To Vine & Fig Tree:
The argument I was making in my previous post was an argument ad absurdum.
I suggested that S.D. propose a law that prohibits abortion only in the case of rape-incest. You have said that you did not understand my point and asked me to explain.
Here is my explanation.
I see abortion as a misunderstanding between human rights, property rights, and to some extent master-slave rights.
A proponent of abortion on demand "must" see the baby inside the womb, either as the property of the woman, or as a non person. Why? ......because almost all of those people then agree that it is wrong to kill that baby once it is outside the womb.
If somehow it is possible to convince a majority that a mother can not kill her baby, inside the womb, except for rape, then it must be wrong, because it is a human right for the baby to live. If it is a human right for the baby to live, then the mother would have been a willing accomplice to murder.
Thus without "explicitely" stating it, abortion is being banned in cases where the mother is, or would be, a murderer.
Then that leaves the case of what to do if the father is "only" a rapist and not a murderer.
This is what I am proposing, by making the argument ad absurdum.
If the father is "only" a rapist while the mother is a "murderess" then let's kill the child of the murderess and not the child of the rapist. Since in the minds of some it is permissable to kill a child, if the father was a rapist, especially if it somehow relieves the trauma of the woman who was raped.
Just imagine how much more permissable it it to kill a child if her mother was a murderer, and how by killing her own child it will again, "somehow" relieve her trauma of being a murderer????? Argument ad absurdum. It does not work that way!!!!!
I think that highlights the fallacy of the argument. If one is acquiescing, however begrudgingly, to the human rights of a baby whose mother wants to kill her; how absurd is it to NOT admit to the same rights, for a baby whose father was "only" a rapist, and not a murderer.
I know this argument sounds crazy, because it is crazy. That is because we lost the argument when the baby inside the womb became the exclusive property of any woman, or child, old enough to bear another human being.
That human being is either her property, or her slave, or a non human.
Once one admits that it is wrong to kill a baby in the womb for one reason, then it is wrong for every reason. The Pro-aborts "know" this.
I think it then becomes a matter of the proper penalty for the particular reason for the abortion. That is why I would be for the type of incrementalism that outlaws all abortion and has a small fine for cases of rape.
I don't think that is totally right or just, but at least the principle and law, would be established. A baby inside a mother's womb is not her property, and to end her life, falls under the commandment of Thou shalt not Murder {life}, and not Thou shalt not Steal {Property}. The Bible then ascribes different penalties, or allowances for pre-meditated murder, manslaughter, and self defense. It also ascribes different penalties, and rights, for the taking, and protecting, of personal property.
I "think" we can err on the penalty side of the command as long as we do not err on the command itself. "Thou shalt not murder." That is why we have judges. Moses judged the hardest cases, and the other judges the lesser ones.
Aborting the baby of a rapist because the mother "wants to", is murder. Any law that states that it is legal for her to do so, is unjust and makes its society, either a willing or unwilling accomplice to murder, by condoning it, in its laws.