Creation vs. Evolution

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Well-known member
I can't remember when or where I first heard that term, "The Creator God of the Bible", with the appropriate capitalizations. But it does flow off the lips nicely. Unfortunately it ignores "The Destroyer God of the Bible". Remember Noah's Flood (I am still not satisfied with any responses to "Why did the Creator God do that to all the infants? If the Creator God is all-knowing how did this happen?). Or the varied and sundry bits of genocide the Creator God allowed/demanded of the Israelites.

Nah, lets just focus on the good parts of the Holy Book, not the bad parts. The happy parts, we know are factual, the nasty parts, probably the metaphor and allegory sections. Well, except for that Big Flood.

Seriously, how can Christian fundamentalists live with themselves other than the extreme cognitive dissonance required to believe as they do?

Have you ever noticed that "fundamentalists" do this until they want to express their dislike for something like "homosexuality"?

Then of course they go and find the bad parts of the Bible. Of course they do not admit these are bad parts, instead they change it to "justice".

So if something bad happens and they do not like it, then "God works in mysterious ways". But if something bad happens and they like it then it is "justice".


Well-known member
God can't make a snake talk but nothing can turn into a snake by itself? Lol!

Naturalistic explanations do not say this. This is just another misrepresentation on your part.

Since you are dishonest and do not have the courage to admit your past errors, you will continue to recite these inaccuracies as if they prove "something". The only thing they prove is the quality (or lack thereof) of your character.
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New member
I missed the science part where "nothing turned into a snake". got a cite to the literature for that?
trace evolution back to the beginning and you start with nothing. So nothing turned into snakes and people and what not.

I love how atheists try to hide this fact in debates that they believe everything came from nothing. Theyll tell each other, but they won't tell others in debates. They're like Mormons or scientologists.


Well-known member
trace evolution back to the beginning and you start with nothing. So nothing turned into snakes and people and what not.

Actually the naturalistic explanation in cosmology/astrophysics does not posit "nothing" at the beginning. It posits energy fluctuation.

Your logic would also claim that if my ending balance is $0.00, after I debited $100.00 and credited $100.00 today, that I did "no business". But you are aware of your deceit, yet you continue to propagate your deceit as if you are to be trusted.


New member
Actually the naturalistic explanation in cosmology/astrophysics does not posit "nothing" at the beginning. It posits energy fluctuation.

Your logic would also claim that if my ending balance is $0.00, after I debited $100.00 and credited $100.00 today, that I did "no business". But you are aware of your deceit, yet you continue to propagate your deceit as if you are to be trusted.

Your analogy is nonsense. The whole of evolutionary theory is nonsense and only still exists because of lies, deceit, and propaganda. The entire theory is egregious.


New member
trace evolution back to the beginning and you start with nothing. So nothing turned into snakes and people and what not.

I love how atheists try to hide this fact in debates that they believe everything came from nothing. Theyll tell each other, but they won't tell others in debates. They're like Mormons or scientologists.
Your fear that you are wrong is palpable.



Well-known member
Your analogy is nonsense. The whole of evolutionary theory is nonsense and only still exists because of lies, deceit, and propaganda. The entire theory is egregious.


No. You are a liar. Your fallacies (all of them) have been exposed consistently. Yet you do not have the intestinal fortitude to admit your errors. Then you hide your cowardly slimy little mind behind your label of "Christian". You are a disgusting human being.


New member

No. You are a liar. Your fallacies (all of them) have been exposed consistently. Yet you do not have the intestinal fortitude to admit your errors. Then you hide your cowardly slimy little mind behind your label of "Christian". You are a disgusting human being.

There are no errors in what I say. I assert that there is absolutely zero evidence for evolution. None. Not some evidence. Not weak evidence. There is no evidence. It's your religion, that's fine. I don't want my tax dollars funding it. Might as well fund Scientology or Mormonism too.


Well-known member
There are no errors in what I say. I assert that there is absolutely zero evidence for evolution. None. Not some evidence. Not weak evidence. There is no evidence. It's your religion, that's fine. I don't want my tax dollars funding it. Might as well fund Scientology or Mormonism too.

All of your "assertions" have been shown to be inaccurate. Yet you continue to believe your own delusion and try to force it on others. You are, as I said before, a disgusting deceitful human being. Who tries to use the label of "Christian" to hide from your own deceptions.

Science is not a religion, though in your confused mind that is probably how you see it. And of course you will continue to propagate this obvious inaccuracy.


New member
God can't make a snake talk but nothing can turn into a snake by itself? Lol! Gotta love atheist logic.

You should come back and beat your straw man some more. After all, when all you have at your disposal is logical fallacies no one would blame you for scraping the barrel :deadhorse:

:dunce: :dunce:


Well-known member
Do I fear that a stupid to idea like evolution is true? No. I don't fear that the moon is made of cheese either. I fear that it leads people to hell.


Your deceit is what will lead people to hell, if they accept it uncritically. It is quite humorous that you cannot even see your own deceit.


New member
There are no errors in what I say. I assert that there is absolutely zero evidence for evolution. None. Not some evidence. Not weak evidence. There is no evidence. It's your religion, that's fine. I don't want my tax dollars funding it. Might as well fund Scientology or Mormonism too.
Operating under the principle that you could tell a lie enough and strong enough but some people might eventually believe you?

Stalin would be proud.


New member
trace evolution back to the beginning and you start with nothing. So nothing turned into snakes and people and what not.

I love how atheists try to hide this fact in debates that they believe everything came from nothing. Theyll tell each other, but they won't tell others in debates. They're like Mormons or scientologists.

Then you shouldn't have any problem linking to a secular evolutionary scientist that claims everything came from nothing? I know you like your straw man fallacies a lot but they're getting embarrassingly transparent you know.


New member
All of your "assertions" have been shown to be inaccurate. Yet you continue to believe your own delusion and try to force it on others. You are, as I said before, a disgusting deceitful human being. Who tries to use the label of "Christian" to hide from your own deceptions.

Science is not a religion, though in your confused mind that is probably how you see it. And of course you will continue to propagate this obvious inaccuracy.

You've yet to show any evidence of evolution


New member

No. You are a liar. Your fallacies (all of them) have been exposed consistently. Yet you do not have the intestinal fortitude to admit your errors. Then you hide your cowardly slimy little mind behind your label of "Christian". You are a disgusting human being.

I second that. Not a nice person at all. Let's hope he sticks with theism cause we don't want him :hammer:


New member
You've yet to show any evidence of evolution
None which you will acknowledge at least. Of course, you ignore the fact that the vast majority on the scientific body accept evolution as has been demonstrated to many times here.

Ignorance is acceptable, however continued ignorance through being obtuse, is never acceptable.

You fit into the latter part of the above sentence.


New member
Then you shouldn't have any problem linking to a secular evolutionary scientist that claims everything came from nothing? I know you like your straw man fallacies a lot but they're getting embarrassingly transparent you know.

Click the article.

Even if they all agreed that it didn't come from nothing, it is still absurd to suggest that life can arise from non life by a natural process, let alone that it become intelligent. This has never been observed. To believe in such an absurdity never having seen it is ridiculous.
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