Could Hugh Hefner & Donald Trump Be Homosexual?


Serpentdove , I don't care what YOUR God calls gay people. This does NOT give the government or anyone the right to discriminate against them or maltreat them in any way, shape or form.
The Bible also says women who commit adultery should be stoned to death . Do you want the US government to mandate this ?
And people who work on the Sabbath, which is a different day according to different religions, should also be executed . Gove me a break ! Don't cherry pick the Bible to justify your own prejudices !

Adultery is still a crime in many states, and the penalty for sodomy castration at the country's founding.

But, you all consider 'prejudice' to be simply disagreeing with it, and 'oppression' if one's vote doesn't go to, let's say, gay marriage- as if one is supposed to renounce what their religion dictates to go and cater to you morons :rolleyes:

You're just a bunch of crybabies whose idea of persecution is not being sold a gay cake at a visibly Christian bakery.
I mean, why the hell didn't that Muslim bakery get shut down for doing the same thing? You see, you all are also just a bunch of anti-Christians, for the sake of being an enemy to your own countrymen.
That's why you all want to throw them under the bus for aliens and dissolve America into a globalist gig.

I think you ought to put the horn down and recognize that people aren't falling for you're crap anymore, hombre.


New member
I am not homosexual i am heterosexual, not both and its not fluid in reality. The part you are born with is what you are. That's a biological fact, and there is no house of cards social construct to it.

Why are there more homosexual acts within prisons than in the general population if homosexuality is innate and not fluid?

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Same here. It's doing what Twilight Zone did in the 60's.
And how awesome was the Christmas episode, right?

Ok. Enough gushing from me.

It is although it's darker in the main and more satirical, especially in regards to technology and how elements like social media and "reality" television can potentially be detrimental, sometimes devastatingly. Both series do share story lines that are compelling and make you think though. If only there was more television like that about these days to be honest...

Funnily enough I didn't rate the Christmas episode on first viewing for some reason. On second viewing I thought it was one of the best out of a consistently quality oeuvre...go figure. :eek:

But he still does it.
So... unwilling does not mean incapable.
That's all I'm trying to point out, here.

Yes, he does, after exhausting all other possibilities and is only "capable" with the aid of a drug that makes the male genitalia capable of being "functional" regardless. Do you think he would have carried on with it if it were a child instead of a pig?

The Horn

Crucible, just because the "penalty " for "sodomy " used to be castration over 200 years ago doesn't mean it should be so today . It also used to be illegal to teach slaves to read and write before they were freed in 1865 in the south . Blacks and women weren't allowed top vote and blacks and whites were not allowed to marry and so forth .

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I wonder how that part keeps being missed?

It's not a case of it being 'missed', it's more a case of it being disregarded for the sheer bunk that it is. The 'argument' that everyone is potentially capable of homosexual attraction or the same in regards to children is just asinine, and that's before anyone could choose to act on them.


Well-known member
If only there was more television like that about these days to be honest...

Yes, agreed.

Funnily enough I didn't rate the Christmas episode on first viewing for some reason.


On second viewing I thought it was one of the best out of a consistently quality oeuvre...go figure. :eek:

Oh, good.

Yes, he does, after exhausting all other possibilities and is only "capable" with the aid of a drug that makes the male genitalia capable of being "functional" regardless. Do you think he would have carried on with it if it were a child instead of a pig?

I don't know.
I probably wouldn't have ever watched the show again, if he did.

Maybe he would have been even more unwilling to go through with it.

Again, I'm not arguing that you would actually engage in any of the crimes or perversions mentioned in this thread.
Only that the reason you won't is because you do not want to.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Yes, agreed.

We agree?! Stop the presses!



Oh, good.

It was one of those episodes where you needed to give it your full attention to get the most out of it really, at least in my ever so humble opinion...:D

I don't know.
I probably wouldn't have ever watched the show again, if he did.

Maybe he would have been even more unwilling to go through with it.

I think it's a straight fire bet that he not only would have been unwilling, he just couldn't have done that. No amount of political chicanery could justify the rape of a minor.

Again, I'm not arguing that you would actually engage in any of the crimes or perversions mentioned in this thread.
Only that the reason you won't is because you do not want to.

I know you aren't, but you need to realize that there are certain things that are impossible for people, in my case being attracted to men or kids in anything like a sexual manner.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Then you agree its a choice we make to act or not. The potential is there for everyone. We all have desires that would be wrong to act on, we either entertain them or push them off. Do you lack self control? God can help.

No, it isn't. Not everyone can be attracted to their own gender and act on non existent desires. Seriously, do the math on this, it's not difficult.