Conspiracy - Are Some Theories Accurate?

patrick jane

No, you claimed you had something and now 'put me at the end of your list' so either post it or don't. I'm not chasing my tail for you and I've posted plenty of irrefutable evidence. You want to live with your head in the sand so that you can feel enlightened or special then go for it.

Two sticks in the ground. That's literally all it would take for your to debunk your own silly hypothesis. But for some reason you can't be troubled to try the simplest of experiments on your own. You'd rather be brainwashed by flat earth youtube videos and silly memes.
I wonder if the video Tam posted of a balloon at 120,000 feet showing no curvature in the Bible thread is just a silly meme too. Thank you for not chasing your tail for me anymore, you must be tired. "Put a stick in the ground PJ, that's all you need to do" just sit there and stare at the stick PJ, all the proof you need. Thanks for permitting me to me to falsely believe I am "enlightened" and "special", nobody else let's me do that. Nobody forced you to post your videos and memes and the only other proof you offer is two sticks. I won't bother you anymore with solid evidence. If you were given a name in a Native American tribe they would name you Two-sticks Wiz. :chuckle:


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
Seven useless links, each one worse than the first. I remember now how you operate. This is what you did in your electric universe thunderbolt project filled with videos. You just posted 7 links and accept what every one of them says, no questions asked. You may as well believe in evolution (nah, science never lies), the big bang, dinosaurs, 9/11 was exactly how they say it was, the tooth fairy and Star Wars proves the Hollywood NASA productions are all real. You didn't answer one of questions in that first post. What a lazy way to go through life.

As predicted.

You are a complete lunatic and a liar.

You haven't even bothered to read the electric universe thread or else you'd know that I do not accept every word they say, not even close - or - was that statement of yours an intentional lie as well?

I haven't even read your first post and have no intention of doing so. I responded to the post that I quoted and did so directly and with substance. You respond with nothing. You then ask for proof and so I respond with internet links from multiple sources in multiple fields, including some published scientific papers that have nothing to do with the government or anything else that you can mindlessly claim to be part of some conspiracy. It's called multiple independent verification, a principle, by the way, that is found in the bible (2 Cor. 13:1).

The bottom line is this. I responded to one of your latest posts because I wanted to see whether you actually believed this stupidity or if you were just making the arguments as an intellectual exercise. I wanted to know whether you were within a mile of anything that resembled intellectual honesty because discussing the topic with someone with a mind that works can be rather interesting and fun while discussing it with an idiot is the biggest, most annoyingly ludicrous waste of time anyone could participate in.

I have my answer.



Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
Klete, it's an invalid attachment but yeah, hubble is fake and so are the images. Ever seen a movie?

If it's fake, please tell me how I managed to take this photo from my own backyard with my own telescope and camera?

View attachment 26175

(The above image is much lower quality than the original which is too big of a file to post here.)


New member
I wonder if the video Tam posted of a balloon at 120,000 feet showing no curvature in the Bible thread is just a silly meme too.

Yes, and when the video ends or when you first view that post before hitting 'play' you can see curvature. Go look at it. You just have excuses about every time curvature is observed. 'It's fake, it's a conspiracy, it's a fish eye lens'. It's a waste of time as you won't even address the evidence you simply dismiss it with a wave of your hand. Yet, when poster after poster shows you why the evidence for a flat-earth isn't really evidence at all you skip response, you post memes or find another video confirming your bias.

"Put a stick in the ground PJ, that's all you need to do" just sit there and stare at the stick PJ, all the proof you need.

You can't even get the basic premise of this very simple experiment right. No wonder volcano ash plumes confuse you.

patrick jane

As predicted.

You are a complete lunatic and a liar.

You haven't even bothered to read the electric universe thread or else you'd know that I do not accept every word they say, not even close - or - was that statement of yours an intentional lie as well?

I haven't even read your first post and have no intention of doing so. I responded to the post that I quoted and did so directly and with substance. You respond with nothing. You then ask for proof and so I respond with internet links from multiple sources in multiple fields, including some published scientific papers that have nothing to do with the government or anything else that you can mindlessly claim to be part of some conspiracy. It's called multiple independent verification, a principle, by the way, that is found in the bible (2 Cor. 13:1).

The bottom line is this. I responded to one of your latest posts because I wanted to see whether you actually believed this stupidity or if you were just making the arguments as an intellectual exercise. I wanted to know whether you were within a mile of anything that resembled intellectual honesty because discussing the topic with someone with a mind that works can be rather interesting and fun while discussing it with an idiot is the biggest, most annoyingly ludicrous waste of time anyone could participate in.

I have my answer.

Good bye.

I know, save face. I didn't say you believed 100% in electric universe and I don't believe it's a flat earth 100%. If you did read the OP instead of sniping and posting 7 useless links in two minutes, you would see this thread is about all conspiracies not just flat earth. I also have a Biblical thread on flat earth where you can see it is an "intellectual exercise" - your first post was about how stupid this is, so I thought I'd remind you of your theories. You are a liar for saying I lied and you're a crybaby, as I was already aware. Your links did not prove a satellite orbited the poles, one said they were "working" on it and supposedly the Russians did it. All the others were nondescript. That was your effort. So leave it alone but get your digs in. Your MO. Thanks for clarifying what I already suspected of you. Go soothe your damaged pride.

patrick jane

If it's fake, please tell me how I managed to take this photo from my own backyard with my own telescope and camera?

View attachment 26175

(The above image is much lower quality than the original which is too big of a file to post here.)
I don't remember saying there are no heavenly bodies, stars and lights in the firmament. Good picture, you want a cookie?


New member
I wonder if the video Tam posted of a balloon at 120,000 feet showing no curvature in the Bible thread is just a silly meme too.

Yes, and when the video ends or when you first view that post before hitting 'play' you can see curvature. Go look at it. Do you see curvature, yes or no? You just have excuses about every time curvature is observed. 'It's fake, it's a conspiracy, it's a fish eye lens'. It's a waste of time as you won't even address the evidence. You simply dismiss it with a wave of your hand. Yet, when poster after poster shows you why the evidence for a flat-earth isn't really evidence at all you skip response, you post memes or find another video confirming your bias.

"Put a stick in the ground PJ, that's all you need to do" just sit there and stare at the stick PJ, all the proof you need.

You can't even get the basic premise of this very simple experiment right. No wonder volcano ash plumes confuse you.

patrick jane

Yes, and when the video ends or when you first view that post before hitting 'play' you can see curvature. Go look at it. Do you see curvature, yes or no?
I watched it 3 times to confirm, you see the balloon and camera were moving in a side to side motion and yes, there "appears" to be curvature in some footage when the cameras are angled SIDEWAYS !!! Every level shot from the footage shows FLAT horizon and you know you saw it. You sir, are a waste of time as are every single person that doesn't think it's possible. Do you have anything else you can obsess over besides this topic? My threads are for folks that think it's possible. You don't. It's that simple. Do me a favor and please find another of hundreds of threads to whine in.

patrick jane

[h=1]High Altitude Balloon Flight - Over 117K Feet[/h]
The camera move and the balloon rotates as it ascends. Every time the cameras are level you will see the flat earth. The good footage starts at about 6 minutes in this 12 minute video. The first few minutes are preparation.

[h=1] - Click link to ensure full screen.[/h]


Ask Mr. Religion

☞☞☞☞Presbyterian (PCA) &#9
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Jesus statement about his second coming (Luke 17:34-35, Matt24:40-41) does not make sense if the world was flat. On a flat Earth,the sun would rise on everybody at the same time. You would not expect to find some people in bed, while others were out in the field.

How is this reconciled per the flat earth view?


patrick jane

Jesus statement about his second coming (Luke 17:34-35, Matt24:40-41) does not make sense if the world was flat. On a flat Earth,the sun would rise on everybody at the same time. You would not expect to find some people in bed, while others were out in the field.

How is this reconciled per the flat earth view?

How is it reconciled that every eye will see Him coming in the clouds on a globe? Actually, AMR, the flat earth model shows clearly how half the earth is lit by the sun at one time and half is dark (roughly half for both).

Revelation 1:7 KJV - [FONT=&quot]Behold, he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him, and they also which pierced him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him. Even so, Amen.[/FONT]


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
I know, save face. I didn't say you believed 100% in electric universe and I don't believe it's a flat earth 100%. If you did read the OP instead of sniping and posting 7 useless links in two minutes, you would see this thread is about all conspiracies not just flat earth. I also have a Biblical thread on flat earth where you can see it is an "intellectual exercise" - your first post was about how stupid this is, so I thought I'd remind you of your theories. You are a liar for saying I lied and you're a crybaby, as I was already aware. Your links did not prove a satellite orbited the poles, one said they were "working" on it and supposedly the Russians did it. All the others were nondescript. That was your effort. So leave it alone but get your digs in. Your MO. Thanks for clarifying what I already suspected of you. Go soothe your damaged pride.

The links were posted because you asked me for proof that satellites orbit in polar orbits. Just how many separate examples of independent witness testimony do you need? The reason there is seven is because some of them are from the same (or similar) source so I kept going until I had found completely unrelated links from totally separate people in unrelated fields doing different kinds of work that utilize polar orbiting satellites.

That is proof, JP. You can stick you head in the sand and pretend it isn't but that doesn't change the facts of reality. Not only are there thousands and thousands of people involved in the use of these satellites all over the globe, but you can see the satellites going over head from your own back yard with with your own eyes. How much more proof do you think you need?

And as for my being a liar, the thread is all still here for everyone to read. I predicted that you lied when you claimed that all I had to do was prove the existence of such satellites and you'd drop it. I knew when you said it that it wasn't true and so did you! There isn't anything that you will ever accept as proof! If someone shot you to the Moon, you'd stand in the middle of a crater and swear while staring at the Earth rising over the Lunar horizon, that someone had faked it all and was tricking you.


patrick jane

The links were posted because you asked me for proof that satellites orbit in polar orbits. Just how many separate examples of independent witness testimony do you need? The reason there is seven is because some of them are from the same (or similar) source so I kept going until I had found completely unrelated links from totally separate people in unrelated fields doing different kinds of work that utilize polar orbiting satellites.

That is proof, JP. You can stick you head in the sand and pretend it isn't but that doesn't change the facts of reality. Not only are there thousands and thousands of people involved in the use of these satellites all over the globe, but you can see the satellites going over head from your own back yard with with your own eyes. How much more proof do you think you need?

And as for my being a liar, the thread is all still here for everyone to read. I predicted that you lied when you claimed that all I had to do was prove the existence of such satellites and you'd drop it. I knew when you said it that it wasn't true and so did you! There isn't anything that you will ever accept as proof! If someone shot you to the Moon, you'd stand in the middle of a crater and swear while staring at the Earth rising over the Lunar horizon, that someone had faked it all and was tricking you.

You provided links that prove satellites exist and we can see them. You did not prove to me, in my mind that a satellite can circumnavigate the poles. If you did, I didn't see it. So I'm a liar now and you're not, but you ARE a psychic or a prophet. Or a weatherman. Yes, everybody can see the posts and your links, thankfully.

patrick jane


Might be lying. I can't prove anything 100% - That's not what these threads are for


New member
Reading through this thread, it seems like maybe you're actually still on the edge of truly falling into the endless pit of conspiracy theories, that you don't actually buy in to this junk 100% yet. Shake your head out and walk away from it. It's a very sad road to go down, it's a dark hole, and you'll probably never turn back to reality once you've bought into "believing" something like a flat earth. At best it's a joke, at worst, it's evil.

The earth isn't flat. Believing that it is is probably one of the the saddest rejections of knowledge and understanding possible.

patrick jane

Reading through this thread, it seems like maybe you're actually still on the edge of truly falling into the endless pit of conspiracy theories, that you don't actually buy in to this junk 100% yet. Shake your head out and walk away from it. It's a very sad road to go down, it's a dark hole, and you'll probably never turn back to reality once you've bought into "believing" something like a flat earth. At best it's a joke, at worst, it's evil.

The earth isn't flat. Believing that it is is probably one of the the saddest rejections of knowledge and understanding possible.
Yes, you're right and I advised meshak not to start the path down these rabbit trails and how they end up. Believe me, I'm not doing this for attention and certainly not to make new friends or keep the ones I have. I find these videos and conspiracies fascinating and better than TV and Hollywood. There isn't one conspiracy theory that can be proven and I know that. I simply find the evidence for THE POSSIBILITY of an enclosed flat earth and firmament. I think elements of every theory have truth. I have time to do this or I wouldn't be doing it.

I get feedback from people who learn and enjoy the videos and since I do too, that encourages me. I will warn everybody to be careful and only use this for educational and entertainment purpose. As I've said, if folks don't believe anything I post is possible then why even engage? If I saw a thread that said: How to fit a Cadillac in your nose, I wouldn't pay any attention.
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New member
I watched it 3 times to confirm, you see the balloon and camera were moving in a side to side motion and yes, there "appears" to be curvature in some footage when the cameras are angled SIDEWAYS !!! Every level shot from the footage shows FLAT horizon and you know you saw it.

Yeah, it curves, it's flat, it goes concave all in the same video. So, probably not best evidence to use unless you think the edges of the earth wobble and change shape. Camera #1 isn't wide enough to perceive the curve and like I said, at the freeze frame with a straight angle, you can see the curve.

You sir, are a waste of time as are every single person that doesn't think it's possible. Do you have anything else you can obsess over besides this topic? My threads are for folks that think it's possible. You don't. It's that simple. Do me a favor and please find another of hundreds of threads to whine in.

:rotfl: Don't address the stick experiment.

We both know why you won't.

Enjoy your delusion! :wave:

patrick jane

Yeah, it curves, it's flat, it goes concave all in the same video. So, probably not best evidence to use unless you think the edges of the earth wobble and change shape. Camera #1 isn't wide enough to perceive the curve and like I said, at the freeze frame with a straight angle, you can see the curve.

:rotfl: Don't address the stick experiment.

We both know why you won't.

Enjoy your delusion! :wave:
To be honest, I don't leave the house much and I have no desire to do something with two sticks in the yard. I am aware that a Greek concluded the earth is round by observing shadows. I have also seen shadow experiments that shows flat earth. Thanks, I will enjoy my endless possible conspiracies. Have fun trusting everybody :wave2: