I think that the word is a fine word, like how the variations of the -ubar word are all fine words. They convey meaning that other words do not and perhaps just cannot convey.
In considering the R word, my thoughts are that the image it depicts is very clear, and so using the R word is very plain, and efficient, as far as verbal communication goes. If I imagine all those people who are clinically diagnosed as some variation of the R word, and then think what types of thoughts, words, and choices that I would expect from them, and also what I would not expect from them, then the idea is very useful in sizing up what I'm seeing from someone, irl or on social media.
If someone is saying something that I would expect to come from that cluster of people, then it is immensely efficient to just say so, to invoke this word, the R word.
I think that the idea conveyed is something like the following. "You are acting /thinking /talking like people who are legitimately diagnosed as the R word. Wake up."
I remain torn about whether to try to excavate the word from my thoughts. Right now, it appears there sometimes, because as I said, it is such a fine word, and it expresses an idea that no other word does. But I don't like censoring myself in what I say and write, so I'm struggling through how to see the R word myself.