Arthur Brain
Well-known member
Town Heretic has reported a post.
The third post, following a complaint that I have now made formally here for the third time. It's just here to skirt the rules and let me know he'll sit on my thread if it suits him.
One of three posts, the other two containing more direct rules violations, though this one is still a continuation of the trolling started in another thread before he stalked me into this one to offer the repeated insult reported prior.
I'm asking for the three posts to be removed and for Stripe to be banned from this thread.
Post: A Momentary Life...
Forum: . . . and The Rest
Assigned Moderators: N/A
Posted by: Stripe
Original Content:
A momentary discussion.
Oh wow...the same "tired stuff".
That was an adorable response to an otherwise boring thread. I loved it.
The "tired stuff" was "bring back koban, doser" et al. It was spam. You loved it, good for you.