ApologeticJedi said:
1) Is it wrong, in trying to save some babies to say about others “but you may kill those” in your law?
Yes. Irrelevant, however, since the topic of the thread is "Colorado Right to Life Criticizes Operation Rescue," and nobody in OR or the pro-lifers in South Dakota "say" that "you may kill" anyone. They have already tried to pass a law banning all abortions in all cases, saying "you may not kill anyone" including cases of rape and incest, but they were out-gunned. They are still saying "it is wrong to kill anyone." Ask the pro-abortion forces if the South Dakota pro-lifers are saying that it's OK to kill some people. The pro-abortion people will admit that the pro-lifers are trying to ban abortion in all cases, and that's why the pro-abortion people are against passing a law against all abortions except rape and incest, because they know that rape and incest are next on the list.
ApologeticJedi said:
2) If a law states explicitly that abortions in cases of rape and incest SHALL BE LEGAL isn’t that wrong? Even if it is only confirming the status quo?
Yes, that law is wrong, because it fails to abide by God's standards, yet it is also wrong to not vote for it, because not voting for it is more wrong than the law itself. The law allows 1 baby to be murdered every four years, but not voting for that law allows nearly 900 babies to be murdered every year. So yes, the law is wrong, but not voting for it is more wrong.
ApologeticJedi said:
3) Would a law ever be valid that states that you can kill the innocent – contrary to God’s law?
I guess that depends on what you mean by "can." Obviously anyone CAN kill an innocent person. The South Dakota bill says killing an innocent baby is a felony:
HB 1293 said:
Section 1. The people of the State of South Dakota find:
(1) That all induced abortions, whether surgically or chemically induced, terminate the life of an entire, unique, living human being, a human being separate from his or her mother, as a matter of scientific and biological fact;
Passage of this bill will unquestionably and undeniably prevent the murder of hundreds of babies every year. Voting against such a bill would be wrong, in my opinion.
ApologeticJedi said:
4) Does the fact that it is already legal make a difference? If you say so, please be kind enough to put your reasoning why that makes it okay to add your voice to declare it legal?
This bill makes 99% of all abortions illegal. Voting against this bill is saying that these abortions should remain legal.
ApologeticJedi said:
5) Is it ever right to state to the unbelieving world that God’s law on murder can be compromised and over-ruled by stating that “yes, it is legal to abort a baby whose father is a rapist, we’ll give you that”?
Nobody is saying that. What Operation Rescue is saying is, "We do not have the political power to make illegal the aborting of a baby whose father is a rapist. We will therefore do what we can, which is make all other abortions illegal." Opposing Operation Rescue is voting to keep 99% of all abortions legal, instead of making them illegal. This is wrong, in my opinion.
ApologeticJedi said:
That you constantly run from these questions and try to word your answers in a light that fails to notice that this law gives its seal of approval on some abortions shows your bias against any discussion on the topic. It shows that you are intellectually dishonest on this topic.
Both of us are wording our answers in a certain light. That doesn't make either of us "intellectually dishonest" unless we are distorting the views of our opponents. In my opinion, saying that South Dakota pro-lifers "put their seal of approval" on some abortions or seek to "over-rule" God's law is distorting their views and is slanderous.
ApologeticJedi said:
The Gypsy Example
If the law you tried to pass said, “You can kill a Jew only if you do A, B, C, and D ... but if it is a gypsy you cannot kill them” that would be comparable to a law that states “abortion shall be illegal except [in cases of rape and incest]”. And such a law would be evil, and you would rightly be tried at Nuremberg for declaring that someone can kill a Jew.
In South Dakota it is already legal to kill thousands of Jews and 1 gypsy every four years (where the gypsy represents the rape/incest abortion and the Jews represent all other abortions). The SD bill makes it illegal to kill the Jews, but does not make it illegal to kill a gypsy. If you vote against that bill you're saying it's OK to continue killing Jews and gypsies, at least for now.
ApologeticJedi said:
You seem to want me to believe you are too dim-witted to tell the difference between trying to stop some from being killed, though not all, and from saying, "go ahead and kill these, but not these".
Nobody is saying "go ahead." What they are saying is, "We don't have the political power to prevent that one last abortion, at least not right now, so we're going to ban 99% of all abortions now, and we'll work on prohibiting the one final abortion as soon as we can."
ApologeticJedi said:
One is heroic, the other is putting blood on your hands.
And the blood of 99% of all abortions is not on YOUR hands for voting AGAINST a law that would prevent them? Why am I "intellectually dishonest" and you're not?
ApologeticJedi said:
For rape, the law states provisions A through F, that if they are done, the law gives it's permission to kill the child. That's what you are supporting?
I'm not sure what you're referring to by the term "provisions A through F."
The bill is here. I see "Sections" 1-17.
ApologeticJedi said:
You support the idea that we should be telling people that if you do A through F, then you are good to go with killing the child?
Your phrase "good to go" is about #23 in series of words and phrases which in no way legitimately characterize the sponsors of this bill, which is universally acknowledged to be an "anti-abortion" bill.
ApologeticJedi said:
Of course you don't support that IN WORD - so then why draft a law that says that and support it in DEEDS?
This bill criminalizes 99% of all abortions. Pass this bill and save hundreds of lives. Oppose this law and let them be murdered.
ApologeticJedi said:
And then you act like you don't know why the unbelieving world declares you a hypocrite .. it's because you are!
Nobody has declared me to be a hypocrite. One what grounds would they? Fill in the blank: "You are a hypocrite because you say __________ but you do __________."
ApologeticJedi said:
As far as incest, you have to satisfy criteria A through H, but still, if you meet all the requirements, you support saying to people ... and then you can kill the baby. Truly a world gone wrong!
The people of South Dakota are right now already being told that they can kill nearly 1000 babies a year. This bill says they cannot legally kill 99% of them, and with the exception of you and a handfull of others on this Board, everyone recognizes that the sponsors of this bill want to criminalize all of them, and will keep trying. If I vote against this bill I'm keeping these abortions legal. Why would I want to do that?
ApologeticJedi said:
That they tried to stop all abortions prior, doesn’t somehow bless their actions now. If someone said, hey I tried getting the Germans to stop killing Jews, so now I’m cleared in passing a law that authorized their killing, we would think that person is an idiot. And likely he would have been one of the many we tried and convicted.
What you're saying is inaccurate. They tried to pass a law that prevented the killing of 100% of all babies, but they couldn't get the law passed, so now they're trying to pass a law which prohibits the murder of 99% of all babies. And you're blaming the sponsors of this bill rather than those who voted against the previous bill? Don't you think that's twisted?
ApologeticJedi said:
I think you’re just another someone who got caught up in the excitement of passing a law, and never considered the issues of right and wrong in doing it.
The sponsors of this anti-abortion law "never considered the issues of right and wrong in doing it"?? This borders on the insane, Jedi. Why do you think they've worked so hard to try to ban abortions? You don't think they've ever considered the morality of abortions? C'mon Jedi, be sensible. They are as passionately against abortion as you are, and for the same reasons. I think you're going to have to answer to God for unwarranted and uncharitable characterizations of your brothers and sisters in Christ.
ApologeticJedi said:
You may not have intended to, but you are going against God's law.
Where does God's Law prohibit me from supporting the criminalization 99% of all abortions? Be specific. Quote the chapter and verse.
ApologeticJedi said:
Jesus was right when he said about you... "Go and listen to what the SD Pro-Life leaders say, just don't follow them in what they do. For they SAY it's wrong to kill a baby born to rape, but they ACT by drafting laws permitting such." (Matt 23:1-3)
That verse would fit if abortions were ILLEGAL and SD pro-lifers voted for laws making them legal. They drafted laws
prohibiting abortion in cases of rape and incest, not permitting them. They do not have the political power to pass such laws. But they do have the political power (maybe) to pass a law criminalizing 99% of all abortions, saving hundreds of babies a year. And you're against that??
ApologeticJedi said:
You don’t have the authority to say it is legal to kill some babies. You don’t have that authority.
It is the U.S. Supreme Court that is saying that. South Dakota pro-lifers agree with you that they do not have the moral authority to overrule God's Law. But the Supreme Court does have the political authority to overrule a consistent pro-life law. There is now a slim possibility that they
might not use that political power to overrule a law that bans all abortions except rape and incest cases. SD pro-lifers say we should take advantage of that opportunity by making 99% of all abortions
illegal. You say we should vote against that law, and leave 99% of all abortions
legal. I can't figure out why.
ApologeticJedi said:
Does this law bless some abortions
You say “No” because of a few reasons
1) that they tried to ban all abortions previously.
But that’s only a good argument for the PREVIOUS law. That doesn’t say anything about the current law. Can you admit that Hillary Clinton proposing one good law, doesn’t automatically excuse her next law?
Jedi, I think you're being wierd in saying that SD Pro-lifers are "blessing" abortions in rape cases. They have made their beliefs clear. What motivates you to say that they "bless" abortions when they clearly oppose them, and are working hard to prohibit them?
ApologeticJedi said:
2) that they mean well.
Good grief, how many lives have been lost on good intension.
Jedi, whatever your good intentions are, they will cause hundreds of babies to be MURDERED. My good intentions will SAVE those babies by making those murders illegal. The body bags are YOUR responsibility!!
ApologeticJedi said:
I say yes it condones some abortions. Because the law states that you can have an abortion if you do A,B,C,D,E, and F. At that point then, HB 1293 declares your abortion valid and legal thus spitting in the face of God.
I have a chance to save hundreds of babies by voting for this bill, and you say that keeping the murder of these babies legal is not spitting in the face of God?
I understand that you believe this bill is not as "perfect" as a bill that would ban all abortions. But a "perfect" bill that can't be enacted into law is utterly and totally useless. If an imperfect bill that can save the lives of hundreds of babies can be enacted into law, can you not see how a sincere Christian brother can conclude that the imperfect law is better than a perfect dream, and the saving of lives of others is better than abstract personal purity?