I believe I am helping somebody whether God is helping me or not.
How do you believe you are "helping somebody" by posting garbage-science that you don't think mean anything?
I believe I am helping somebody whether God is helping me or not.
Are you a sock? Have you been TOL before February 9th 2018?I answered that weeks ago, what more do you want than this:
Is that not clear enough? I'm not sure how I could put it any more clearly.
How many times are you going to ask?
I'm putting this out there for the weekend so more parents and just people in general can learn a little about this "trending" drug. It causes hallucinations and people see "other beings" and "spirits" they report, consistently., with a few "hits" - I think the drug is smoked. This video doesn't talk much about flat earth but apparently some young people in the flat earth awakening have been using this drug.If a Flat Earth Tree bears ODD fruit...
This video is about the dangers of what some younger people are doing right now. This can happen to flat earthers and some fall into this trap. It can happen to your children and your loved ones. This garbage new age thinking is evil. This video is a warning to EVERYBODY, it is Biblical with scriptures and it is about a dangerous but popular psychedelic drug called DMT. Your children and your loved ones can be caught in this evil and deadly trap. It involves mostly younger people but plenty of older folks do it also. This was basically started and popularized by Terrence McKenna, a new age old school hippie. It's spreading as you read this.
This video just came out tonight
Amos 9:5-6 NASB - [FONT="]The Lord [[URL="https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Amos+9&version=NASB#fen-NASB-22501a"]a[/URL]]God of hosts,[/FONT]
[FONT="]The One who touches the land so that it melts,[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#000000][FONT="]And all those who dwell in it mourn,[/FONT]
[FONT="]And all of it rises up like the Nile[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#000000][FONT="]And subsides like the Nile of Egypt;[/FONT]
[FONT="][FONT=Arial][B]6 [/B][/FONT][B]The One who builds His [[URL="https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Amos+9&version=NASB#fen-NASB-22502b"]b[/URL]]upper chambers in the heavens[/B][/FONT]
[FONT="][/FONT][FONT="]And has founded His vaulted dome over the earth[/FONT][FONT="],[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#000000][FONT="]He who calls for the waters of the sea[/FONT]
[FONT="]And pours them out on the face of the earth,[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#000000][FONT="]The Lord is His name.[/FONT]
Not conclusively a flying spinning ball.wa-’ă-ḡud-dā-ṯōw (Strongs #92) translates in Amos 9:6 as:
Dome in 3 translation.
Vault in 10 translations.
Foundation in 9 translations.
Troop in 4 translation.
Gathering in 1 translation.
Bundle in 1 translation.
Not conclusively a dome.