Creation vs. Evolution

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Yes, he is.

No, he is a fraud and a coward.

So you think your beliefs are not an attempt to get exactly what you desire?

You do not desire to be in the presence of God for eternity?

How am I being pompous?

Dear noguru,

You are being pompous because you think yourself better or higher than StanJ. It doesn't mean that I don't care about you, so get that idea out of your head.


:cloud9: :angel: :angel: :angel:


You have no idea what humility is. Humility is having the courage to honestly admit when one is wrong. Now while you may put on a facade of doing that on the surface. The real test is to admit when you do not know, or you were wrong.

Dear noguru,

You already know that I am able to do that because I have done it before and you have congratulated me for it. Of course, I can admit when I'm wrong. Noguru, I truly believe that Autumn will bring about much change in the Earth. Let's see what happens. I am holding off on getting my radiation treatments until after this Autumn. I don't think I'll be around much longer. Jesus will return very soon. That's what I believe. If I am wrong, we will see.

Much Love To You, Buddy!!


:cloud9: :angel: :angel: :cloud9:


Well-known member
Michael, you did not answer my very clear direct question.

Do you desire to spend eternity in the presence of God?


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Chicken eggs hatch out chickens, not turtles.

Evolutionists want everything to be evolution. So much so that they will take the creationist argument and pretend it is evolution.


New member
I am holding off on getting my radiation treatments until after this Autumn. I don't think I'll be around much longer. Jesus will return very soon. That's what I believe. If I am wrong, we will see.

That right there shows the danger of allowing oneself to become under the spell of a religion. For some strange reason people give leeway to crazy claims when they are of a religious nature. Talk about the second coming and it's like, "oh, don't mind him, he's very religious..." but mention that you hear strange voices in your mind or Elvis visits you in the night and expect a visit from the men in little white coats.

You should take the medical treatment pronto. Praying does nothing at all, regardless how many people do it. And Jesus isn't going to return this year, or any year. Trust in medical science instead, it's real.

There are natural explanations for your visions, Michael. Do some research on Sleep Paralysis eg. Hallucinations during Sleep Paralysis aren't uncommon and it's a safe bet ones Hallucinations might follow ones obsession.

Choose medical treatment Michael and give it a fighting chance.


New member
The wager is childish and fails massively for rational reasons posted on that link I provided. If you don't like it that's your problem...
Only a total plonker would convert to Christianity because of Pascals Wager

Your personal opinion of a proven scholar in his field means very little given you anonymity and non-credentialed POV in addition to your bias.

Your style of condescension and superciliousness is not and basically dismissed as less than child like.

Only a fop would make these kind of self aggrandizing statements.

Seems you have more faith and understanding in Avatar, than you have in reality.


New member
Dear noguru,

You are being pompous because you think yourself better or higher than StanJ. It doesn't mean that I don't care about you, so get that idea out of your head.


:cloud9: :angel: :angel: :angel:

Don't WASTE your time with the troll Michael. If you stop feeding him, he will go away.


New member
Dear noguru,

StanJ is hardly a pompous jerk. He is a true Christian whom you could learn from. You won't get exactly what you desire. Because you are the one who is being pompous.



Don't feed the trolls Michael. He's on my ignore list so I don't care what ad hominems he uses.

The Barbarian

The problem with Paschal's Wager is that belief in God is not sufficient to be saved:

James 2:19 Thou believest that there is one God. Thou dost well: the devils also believe and tremble. [20] But wilt thou know, O vain man, that faith without works is dead?

Jose Fly

New member
The problem with Pascal's Wager is that it applies equally to all religions. And one could even argue that perhaps God rewards those who accept the world for what it is, think critically, and value logic and reason over blind faith, and therefore...just to be should live accordingly.


New member
Christian apologetics is basically a defence of that which is presupposed and assumed to be true. It would never be used to find fault, only to promote and defend.

Yes that is true although it is used to find fault with claims to the contrary.

You have a very faulty understanding of science if you think that it presupposes conclusions and then looks for ways of supporting them. Science is led by the evidence to produce conclusions and then it tries to find fault with them, but apologetics is only led by a perceived need to defend Christianity, not to find fault with it.
If Darwinian evolution is wrong then it can surely be falsified by evidence and by its testable claims. Apologists don't tend to make any falsifiable and testable statements about Christianity.

No, not faulty, just realistic. I've read over decades, the claims of truth that have been refuted or dispelled. So when I say so-called science that is exactly how I view it. Not much more different than you view creationism.
Again that is YOU personal POV, NOT fact.
Some have been, but because of the financial and personal investments many have in this area, a lot of refutation is ignored or buried.

I'm not anti-God, I may reject unsubstantiated religious beliefs but I can assure you that I am completely neutral about the existence of any real divine entities.

Sorry I didn't say YOU were anti-God, just the mindset that is.

Do you not agree then that a dogmatic belief in an inerrant literal Bible, come hell or high water, regardless of science, is not exactly using the grey matter that I presume you think God gave us?

I AM dogmatic about the Bible, yes, and the Bible teaches we should be.
In my experience many evolutionists are as well, so there faith is the same, just not in God.

But the thing is Stan that it is one thing to find deeper meaning within Biblical scripture and an arguably better interpretation, but it's another to be able to verify it as factual and true. I'm quite sure that the Qur'an also has many scholarly people currently engaged in a deeper understanding of it.
I suspect however that you study the Bible cocooned within belief and that you have no interest in empirically verifying it just in case that leads to doubts, and you are not allowed to doubt, right?

As far as I am concerned, because I HAVE studied the issue, it IS verified and viable, which was my position in faith from the beginning. My faith has supplied the evidence I've needed. I can't agree with any other religious book, because I believe that Bible reflects the ONLY true God and therefore the ONLY truth. BTW, the Quran does basically refer to the God of Abraham so in that regard it started with the same God, but was perverted by men who accepted the lie of the Prophet Mohamed.
No Alwight, not cocooned, just life experience. After 44 plus years of studying it, it has NEVER failed to prove it's truth of everything it proclaims. You of course can NOT say the same thing for all that has been written about evolution.


Michael, you did not answer my very clear direct question.

Do you desire to spend eternity in the presence of God?

Dear noguru,

Yes, I do desire to spend forever in the presence of God. I love Him and Jesus, and the Holy Ghost dearly, extremely, even more than you could know.

God Be With You, Buddy!!





New member
Christian apologetics is basically a defence of that which is presupposed and assumed to be true. It would never be used to find fault, only to promote and defend.
Yes that is true although it is used to find fault with claims to the contrary.
Clearly you are a Presuppositionalist Stan.:sherlock:

"Presuppositionalists compare their presupposition against other ultimate standards such as reason, empirical experience, and subjective feeling, claiming presupposition in this context is:
a belief that takes precedence over another and therefore serves as a criterion for another. An ultimate presupposition is a belief over which no other takes precedence. For a Christian, the content of Scripture must serve as his ultimate presupposition… This doctrine is merely the outworking of the lordship of God in the area of human thought. It merely applies the doctrine of scriptural infallibility to the realm of knowing."

I make no apology for using another Wiki page here as a reference.
You may not have come across another poster here called Hilston, who to my knowledge hasn't posted here recently btw, who, like you simply presupposes that the Bible must be the one and only possible source for a religious belief and that no greater explanation, verification or rationality is necessary.
For Presuppositionists it is simply irrational not to accept the Bible and everything it says as literally God's word.
Hilston btw was/is a very articulate wordsmith but for me an utterly baffling person requiring no empirical rationality at all, just an apparently mindless presupposition.

You have a very faulty understanding of science if you think that it presupposes conclusions and then looks for ways of supporting them. Science is led by the evidence to produce conclusions and then it tries to find fault with them, but apologetics is only led by a perceived need to defend Christianity, not to find fault with it.
If Darwinian evolution is wrong then it can surely be falsified by evidence and by its testable claims. Apologists don't tend to make any falsifiable and testable statements about Christianity.
No, not faulty, just realistic. I've read over decades, the claims of truth that have been refuted or dispelled. So when I say so-called science that is exactly how I view it. Not much more different than you view creationism.
Again that is YOU personal POV, NOT fact.
Some have been, but because of the financial and personal investments many have in this area, a lot of refutation is ignored or buried.
Oh come on, it's hardly cricket to surprise people in the street, shove a microphone up their nose and then try to bamboozle them with nonsensical reasons to doubt evolution, based apparently on not actually being able to see it happening. :doh:

Why exactly must Darwinian evolution actually be observed to be an accurate explanation of the evidence anyway?
Darwinian evolution is what it is, a naturalistic explanation of the evidence, which btw convinces me rather more than an un-observed supposed miraculous creation event a few thousand years ago.
Do we look at just some of the evidence, say rock strata or the geological column, perhaps containing specific marine fossils in one layer and terrestrial ones in another and not reasonably conclude that this is chronological evidence of past events simply because we didn't actually observe it happening?
Why should we not reasonably conclude the great age of the Earth at least from such evidence, and more, even if we didn't actually witness it happened. It's entirely reasonable imo to make rational intelligent deductions using more than one of our limited senses.

I'm not anti-God, I may reject unsubstantiated religious beliefs but I can assure you that I am completely neutral about the existence of any real divine entities.
Sorry I didn't say YOU were anti-God, just the mindset that is.
It seemed to me like you meant my mindset, but never mind.

Do you not agree then that a dogmatic belief in an inerrant literal Bible, come hell or high water, regardless of science, is not exactly using the grey matter that I presume you think God gave us?
I AM dogmatic about the Bible, yes, and the Bible teaches we should be.
In my experience many evolutionists are as well, so there faith is the same, just not in God.
You are a Presuppositionist Stan, I don't think I'll ever understand that.
Otoh I am not, I want to see reasonably convincing rational evidence before I believe. Ancient scripture is not something I personally find convincing while apparently it makes no difference to you because you have simply presupposed your belief in it regardless.

But the thing is Stan that it is one thing to find deeper meaning within Biblical scripture and an arguably better interpretation, but it's another to be able to verify it as factual and true. I'm quite sure that the Qur'an also has many scholarly people currently engaged in a deeper understanding of it.
I suspect however that you study the Bible cocooned within belief and that you have no interest in empirically verifying it just in case that leads to doubts, and you are not allowed to doubt, right?
As far as I am concerned, because I HAVE studied the issue, it IS verified and viable, which was my position in faith from the beginning. My faith has supplied the evidence I've needed. I can't agree with any other religious book, because I believe that Bible reflects the ONLY true God and therefore the ONLY truth. BTW, the Quran does basically refer to the God of Abraham so in that regard it started with the same God, but was perverted by men who accepted the lie of the Prophet Mohamed.
No Alwight, not cocooned, just life experience. After 44 plus years of studying it, it has NEVER failed to prove it's truth of everything it proclaims. You of course can NOT say the same thing for all that has been written about evolution.
If you could rationally demonstrate with perhaps rather less bias the clear rationality that other beliefs lack then that might help here, but all you have is the usual bald assertions it seems.
Clearly to hope that you would ever allow yourself to have any doubts now after all these years that you have invested in it, would probably be futile.
You have presupposed your religious beliefs and built a barrier to deflect any science that might just dent your shiny YEC armour of belief.

Morton's Demon:
"When I was a YEC, I had a demon that did similar things for me that Maxwell’s demon did for thermodynamics. Morton’s demon was a demon who sat at the gate of my sensory input apparatus and if and when he saw supportive evidence coming in, he opened the gate. But if he saw contradictory data coming in, he closed the gate. In this way, the demon allowed me to believe that I was right and to avoid any nasty contradictory data. Fortunately, I eventually realized that the demon was there and began to open the gate when he wasn’t looking."
(Glenn Morton)


New member
Don't feed the trolls Michael. He's on my ignore list …
Doesn’t putting someone on ignore effectively blind you to what arguments they are putting forth? If they make a clear and obvious error, I would think it would be to your benefit to see that.
Don't WASTE your time with the troll Michael. If you stop feeding him, he will go away.
I think your prediction of noguru’s departure is mostly wishful thinking. You will have to stick around yourself for more than a decade to just match how long noguru has been here already.


New member
Only a complete fool says in their heart that there is no God. Most evolutionists know they're wrong deep down. I used to be a big believer in evolution but I knew deep down it was garbage and I finally admitted it. Only a total fool says in their heart that there is no God.


New member
Only a complete fool says in their heart that there is no God. Most evolutionists know they're wrong deep down. I used to be a big believer in evolution but I knew deep down it was garbage and I finally admitted it. Only a total fool says in their heart that there is no God.
My experience was the mirror image of yours. I was raised in a strong religious home, and I was fervent in my beliefs. But ultimately I saw weaknesses in religion that I could no longer countenance.

We do differ inasmuch as I don’t feel a need to demonize those who differ with me. Having been on both sides, I can understand why there can be completely sincere people in both camps.
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