Contradictions In The Quran


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Quran is different than Bible when it was early revealed the people wonders because it isn't like their talks but it is more nice than their songs.
Any one who would like to explain Quran shoud know 1- arabic 2- science of Quran 3- good knowkedge of all verses of Quran

Not all of Quran is clear but need the reader to think. It is different than Bible and why a muslim sees Bible as simple human talks

Quran composed of clear part and unclear part. The clear part is related mostly to the faith and rituals of Islam . Unclear part is related mostly to things that above our knowledge like hell, paradise...last days...

Quran 3:7
It is He who has sent down to you, [O Muhammad], the Book; in it are verses [that are] precise - they are the foundation of the Book - and others unspecific. As for those in whose hearts is deviation [from truth], they will follow that of it which is unspecific, seeking discord and seeking an interpretation [suitable to them]. And no one knows its [true] interpretation except Allah. But those firm in knowledge say, "We believe in it. All [of it] is from our Lord." And no one will be reminded except those of understanding.


New member
'Son of God' is understood as 'God the Son'. The title is misleading to those who do not fully understand the thrice unity which completes the image of God in His wholeness.

Why do you contaminate wholeness of God by making Him partly human.

God is more above our knowlege.


... ... ... ... The Quran is designed to be illiterate, and ambiguous with any of the religious concepts it echos from the gospel/bible, but clear cut and concise about demoralization and dehumanization of the human experience, beginning with the prophets then to the jewish people, finally to all the people that have been snared by its own teachings. We can't call this a "Contradiction" at all more then it has become a developed shift in behavior for "Genetic Dan", which includes many other religions of their kind, so we need to view the history of the situation generally to become more correct:

("Mocking the Mosiac Law"-"Exemplifying Male Homosexuality"-"Ego Parading" ... not a contradiction, but a method of devaluing human life that has taken a more developed form in the present versus the archaic elements of Genetic Dan's behavior in the past)

... ... ... ... Going through history, Genetic Dan has always ran away from any form of religion, this is very clear in the gospel especially with observance of the Jewish people. However, after Jesus came in the flesh, Genetic Dan adopted Islam, this has been their shift in the way they have preferred to devalue themselves.

1st Contradiction if any at all: Jesus begins the New Testament, and completes the Gospel's Law/Bible
2nd Contradiction if any at all: Jesus replaces the Saints of God (Angels), with the Saints he attributed to himself for "Joseph the Blessing" (Fallen Angels)

(Holy Ghost has dominance in the Old Testament, so Genetic Dan doesn't adopt religion at all ... ... ... ... Holy Spirit has dominance in the New Testament, so Genetic Dan adopts its version of the Old Testament Law, as Jesus is preparing himself to destroy the Law of the Gospel, by completing its terms with the Antichrist/"Joseph the Blessings")
Two Contradictions with the Bible, and two major shifts with the way Genetic Dan has been taking their own lives and we see this now globally as their races come to a close. This is just proof of purpose for the reality that God has not designed his gospel to the intent of having Jesus Christ pay for everyone's sin with "Joseph the Blessing". You will need to understand this for yourselves once we surpass the 12210th Day of the Antichrist's Lifespan. For now, the only intelligent way to view this as contradiction when referring to the Quran, at least from my perspective:

1. Terrorism that did not revolve around religion (before the New Testament)
2. Terrorism that revolves around religion (beginning with the New Testament)

"9/11" is a pattern in the Gospel, not the most significant like the Lifespan of the Antichrist, but I will say this one thing: Matthew 10:1-3 lists all 12 Apostles with the 9th Apostle listed as "James [the son] of Alphaeus", now with "BarJesus" as a reference to the Antichrist in Acts 13:6, we can say that "Abaddon and Apollyon" is referenced as "James [the son] of Alphaeus" ... ... ... ... 9/11/2001 the Falling Man, many believe had an association to the Antichrist, some how ended up being a declaration that Genetic Dan would reach a final level in degrading themselves by taking their own lives before they pass away.
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Nope, the Holy Catholic Church still teaches this.

The RCC now teaches that even atheists can potentially be saved. It was implied by the Pope and outright declared by an archbishop during a public debate against atheist apologists.

The Catholic Church renders to the world when under pressure, and tries to bully other churches when it's afforded. Especially the Reformed.

It is astoundingly worldly in that it stands firm on it's own folly and then assumes 'infallibility'.

The epitome of narcissism.


-the church teaches free will
Indeed, and the Holy See also teaches how our free will, integrates together with our Maker's sovereignty: Divine providence.

And not only that, but I'm beginning to wonder whether the Magisterium aren't the only people who seriously and honestly teach free will at all, in all the world.


New member
Crucible,don't escape, you who talks about the wholeness of God
I didn't escape the contradiction and I asked the op to discuss it one by one step by step.....Are you ready to make comparison between Q and Bible about contradictions

1-the 6 days of creation:

- Bible, Like our days and nights Genesis 1:5

- Quran, day is a period of time that isn't equal.

Quran 70:4
The angels and the Spirit will ascend to Him during a Day the extent of which is fifty thousand years

Quran 32:5
He arranges [each] matter from the heaven to the earth; then it will ascend to Him in a Day, the extent of which is a thousand years of those which you count.

Conclusion:Quran concludes that creation was done in six periods of unknown times, but Bible concludes that creation was done in six days.


2- Bible says that God went to rest in the 7th day.Is God a human need rest?

But Quran says
Quran 50:38
And We did certainly create the heavens and earth and what is between them in six days, and there touched Us no weariness.
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New member
'Son of God' is understood as 'God the Son'. The title is misleading to those who do not fully understand the thrice unity which completes the image of God in His wholeness.

You are really messing up the Christian message when you state such things that are ERRONEOUS and cannot be backed up by Scripture. "Son of God" does NOT mean "God the Son." They are two entirely different concepts, and "God the Son" is not in the Bible.

The Trinity is blasphemy, and Muslims are correct in their non-acceptance of that spurious doctrine.


New member
Why do you contaminate wholeness of God by making Him partly human.

God is more above our knowlege.

Anyone with a true knowledge of God would never say that He is partly human. The Holy Bible says that God is YHWH (Jehovah), and ONLY Jehovah. (Psalm 83:18, KJV) Jesus called Jehovah his Father and his God. (John 20:17; Revelation 3:12)

We can know about God, and become His friend. He gives us the Bible to facilitate that knowledge and friendship.


New member
Indeed, and the Holy See also teaches how our free will, integrates together with our Maker's sovereignty: Divine providence.

And not only that, but I'm beginning to wonder whether the Magisterium aren't the only people who seriously and honestly teach free will at all, in all the world.

Will you please refrain from using "Holy" to describe your church. It kind of turns my stomach. And no, the "Magisterium" isn't seriously teaching free will to all the world. I'd bet that most Catholics don't even have an idea what free will might be, because they don't think about these things. I know, because I go to people's houses and I've spoken to MANY Catholics. Most don't even read the Bible.

Jehovah's Witnesses teach free will, and all the other things the Bible teaches.


You are really messing up the Christian message when you state such things that are ERRONEOUS and cannot be backed up by Scripture. "Son of God" does NOT mean "God the Son." They are two entirely different concepts, and "God the Son" is not in the Bible.

The Trinity is blasphemy, and Muslims are correct in their non-acceptance of that spurious doctrine.

The Muslims turned their moon deity into the Abrahamic God upon a warlord turned 'prophet' convicted by the fact that Christianity had taken the known 1st World of the era.

There was no pruning of the vine and consistent reproach upon the Arabs in Yahweh- it just magically happened by Muhammad, who no doubt seized the literature of the Jews and Christians.

Because of this, he did not see the Trinity in it- just like you, who are in base rebellion against proper Christianity, and pin the Scriptures against truth and reason.

You're a special kind of moron to sit there and defend the Muslims on the Godhead, good luck with that :wave:


Will you please refrain from using "Holy" to describe your church.
I'll consider it. And, it's not mine; it's ours, iffen you also believe in our Lord Jesus Christ.
And no, the "Magisterium" isn't seriously teaching free will to all the world.
Yes they are.
I'd bet that most Catholics don't even have an idea what free will might be, because they don't think about these things. I know, because I go to people's houses and I've spoken to MANY Catholics.
Any of them bishops? If not, this is not relevant.
Most don't even read the Bible.
Jehovah's Witnesses teach free will, and all the other things the Bible teaches.
Except that our Lord built His Church upon Peter. You leave that part out.


New member
Anyone with a true knowledge of God would never say that He is partly human. The Holy Bible says that God is YHWH (Jehovah), and ONLY Jehovah. (Psalm 83:18, KJV) Jesus called Jehovah his Father and his God. (John 20:17; Revelation 3:12)

We can know about God, and become His friend. He gives us the Bible to facilitate that knowledge and friendship.

Of course.


Cherub, please show your contradictions one by one, step by step
Sorry, but I do not have time for that.
You mean, You do not have time for that right now, but you certainly will find the time, since you titled your thread Contradictions in the Quran, and now a Muslim is asking you---politely---to produce, said contradictions, in the Muslim Holy Book. Right? I mean, it's only polite.