The absolute truth of God's Word is the basis of Biblical creation. That is why science continues proving evolutionary beliefs false...and God's Word true.
Surely you must know evolutionists OFTEN abrogate scientific procedure to try shoehorn data to fit their beliefs. They sometimes even admit that radiometric dating depends on more than just lab results. In other words dates of hundreds of millions of years is disregarded when there is evidence of human activity.
J.M.Bowler in Journal of Human Evolution; in a article interestingly titled "
REDATING Australias oldest Human Remains" says
"For this complex laboratory-based dating to be successful, the data must be compatible with the external field evidence".
Richarad Leakey discovered modern looking skull KNM-ER1470 in 1972. He declared the skull was 2.9MYO.
Geologist (paleocologist) Kay Behrensmeyer was there with Leakey. "She discovered a cluster of stone tools eroding out of a volcanic tuff, an ash layer from an ancient eruption that filled a small paleochannel. The site was named in her honor and the layer was named the Kay Behrensmeyer Site Tuff or KBS Tuff. .....The dating of the site was controversial, as it contradicted other paleobiological evidence.
In 1969 Leakey (BEFORE discovery of 1470) had sent samples of the tuff to F.J.Fitch U. of London and J.A.Miller Cambridge University. Dates provided were 212 to 230 million years old. (Potassium /argon) However the associated fossils (Both above and below the tuff) determined the acceptable range for the radiometric dating.
Because Australopithecine and other mammal fossils were found below the tuff, the date was determined to be 5 million year max... This was not based on any science, but only on evolutionary beliefs. Without the fossils, evolutionary geologists would simply accept the hundreds of millions of years as correct.
Because Leaky found the skull after the the tuff had been dated at more than 212 million years old, Fitch and Miller had to come up with new a different number. Using a different method, they now reported the Tuff was 2.61 million years old.
Meanwhile, back at the ranch, other scientists had found other fossils in the area and used different dating methods, but came up with numbers in the acceptable range.
(Pigs and elephant... 1.3 to 4.5MY)
In 1974, paleomagnetism (Article published in Nature) seemed to give a bullseye to the dating, in the area saying it was between 2.7 and 3.0MY.
HOWEVER.... Skull 1470 appeared too modern to be 2.9 MYO (Leakeys preferred date) according to current evolutionary stories. In 1975 a younger date of 1.82 MY was given
on the strata. The current date given to skull 1470,
assigned by consensus, is 1.9 MY.
One thing in common with the various studies was the mentioning of difficulty in obtaining good samples. IOW...
A good sample is one that provides a date consistent with evolutionary expectations. IOW.... Circular reasoning is used to obtain a date that fits with the just so stories.
Well said..... We call it radiometric back flipping. Dates can be adjusted by hundreds of millions of years to tickle the fancy of just so stories.