Contradictions In The Quran


New member
The Quran is a book you only want to read once. After reading it you will think to yourself, wow, what a waste of time. And to think, there are people who actually believe in it, and live their life by it. Wow, what is wrong with those people?


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
And to think, there are people who actually believe in it, and live their life by it.

there are also those
-who call themselves christian
-they believe
-they have no free will
-they do not sin
-it is possible to believe many different things
-that is why we need the church to guide us


New member
there are also those
-who call themselves christian
-they believe
-they have no free will
-they do not sin
-it is possible to believe many different things
-that is why we need the church to guide us

Catholicism is where our biblical corruptions come from. History and a good study bible will reveal that. Thank Yahwah that the truth is not beyond finding out.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Catholicism is where our biblical corruptions come from. History and a good study bible will reveal that. Thank Yahwah that the truth is not beyond finding out.

-the church teaches free will
-the church teaches we must repent
-the church gave us the bible


New member
-the church teaches free will
-the church teaches we must repent
-the church gave us the bible
Catholicism has given us endless controversies over scriptures. Catholicism has caused doubt for those seeking the truth. God gave us the scriptures through the prophets and disciples. God, Christ, and the disciples, teach us that we must repent.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
[FONT="]Contradictions In The Quran[/FONT]

So what. The Holy Bible has many contradictions. Don't eat meat. Eat meat. Only eat certain meat. You can make a point if you want, but a contradiction is not one of them.


New member
So what. The Holy Bible has many contradictions. Don't eat meat. Eat meat. Only eat certain meat. You can make a point if you want, but a contradiction is not one of them.
There is no contradiction there. After the flood man was given permission to eat meat. The restricted foods were a matter of ceremonial regulations and safety.


New member
The Quran is a book you only want to read once. After reading it you will think to yourself, wow, what a waste of time. And to think, there are people who actually believe in it, and live their life by it. Wow, what is wrong with those people?

Wow what wrong of those people who made only one son to God He must had billions of sons
Give me a contradiction one by one


New member
-the church teaches free will
-the church teaches we must repent
-the church gave us the bible

Yeah, God uses a variety of sources to carry out His will, like He used pagan Cyrus to free the Jews from Babylon so they could go back to Jerusalem and rebuild the Temple.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
There is no contradiction there. After the flood man was given permission to eat meat. The restricted foods were a matter of ceremonial regulations and safety.

Don't eat meat and then eat meat is a contradiction. Are you claiming there was not a change in rules?


New member
So what. The Holy Bible has many contradictions. Don't eat meat. Eat meat. Only eat certain meat. You can make a point if you want, but a contradiction is not one of them.

We always have to consider the context when evaluating a passage. Jesus told his disciples to go only to the House of Israel. But his disciples later went to the Gentiles. A contradiction? No. We have to understand the context and be familiar with all of the Scriptures.

I see in the Quran serious discrepencies. It says that Allah told Moses what to write, so you would think that Muslims would honor the five books of Moses, at least. But they take issue with God's name! They do not accept the divine name of God that Moses wrote in his books, Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy. Strange.

Then they say that they accept Jesus as an important prophet. How could they if they reject his claim to be the Son of God, sent down from heaven by Jehovah? If he LIED about that, then why honor him as a prophet? They honor Mohammed more than Jesus. Strange.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
We always have to consider the context when evaluating a passage. Jesus told his disciples to go only to the House of Israel. But his disciples later went to the Gentiles.

Got it. Now lets talk about the good news of our salvation.


New member
Got it. Now lets talk about the good news of our salvation.

Yes, I agree! To spend time on the Quran is one big waste of time. I can't see how anyone can spend their life reading and memorizing that prohibitive darkness.

Jesus is the UNIQUE Son of God, through which the universe was created eons upon eons ago. He is above all other sons of God. He is not just one of billions. It is due to his suffering and love and loyalty, to the end of his human life, that we have the privilege of being able to live forever.


-the church teaches free will
-the church teaches we must repent
-the church gave us the bible

The RCC taught that everyone outside of it was going to Hell up until it couldn't sell repentance to society anymore.

The Bible took away the RCC- as soon as it was dished out to society and people saw how much more Babylonian your church was rather than Christian.

It's amusing how obsessively concerned people are about 'free will'- as if God predestining and God creating knowing destruction is supposed to make some damned moral difference.
It is stated of Judas, for example, that it 'would have been better if he were never born'. So why did God create him? See, your deity is inept- you deny God's Providence for your monolith of a divinized church.


Wow what wrong of those people who made only one son to God He must had billions of sons
Give me a contradiction one by one

'Son of God' is understood as 'God the Son'. The title is misleading to those who do not fully understand the thrice unity which completes the image of God in His wholeness.


(I was asked once, if I ever used any androids or cybernetics, I simply refused to answer. Now, noone has ever officially asked me my take on the zombie phenomenon ... I told you everything I know, "Joseph the Blessing, Temple Stones, Sign of Antipas/Antiparticle", cuts of a spiritual relationship, that is why Genetic Dan is so filthy right now, because they abuse themselves in order to have the Holy Spirit put off the judgment in some limited capacity, now that becomes impossible in the presence of "Joseph the Blessing" ... so you will see mutilation of body, absent mindedness and gross assaults on the public by proportion)

Solomon Stalls Contradiction of 40 or 40,000 Stalls = 40 Days of Sign of Antipas/Antiparticle
LUKE 2:37 And she [was] a widow of about fourscore and four years, which departed not from the temple, but served [God] with fastings and prayers night and day.

Jehoiachin Reign of 8 or 18 Years = 150 Days of "Abaddon and Apollyon - Reign of Antichrist"
II CHRONICLES 11:20 And after her he took Maachah the daughter of Absalom; which bare him Abijah, and Attai, and Ziza, and Shelomith.
II CHRONICLES 11:21 And Rehoboam loved Maachah the daughter of Absalom above all his wives and his concubines: (for he took eighteen wives, and threescore concubines; and begat twenty and eight sons, and threescore daughters.)

There are only two real contradictions of the bible, designed to echo the 195 Days of the "Events of Revelation". ... ... ... ... Obviously a Contradiction in the Quran may deal with the usage of wives, to denote separation from the Holy Spirit. For example: you now how the saying goes some islamic people make: "When I die, I will have all the young men meet my needs", there typically no mention of wives. I had just that one intelligent thing to say, but the material of the Quran is not religious at all, and should not be considered a religious publication. (Genetic Dan's variation from delirious behavior, to self mutilation to assault on the public are involuntary, and it will vary in the "Area of Effect" around the "Sign of Antipas/Antipartle/Temple Stones", quarantine the area, and begin the Blood Sacrifice of Repentance, solicit cooperation in society by these people by grandstanding the military and police there also, do want I've instructed, and build from there). Love and Blessings.