe because we are it, so there goes your big bang theory.


What exactly is "the end"? Given that creationism hasn't contributed a single thing to science in over a century, while at the same time evolution has been and continues to be the foundational framework for the life has to wonder just what you're waiting for.

Dear Jose,

Yorzhik is a wonderful person who teaches us much and always comes through in a pinch. He is faithful. You seem to know nothing about Faith. The 'end' he is talking about is Armageddon, after which Jesus will return and the 'end' of this era/generation will be done, and a new chapter written, with Jesus at the Head, being Ruler over the entire Earth. That's what he means by the 'end.' Is it clear now? I hope I haven't butted in on a conversation. I am bad at that!! I try not to answer any post unless it's addressed to me, but I thought I would post here this time. You're both welcome here, for sure!!

Much Love To You Jose, In Christ,


:think: :rapture: :rapture: :rapture:


Consensus emerges dependant on evidence, they aren't two separate issues.
How else is the value of the evidence determined if not by consensus?

In the end will there then be a consensus? :plain:

Yes, alwight, God will make consensus with His servants, the prophets. Read Rev. 10:7KJV, "But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God should be finished, as He hath declared to His servants, the prophets." You will find out A Lot of the things you don't know, alwight, but it won't be pretty. I'm sorry. I tried to help you. I do still care about you, of course. But the choice IS up to YOU!! The time to change trains is now. Do it or be very sorry!!

Tons Of Love & Blessings Coming At You!!


:think: :shocked: :rapture: :rapture:


In one breath Michael loves you, in the next breath he tells you the grim future of your unbelief. :devil:

Dear patrick jane,

Just because they are on the wrong path doesn't mean I have to hate them, when actually, I do love them instead. If I didn't love them, I would tell them. I do not flatter anyone. I say if I love them, and if I don't, I would say so also. I don't love Satan, Lucifer, or Uri Geller, or Jean-Pierre Girard {the false prophet}. They are ALL going to the Lake of Fire, which is our Sun, which is hotter than Hell. I'm not going to keep explaining it. Just because your child keeps trying to cross the road when a car is coming, doesn't mean you don't love them dearly, patrickj!

And God Bless Your Heart & Soul, Too, PJ,


:think: :) :rapture: :rapture: :rapture: :rapture:


New member
Yes, alwight, God will make consensus with His servants, the prophets. Read Rev. 10:7KJV, "But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God should be finished, as He hath declared to His servants, the prophets." You will find out A Lot of the things you don't know, alwight, but it won't be pretty. I'm sorry. I tried to help you. I do still care about you, of course. But the choice IS up to YOU!! The time to change trains is now. Do it or be very sorry!!

Tons Of Love & Blessings Coming At You!!


:think: :shocked: :rapture: :rapture:
Thanks for caring about me anyway Michael.
Apparently you think that a consensus has to be imposed?
Currently however, as individuals, we are free to conclude for ourselves what we think is true.
Some of us are more likely to be convinced by the weight of evidence and perhaps by the science to conclude what seems to be a rational belief.
Others however seem to have a more dark ages enthusiasm for blind adherence to the evidence-free ramblings of an ancient scripture. :plain:

I can't simply choose what I believe, I have to be persuaded. Nor can I change what I believe at a whim because of an ancient scripture's apparent threats. :nono:


Hey folks. Is that flat earther guy still around? He was very interesting. :)

Dear noguru,

I think that was Daniel1611. He's been gone for quite a while. I think he changed his name though to different numbers. Daniel1732 or something like that.

Well, I've got to say that it's good to have you back. It's really been a LONG Time!! I hope that your holidays were excellent and pleasant!! I figure we're going to be debating back and forth, but that's okay. That's part of what this thread is about. If you just got a new car or truck, you can mention that also. C'est la vie!! You take good care and enjoy your life.

Much Love Coming Your Way!!



Among the endless number of things that just happened perfectly for life to exist is the earth's magnetic field, water and breathable air. Courtesy of a big bang ? I think not :think:

Dear patrick jane,

I'm with you, though I know others might not feel that way. To the others: This is ALL too Coincidental, don't any of you think that!! You have no idea how GREAT God's creations are?? Maybe you do. Do you think a big bang could cause this planet to have air, water, magnetic field, gravity, earthquakes, ladybugs, gorillas, etc. without God making it ALL BE??!! C'mon, 'fess up!!

It's all AWESOME!!

God Be With Each Of You For Learning,


:think: :cloud9: :angel: :angel: :cloud9:
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False... depending what you mean. It is a fact that organisms adapt and change. But common ancestry is a false belief system.

Dear 6days,

I'm with you on this one!! I wasn't going to say anything, but I'm really glad that you did!! I can't keep answering all of these. Sometimes I forget and start answering posts that aren't even there for me. Then I finally realize that I shouldn't do that. I used to do it A LOT when I first started this thread because I didn't know any better. Now I know it is not necessarily the right thing to do. Live and learn.

May God Increase Your Countenance Substantially!!


:angel: :cloud9: :cloud9: :angel: :guitar:


Yes, he is a brilliant telemarketer. :)

Hey you know Einstein was just a patent clerk. But his ideas were turned into formalized hypotheses and verified with further research. :shocked:

Dear noguru,

No, I had no idea he was a patent clerk. I get my books copyrighted from the Library of Congress. Every edition is there. My 7th and last {I hope} Edition is there also. Sounds like Einstein had just the right job after all.

Good to have you back!!



:nono: I knew you'd say that. Many of them are YECers. It is likely hopeless to hope you will learn anything on TOL. You were wrong. Sorry you can't lose graciously. You've been shown statistics before.--> You "can't" be corrected. Remember when the MRI machine was part of that conversation? Denial/inability to learn is the definition of...? Every name you are ever called on TOL you probably deserve, Jose. :(

Dear Lon,

You are one patient guy!! It's good to have you here!! I'm sorry that I didn't get around to welcoming you sooner. People come and go so fast here!! And come and go again!! You seem to be very smart. I'll start giving you and everyone their good rep pts. It's that time. I'm almost all caught up here. It has taken me a week to get through everyone's posts.

May God Always Seek Your Soul & Heart!!


:angel: :cloud9: :cloud9: :angel: :guitar: :singer:
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