Wow GC... such an antiquated argument. You remind me of the evolutionists from the past with their poorly designed arguments. Even some smart guys like Francis Collins has made similar arguments (God wouldn't have done it like that)...only later eating crow as science showed he lacked knowledge. (This was with psuedogenes he didn't understandYour comments are like those who publish in secular journals who don't understand our genome yet declare "*Our genome won't win any design awards and doesn't speak well of the intelligence of its 'designer'"
Your comments are like those from evolutionists who don't understand the design of the eye and call it "clunky".
Your argument is similar to the naieve claim that our tailbone is an evolutionary leftover that is now nothing more than fused vertebrae.
There is many many more arguments like that which science has proven false. Evolutionists love claiming* things are 'bad design '- therefore evolutiin did it. Then later when science shows it is good design, they claim evolution did it. Its a non falsifiable belief... not science.
Re. your spine argument....It's not difficult to find web sites that discuss the design , purpose function of our spine. For example, this from a UK prof who has been published 60 times on the spine...
"..the curve of the lumbar spine towards the front—the lordosis—was thought by evolutionists to be a problem, the result of man having recently adopted an upright position. So, some researchers blamed back pain on this, saying the spine had not yet evolved satisfactorily. If therapists have the wrong starting assumption, then it’s not surprising that treatments for lordosis are unhelpful. If a spine fracture causes a lumbar kyphosis (curvature in the opposite direction), that spine is significantly weakened.’1
He added that the creationist perspective has always been foundational to his research:
‘I start from quite a different position. From my understanding of human anatomy and physiology and my understanding of God, I say that the form of God’s creation always matches its function. So you can be sure that the form of the spine is perfectly designed for its function. God has made a wonderful spine. If you start with that premise, it gives you a head start when trying to understand the mechanism of the spine.
‘When you start to examine the biomechanics of the curved spine, asking why it’s that shape, and what’s good about it, you find that the arch of the spine has a beautiful purpose. Like the arch of a bridge, it adds strength. Because of that arch in the lumbar spine, a person with a lumbar lordosis can lift proportionally more weight than a gorilla with its kyphotic (opposite curvature) spine! So it’s not surprising that treating back pain with postures and exercises that restore the lordosis works exceedingly well.’2
or a secular source...
"The spine is one of the most important parts of your body. Without it, you could not keep yourself upright or even stand up. It gives your body structure and support. It allows you to move about freely and to bend with flexibility. The spine is also designed to protect your spinal cord. The spinal cord is a column of nerves that connects your brain with the rest of your body, allowing you to control your movements. Without a spinal cord, you could not move any part of your body, and your organs could not function. This is why keeping your spine healthy is vital if you want to live an active life.