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That is a FALSE accusation and makes you the liar. It's sad that you've gone completely insane.I think you did some more math and will not say what it is, which would mean you're a liar.
That is a FALSE accusation and makes you the liar. It's sad that you've gone completely insane.I think you did some more math and will not say what it is, which would mean you're a liar.
I'm not lying either, and I'm not insane.That is a FALSE accusation and makes you the liar. It's sad that you've gone completely insane.
You mistake me, PJ. I'm not interested in being drawn into taking anything you're playing at seriously. Why? Because it's just ignorance dressed in poor science and paranoia. The things you have to believe to begin to take it seriously aren't seriously worth entertaining. Wouldn't be even if real science hadn't settled it, tested and confirmed it.Fake photos and every one of your "arguments" fails.
You don't have to be brilliant to understand rudimentary science that ends this sort of thing. What you have to be in order to seriously entertain flat earth nonsense is pretty remarkable though. It's a half step removed from phrenology, astrology, and the general nonsense that constitutes most conspiracy theory.Look at other posts in a thread before you decide to start blessing with your brilliance.
Only with people who aren't very good at science, I suppose.It's all been covered and science fails miserably every time.
Scripture isn't science and isn't trying to be. So there's another thing some people in the flat earth theory camp probably stink at: understanding the literary devices and traditions of the writers of scripture. For instance, some of them probably think Jesus was at some point a lion, but he wasn't. :nono: He also isn't literally passed through, for those struggling.The scriptures cannot be refuted either.
Oh, then that's genuinely tragic, PJ. And I can't fight that sort of will with reason. It never works out. People are rarely moved by a thing that failed to put them in the position they find themselves and people who seriously entertain flat earth were never put there by the faculty of reason.I'm absolutely serious about this topic and my belief that it's possible.
And again that's tragic, if I'm forced to believe you for the sake of argument. But it's not really a question. It's been settled by good science you either don't want to or can't understand long before we got to actual proof you're forced to call fake as a part of an international conspiracy stretching for generations, which is equally daft as foundations go.That's all I'm saying is it's possible.
Anything the rational mind offers one premised in nonsense will look like whatever it is they need to see. That's why you don't argue with the driven crazy or willfully ignorant. The best thing I can tell you to do is to go to school, get a serious education in the language of science, its methodology, and a deeper appreciation of the math that runs much of it, then apply a mind focused by that sort of objective, empirically driven methodology to the question and get ready to laugh for a long, long time.Anybody that thinks it's impossible shouldn't feel compelled to respond with drivel and "points" that are flawed or wrong.
I'm also not serious about the whole moon as cheese proffer...and for the same sort of reasons. Or the sky as black curtain with light holes poked in it. That sort of thing.I'm taking the time to refute anyone that's serious about the topic and you're not one them.
It's already there. The best for someone without a science background is the literal evidence we have from space shots, etc. And we know what your crowd has done to respond to that (see: the ridiculous belief in a generational, international conspiracy that serves literally no purpose and remains tightly supported).Get the very best evidence you can find and prove we're on a ball including scripture if you want to include that.
You were right when you were looking at Dave. I'm guessing you lack a background in math and science and that you've been romanced by people posting videos who know how to use just enough of it to impress you, which is, again, tragic. Trusting in that sort of drivel over the sustainable work of serious minds available to you over much longer in real disciplines that have empirical meat to them instead of the infotainment foisted by frauds making a living off the gullible...Personally, If I thought it was IMPOSSIBLE, I would ignore the thread and not waste my time like I did with DFT Dave's thread. I thought it was useless nonsense until 3 weeks ago. Poop or get off the pot Town Man.
Quote :"And the Bible typically uses the earth AS THE REFERENCE. The sun APPEARS to move around the earth when the EARTH is used AS THE REFERENCE." end quote -
PJ doesn't really believe this guys.
So, as a source of fun it's great. As a serious debate, not so much.[/FONT][/COLOR]
:wave2: There. See how smart you are? People that believe in evolution with :all the science proof" are crazier than me or any flat earth. You've give you opinion so move on. I could post the Sandy Hook False Flag if that's better for you. :idunno: [MENTION=7640]Town Heretic[/MENTION]You mistake me, PJ. I'm not interested in being drawn into taking anything you're playing at seriously. Why? Because it's just ignorance dressed in poor science and paranoia. The things you have to believe to begin to take it seriously aren't seriously worth entertaining. Wouldn't be even if real science hadn't settled it, tested and confirmed it.
You don't have to be brilliant to understand rudimentary science that ends this sort of thing. What you have to be in order to seriously entertain flat earth nonsense is pretty remarkable though. It's a half step removed from phrenology, astrology, and the general nonsense that constitutes most conspiracy theory.
Only with people who aren't very good at science, I suppose.
Scripture isn't science and isn't trying to be. So there's another thing some people in the flat earth theory camp probably stink at: understanding the literary devices and traditions of the writers of scripture. For instance, some of them probably think Jesus was at some point a lion, but he wasn't. :nono: He also isn't literally passed through, for those struggling.
Oh, then that's genuinely tragic, PJ. And I can't fight that sort of will with reason. It never works out. People are rarely moved by a thing that failed to put them in the position they find themselves and people who seriously entertain flat earth were never put there by the faculty of reason.
And again that's tragic, if I'm forced to believe you for the sake of argument. But it's not really a question. It's been settled by good science you either don't want to or can't understand long before we got to actual proof you're forced to call fake as a part of an international conspiracy stretching for generations, which is equally daft as foundations go.
Anything the rational mind offers one premised in nonsense will look like whatever it is they need to see. That's why you don't argue with the driven crazy or willfully ignorant. The best thing I can tell you to do is to go to school, get a serious education in the language of science, its methodology, and a deeper appreciation of the math that runs much of it, then apply a mind focused by that sort of objective, empirically driven methodology to the question and get ready to laugh for a long, long time.
I'm also not serious about the whole moon as cheese proffer...and for the same sort of reasons. Or the sky as black curtain with light holes poked in it. That sort of thing.
It's already there. The best for someone without a science background is the literal evidence we have from space shots, etc. And we know what your crowd has done to respond to that (see: the ridiculous belief in a generational, international conspiracy that serves literally no purpose and remains tightly supported).
You were right when you were looking at Dave. I'm guessing you lack a background in math and science and that you've been romanced by people posting videos who know how to use just enough of it to impress you, which is, again, tragic. Trusting in that sort of drivel over the sustainable work of serious minds available to you over much longer in real disciplines that have empirical meat to them instead of the infotainment foisted by frauds making a living off the gullible...
But as fun goes it's a hoot.![]()
If you believe in evolution you're a much bigger chump than me.It doesn't seem to me like Patrick Jane needs an apologist.
Fun? Conspiracy theory has become a scourge of modern society. Is it fun for the families of murdered children for PJ and the rest of the meme patrol to be posting all over the internet that their dead loved ones are paid government actors?
If you believe in evolution you're a much bigger chump than me.
It was more of an optimistic wish...what he needs without question is someone who specializes in font control. :think: And a science mentor.It doesn't seem to me like Patrick Jane needs an apologist.
I was thinking specifically about the flat earth crowd. That's a hoot. Some conspiracy theory, like turning personal tragedy into the stuff of absurd speculation, is just unconscionable.Fun? Conspiracy theory has become a scourge of modern society.
How does noting how gullible you are make anyone smarter?:wave2: There. See how smart you are?
Sign up for those classes as quickly as you can. There's no time to waste.People that believe in evolution with :all the science proof" are crazier than me or any flat earth.
So it's more a do as I say sort of thing then. :think:You've give you opinion so move on.
You could, but I'd rather give you credit for possessing a soul and some sense of personal shame, so...I could post the Sandy Hook False Flag if that's better for you.
I was thinking specifically about the flat earth crowd. That's a hoot. Some conspiracy theory, like turning personal tragedy into the stuff of absurd speculation, is just unconscionable.
OK. you've told me just like you already did two months ago. Is telling me how gullible I am supposed to bring me back to my senses and help me stop posting about flat earth? Does it bother you? Do you have any skin in the game? Do I ever come into your threads and tell you what's wrong with them and how foolish YOU are? I used to look at your threads but I don't remember antagonizing you or critiquing them. Please don't fret over this thread. You don't need to reply, but you are a last word kinda guy soooo . . . . They are all rhetorical questions.How does noting how gullible you are make anyone smarter?
Sign up for those classes as quickly as you can. There's no time to waste.
So it's more a do as I say sort of thing then. :think:
You could, but I'd rather give you credit for possessing a soul and some sense of personal shame, so...
Of course not. But it seems reasonable for someone to remind people every now and then.OK. you've told me just like you already did two months ago. Is telling me how gullible I am supposed to bring me back to my senses and help me stop posting about flat earth?
It saddens me a little. And I think that the way so much intellectual garbage has accrued gravitas because so many people simply don't inform their opinion with a disciplined and vigorous intellectual approach negatively impacts an appreciation for truth and even an understanding of what should constitute it.Does it bother you?
Sure. I want my son to grow up in a culture that isn't stupid enough to believe that all opinions are equal and that truth doesn't reduce to opinions of no lesser or greater value. Because that sort of culture is ripe for taking by anyone who knows how to sell.Do you have any skin in the game?
I didn't come into yours to do that. In fact, I gave you benefit of the doubt. You insisted on declaring yourself the proponent of nonsense. When you start a thread to misinform or start one that by its nature and your want misinform then I don't think you can take it personally when someone who values genuine information and the distinction of fact from fiction points that out.Do I ever come into your threads and tell you what's wrong with them and how foolish YOU are?
Yeah, I haven't started or posted much in a while. Keeping busy elsewhere.I used to look at your threads
Again, the point of making fun of that which shouldn't be offered or taken seriously has very little to do with you. It's not about you except to the extent you insist that it is.but I don't remember antagonizing you or critiquing them.
.Please don't fret over this thread. You don't need to reply, all rhetorical questions, but you are a last word kinda guy soooo . . .
OK. you've told me just like you already did two months ago. Is telling me how gullible I am supposed to bring me back to my senses and help me stop posting about flat earth? Does it bother you? Do you have any skin in the game? Do I ever come into your threads and tell you what's wrong with them and how foolish YOU are? I used to look at your threads but I don't remember antagonizing you or critiquing them. Please don't fret over this thread. You don't need to reply, but you are a last word kinda guy soooo . . . . They are all rhetorical questions.
I'm not worried about you saying more than me. You're not my type and I don't like you as a person. You're petty, vindictive and you talk too much. I don't care what kind of world your son grows up in. People, many who are Christians, believe a flat earth is possible. That has no effect on your boy or you. Get off your liberal high horse and worry about your son doing drugs, heroin, fentanyl, alcohol, cigarettes and pot. Porn too. You're consumed with the dangers of conspiracy theories and how "it hurts the world"? If that wasn't so liberal and ridiculous I'd laugh in your face. Pathetic. I realize you don't get the attention you adored here for years anymore but get a life. If you can't debate a topic in the last few pages then go away please. Now analyze this post and respond because you can't control your bitterness. People are misinformed every day of their lives.Of course not. But it seems reasonable for someone to remind people every now and then.
It saddens me a little. And I think that the way so much intellectual garbage has accrued gravitas because so many people simply don't inform their opinion with a disciplined and vigorous intellectual approach negatively impacts an appreciation for truth and even an understanding of what should constitute it.
Sure. I want my son to grow up in a culture that isn't stupid enough to believe that all opinions are equal and that truth doesn't reduce to opinions of no lesser or greater value. Because that sort of culture is ripe for taking by anyone who knows how to sell.
I didn't come into yours to do that. In fact, I gave you benefit of the doubt. You insisted on declaring yourself the proponent of nonsense. When you start a thread to misinform or start one that by its nature and your want misinform then I don't think you can take it personally when someone who values genuine information and the distinction of fact from fiction points that out.
I don't peddle that in any thread I start.
Yeah, I haven't started or posted much in a while. Keeping busy elsewhere.
Again, the point of making fun of that which shouldn't be offered or taken seriously has very little to do with you. It's not about you except to the extent you insist that it is.
I'm no longer on the ball.TH loves riding the merry go round.