Conspiracy - Are Some Theories Accurate?

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
I'd agree he was the best wr. And Joe won half of his rings without Rice.

No, only one without Rice. If Staubach had Rice as a receiver the Boys would have had a real good chance of beating the Steelers in both Super Bowl games since they only lost by four points in both games. And if Montana didn't have Rice and played the Steelers in two of their Super Bowls there is only a small chance that they could have won.

So, yes, you can argue that Montana was the best Quarterback in NFL history, but without the luck of the draw and without maybe the best NFL football player of all time to throw to he might have won only one Super Bowl.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
No, only one without Rice.
No guy, you've always been wrong about that. He won two without Rice. I corrected you on this a long time ago. No idea why it hasn't sunk in. No. Rice has two rings with Joe and one with Young. Joe won two rings before Rice stepped on a field with him. Or, he was as successful without Rice as he was with him, a claim Jerry can't make.

In fact, you have a problem given that the best wr playing with the same team and a qb you called better than Montana only managed to win one together. He doubled that production without Rice. :D

And in route to that one SB win without Joe, Joe beat Jerry and Young and his former cadre with a lesser (if still good) Chiefs team.

If Staubach
Fantasy camp again... Staubach played with some really, really good teams on both sides of the ball. And by your own following they weren't so outclassed that the match ups weren't competitive. As you put it:

they only lost by four points in both games.

So, yes, you can argue that Montana was the best Quarterback in NFL history
More, it's hard to argue against it reasonably.

but without the luck of the draw and without maybe the best NFL football player of all time to throw to he might have won only one Super Bowl.
Montana won in 82 and 85. Then Jerry came around.


Yes, and despite that Staubach rallied his team from the brink and had a chance to win at the end but unfortunately the pass in the end zone to win fell incomplete and the Boys lost by four points!

Then the Cowboys got Heisman Trophy winner Tony Dorsett, played the Steelers two years later in the Super Bowl, and Staubach and the Cowboys lost once again to the Steelers in the Super Bowl.

You could have given the Cowboys Jerry Rice in addition to Tony Dorsett, and the Steelers still would have beaten them in those Super Bowls.

Staubach just wasn't very good.

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
Fantasy camp again...

I'm just pointing out some varibles which must be considered before anyone can determine who is the better quarterback.

And you are right about Joe winning two Super Bowls without Rice. Excuse me.

I guess at this point we will just have to agree to disagree and I am ready to discuss the fact that high officals in Obama's Justice Department and the FBI conspired to help Hillary in the investigation of her emails. After all, the facts reveal that Comey had already decided to declare her not guilty even before hearing key testimony from witnesses and even before hearing her testimony:

Fired FBI Director James Comey drafted a statement to announce the conclusion in the investigation of Hillary Clinton's use of a private email server before the FBI interviewed key witnesses, including Hillary Clinton herself, top Republicans on the Senate Judiciary Committee claim.

Committee chairman Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, and Lindsey Graham, R-South Carolina, reached that conclusion from transcripts of interviews with people close to Comey and provided by the Department of Justice's Office of Special Counsel (OSC). Those transcripts, the Republicans said in a Thursday letter to current FBI Director Chris Wray, show Comey had already drafted a conclusion for his investigation before interviewing 17 key witnesses, including Clinton, and before the DOJ had reached immunity agreements with former Clinton aides Cheryl Mills and Heather Samuelson.

The fix was in!

patrick jane

Those pesky Jesuits. Wait. What? :shocked:

Yes, I've been watching videos about the Roman Catholic church history and the history of the Bible. This video popped up. They tried to keep the Bible from the people for centuries and killed millions including Reformers. I posted a couple good ones in the Aethereal thread of mine.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
I am ready to discuss the fact that high officals in Obama's Justice Department and the FBI conspired to help Hillary in the investigation of her emails.
Which officials?

After all, the facts reveal that Comey had already decided to declare her not guilty even before hearing key testimony from witnesses and even before hearing her testimony:
The only thing I saw in that article to support the potential for that was an unnamed interviewee stating:

"The idea, I'm not entirely sure exactly when the idea of the public statement um first emerged," the interviewee said. "Um it was, I just, I can't put a precise timeframe on it um but [redaction]. And then I believe it was in early May of 2016 that the director himself wrote a draft of that statement …"

The idea of a public statement or the idea for a statement that was ultimately issued? And is the time recollection by the interviewee correct? Both a bit important before conclusions are drawn. And I'd want Comey to testify on the point too. Isn't that the complaint in part, that a conclusion was reached prior to interviews and relevant testimony being taken?

If so, the Republicans' complaint is ironic.

The fix was in!
Yours too.

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
Which officials?

Did you not read the article?

We can start with Comey. Please address what the article said about him here:

"Fired FBI Director James Comey drafted a statement to announce the conclusion in the investigation of Hillary Clinton's use of a private email server before the FBI interviewed key witnesses, including Hillary Clinton herself, top Republicans on the Senate Judiciary Committee claim."

I do not think that those investigating this matter would have presented this evidence to Wray unless there was in fact such evidence:

"Committee chairman Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, and Lindsey Graham, R-South Carolina, reached that conclusion from transcripts of interviews with people close to Comey and provided by the Department of Justice's Office of Special Counsel (OSC). Those transcripts, the Republicans said in a Thursday letter to current FBI Director Chris Wray, show Comey had already drafted a conclusion for his investigation before interviewing 17 key witnesses, including Clinton, and before the DOJ had reached immunity agreements with former Clinton aides Cheryl Mills and Heather Samuelson."

You can continue to defend this slimeball (Comey) but the facts will not change!

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
[MENTION=10]Jerry Shugart[/MENTION] - From 13 mins to 28 mins is all about JFK assassination and information I never heard about Jesuits.

At one time or another the Jesuits have been kicked out of every country they have been in.

Adolf Hitler was a good Catholic boy and he had close ties to the Jesuits. And who do you think was doing their best to keep the USA out of World War Two? The Catholic church!


Well-known member
Yes, I've been watching videos about the Roman Catholic church history and the history of the Bible. This video popped up. They tried to keep the Bible from the people for centuries and killed millions including Reformers. I posted a couple good ones in the Aethereal thread of mine.

Wouldn't worry about the Catholics it's the Muslims who you should be wary of. The AC will be the Madhi.

patrick jane

[h=1]The Devil's In The Details![/h]
Several different story lines, most interesting to me was the culture and entertainment changes of the 50s and 60s to current.
Watching these and learning is much more productive and interesting than watching the news, surfing the web or "debating" on a forum full of brainwashed liberals. Hey liberals, this is where your SJW mentality comes from.


Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
Wouldn't worry about the Catholics it's the Muslims who you should be wary of. The AC will be the Madhi.

The two will be joined together in the future:

"And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication: 5. And upon her forehead was a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH. 6. And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus: and when I saw her, I wondered with great admiration"

Gary K

New member
The Devil's In The Details!

Several different story lines, most interesting to me was the culture and entertainment changes of the 50s and 60s to current.
Watching these and learning is much more productive and interesting than watching the news, surfing the web or "debating" on a forum full of brainwashed liberals. Hey liberals, this is where your SJW mentality comes from.

If you think the changes in entertainment from the 50s ad 60s is large, you ought to read a lot of the popular books from the 1880s to 1920 or so. The cultural changes are so vast they are like completely different countries. Project Gutenberg has a bunch of these older books. What you will find is that the popular books of the day back then all taught duty, honor, honesty, and virtues like that, and most of them taught Christianity in one form or another. The first author to reach a million dollars in royalties was a Christian minister. His books teach Christianity from beginning to end.

Our society has completely turned its back on what it used to be, yet you will hear the leftists say that it never was like that. The books of the time refute that allegation completely. They leave the leftists without a leg to stand on. But, you will see leftists coming here to deny what I just said.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
If you think the changes in entertainment from the 50s ad 60s is large, you ought to read a lot of the popular books from the 1880s to 1920 or so. The cultural changes are so vast they are like completely different countries. Project Gutenberg has a bunch of these older books. What you will find is that the popular books of the day back then all taught duty, honor, honesty, and virtues like that, and most of them taught Christianity in one form or another. The first author to reach a million dollars in royalties was a Christian minister. His books teach Christianity from beginning to end.

Our society has completely turned its back on what it used to be, yet you will hear the leftists say that it never was like that. The books of the time refute that allegation completely. They leave the leftists without a leg to stand on. But, you will see leftists coming here to deny what I just said.

Well, since the 1880's society has turned it's back on institutionalized slavery, denying women the vote, putting children up chimneys and plenty other draconian laws and practices, although I suppose that's just being "leftist" to point such things out...


Well, since the 1880's society has turned it's back on institutionalized slavery, denying women the vote, putting children up chimneys and plenty other draconian laws and practices, although I suppose that's just being "leftist" to point such things out... was the "leftist" Democrats who fought for, and defended slavery.

Abe Lincoln and Martin Luther King Jr. were Republicans.

All those Confederate statues that are being torn down, are statues of Democrats, that were built, and erected by Democrats.

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member

"Justice Department officials are taking a fresh look at Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server while secretary of state, The Daily Beast has learned.

"An ally of Attorney General Jeff Sessions who is familiar with the thinking at the Justice Department’s Washington headquarters described it as an effort to gather new details on how Clinton and her aides handled classified material. Officials’ questions include how much classified information was sent over Clinton’s server; who put that information into an unclassified environment, and how; and which investigators knew about these matters and when. The Sessions ally also said officials have questions about immunity agreements that Clinton aides may have made."

I wonder how Hillary will look like in her striped pantsuits!

Arthur Brain

Well-known member was the "leftist" Democrats who fought for, and defended slavery.

Abe Lincoln and Martin Luther King Jr. were Republicans.

All those Confederate statues that are being torn down, are statues of Democrats, that were built, and erected by Democrats.

Man, if you're gonna start a post with 'LOL' then excuse me if I don't take you seriously. There's no such thing as some 'golden age' whichever side of the political spectrum you happen to align with. Where it comes to extremes it's a joke on either 'side'.

patrick jane

"Justice Department officials are taking a fresh look at Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server while secretary of state, The Daily Beast has learned.

"An ally of Attorney General Jeff Sessions who is familiar with the thinking at the Justice Department’s Washington headquarters described it as an effort to gather new details on how Clinton and her aides handled classified material. Officials’ questions include how much classified information was sent over Clinton’s server; who put that information into an unclassified environment, and how; and which investigators knew about these matters and when. The Sessions ally also said officials have questions about immunity agreements that Clinton aides may have made."

I wonder how Hillary will look like in her striped pantsuits!