Comments on Bob Enyart's Proposed New US Constitution


New member
So, you have never seen or heard Bob yet you come out in public and attempt to mock him. That seems a bit odd.

I predict that you will find out that you were WAY off base. I also predict you will never admit that fact.
I am not mocking him, I'm asking questions and the responses to those questions are either attacks or deflections.

So back to the topic at hand and just so there is no confusion, are you saying I should disregard what Bob writes?

Nathon Detroit

So back to the topic at hand and just so there is no confusion, are you saying I should disregard what Bob writes?
I am saying.... if you have questions for Bob... ask Bob!!!

I wrote some poetry for you....

Me Knight
Me not Bob.
You NetPyro
You not Bob
Bob, he be Bob


Throw out everything you think you know and start over.
What, and listen to someone who obviously doesn't know what I am talking about. I had never even heard of Bob Enyart until yesterday. Your sarcasm is unbecoming, why the anger?

Do you really have an understanding of the Old and New Covenants? It does not seem so. I probably can and could have learned something from you, I am sure there is some truth in what you say. But attacking a person is not the way to win over people to your pov. Arrogance is pride, the original sin and is not pretty. Jesus was not arrogant, and what are the fruits of the Spirit? Sarcasm and arrogance aren't on the list.

I am a Christian so you have not caused any irreparable damage. However, what if I were a non-Christian and you flamed me out the way you have? Would I ever listen to another Christian again? Maybe, maybe not. It goes back to grace again. We as Christians are to show others grace out of gratitude for the grace we have been shown through Christ. I am truly grateful for the grace God has shown me. I am so grateful, that I want to share that grace with others in my everyday life AND online. I am not seeing the overwhelming joy that comes from grace fully and gratefully received from you. Something is wrong.

Nathon Detroit

What, and listen to someone who obviously doesn't know what I am talking about. I had never even heard of Bob Enyart until yesterday. Your sarcasm is unbecoming, why the anger?
We are in a battle.

Be a part of the solution, not a part of the problem.

Do you really have an understanding of the Old and New Covenants? It does not seem so. I probably can and could have learned something from you, I am sure there is some truth in what you say. But attacking a person is not the way to win over people to your pov. Arrogance is pride, the original sin and is not pretty. Jesus was not arrogant, and what are the fruits of the Spirit? Sarcasm and arrogance aren't on the list.
Ok, it's possible I mistook you for being part of the "attack of the moronic mountain bikers". If you really aren't a part of those knuckleheads than I probably came down a bit hard on you.

If that is the case, I apologize for jumping down your throat.


New member
I am saying.... if you have questions for Bob... ask Bob!!!

I wrote some poetry for you....

Me Knight
Me not Bob.
You NetPyro
You not Bob
Bob, he be Bob
You follow Bob but have no thoughts of your own? That's not religion, that's cult. :down:


Bob Enyart is obviously a very big boob.

It's by God's grace that some hungry folks have come to Christ through him.
Just as I myself came to Christ through a televangelist that I later came to realize was a complete boob.

Would be wonderful if Enyart should use his platform and energy to consistently speak of the Gospel and God's covenant (Genesis 3:15, Isaiah 7:14, Matthew 16:16, 1John 3:8), but instead he is hung up on legalism.

He, with his platform, could be a huge worker for the sake of world evangelism, but he's unfortunately very poorly feeding God's sheep.

Racy Woodblock

Ok, at first I only suspected you were an idiot and now I know for sure.

Get the point?

Maybe you don't understand grace?

After all.... you agree murder is wrong, why aren't murderers "graced out"? :think:

That is incredibly tragic.

Think of all the people you have mislead.

Demonstrate your love to God by not saying stupid things. God doesn't want you running around confusing "the Law" with the law (criminal law).

Throw out everything you think you know and start over.

We are in a battle.

Knight, I don't know enough about this bob guy to say much on that, but the exchange between you and bloviating speaks volumes. Bloviating has come across as pretty thoughtful, and you're in "attack mode." Why the pettiness and anger? Is this really a battle? I've had debates in my life, and very few of them have been "battles."

Maybe things would go a bit smoother if we all took a step back and tried to listen to what the other person was saying, rather than just attacking, we'd get a little further. Most of my experience in forums comes from a couple book and/or author related forums, and a few music related ones. I've nearly never seen a forum where people (moderators, even) had their claws out like on here. Debate doesn't need to include belittling and petty insults. More gets accomplished without that.

Sorry for the rant. I don't know any of you from adam, and i just wanted to make that comment. Attack me if you think it will help, and i didn't mean to offend.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Knight, I don't know enough about this bob guy to say much on that...
What would you do if someone started bringing up your best friend's failings in public when the friend was not present? Your judgment is way off.

Racy Woodblock

What would you do if someone started bringing up your best friend's failings in public when the friend was not present? Your judgment is way off.

Are you talking about personal failings (like a divorce or something) or professional failings (like doing a job incorrectly)?


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
If Bob was your best friend how would you respond if people came in and started posting here about him like this?


New member
What would you do if someone started bringing up your best friend's failings in public when the friend was not present? Your judgment is way off.
Like it or not, Bob is a public figure, his writings are public, published for all to see. In my opinion, his published views are disturbing, especially so since he advocates flogging and death for sins/crimes he himself has committed. Is this not open for debate? Are his followers unwilling or unable to debate on their own without having to defer to Bob? This is a serious question. We all debate our personal interpretation of the bible without saying, "if you have questions about God's law, then take it up with him directly."

Nathon Detroit

Are his followers unwilling or unable to debate on their own without having to defer to Bob?
Maybe you haven't been paying attention but that is in fact what we have been doing.

However, there comes a point when it gets a bit silly debating about a third parties beliefs and thoughts. That's why we recommend that if you are that interested in Bob, call him yourself.

Otherwise... lets talk about what you and I believe.


New member
Otherwise... lets talk about what you and I believe.
Thank you. I'm perfectly fine with this and thought that's what I was asking, but being new to the group and all, I can fully appreciate that maybe I'm not communicating effectively with you.

So, to start anew: do you believe that it is in the best interest of the American people to establish a Christian Theocracy as the basis of our government?

My next question is, does this emoticon look like an Asian caricature of Uncle Sam to you? :sam: Every time I see it I start laughing.

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
What is the real topic of this thread?

The ShadowGov constitution or "Comments on postings"? Maybe before you cry foul you should get your own act together. :)

Also.... not everyone is neg repping you, I for one rarely if ever neg rep.

Not to worry, I surely pick up the slack in this department.

I have a feeling that Bob Enyart isn't going to submit his writing of how things ought to be for a constitutional convention any time soon.

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
You can't separate one from the other. . Of course murder is wrong, the NT is quite clear on that.

BTW I am a senior Pastor and former missionary to Africa and have taught Bible and theology at the tertiary level.

I would ask for my money back.

I am certainly not an expert in everything and am a very fallible human being but I also know that I serve a savior that loves everyone including the sinner. Your wanting to install a Christianized shariah lacks the grace CS Lewis so eloquently spoke about.
If you loved murderers, you would tell them it is wrong would you not?

Love is a character trait seldom seen. Even in the Christian realm.

You clearly don't know the difference between gradmothers mushy love, and tough love, which both have a place of importance.
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